
Coronavirus - the new strain XII

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I guess it becomes less efficient as the fraction of positives increases though...
Yes, the number of tests needed starts to approach the number of individuals as infection rate goes up. The mathematicians have factored that in, being mathematically rather skilled as is their wont. At present the infection rate is<1% so low numbers of tests will cover it off.
I can’t, but that’s a different point. My point is that laisser faire isn’t working and there’s a gap to be filled by a political party who is prepared to go the authoritarian route. Which is the lesser of the two evils? I need time to think about that one.

please spell it out.

Never! What on earth would make you think that I would do such a thing? Just because I’m disillusioned with the party political left (on the basis of my contact through this forum mainly) doesn’t make me enamoured with the party political right.
I thought you’d copped to it!

Anyway, there’s obviously a range of options between laissez faire and police state, including a half-arsed combination of both, which is what we’ve actually had: selective authoritarianism (poor and black areas), selective economic and social restrictions (some areas have been more or less in lockdown for months), all of it ineffective because directionless, piecemeal, reactive, indifferent to scientific evidence and advice, incompetent, compromised by grift and clientelism, and lacking the key piece of the puzzle, which is proper economic support for those who need it. So, let’s try the opposite of all that before trying our hands at the police state thing.
I saw this a few months ago but didn't look into it any further
That's the one. You can start playing games with probability too, such that say reducing testing by a further X% would still narrow it down to pairs of patients that you can then test again if needed. This has a cost saving of Y at the expense of taking one unaffected individual out of circulation for another test cycle. Maybe this is a price worth paying. The difficulty of course is that this approach needs very reliable testing. One dud result sends the whole group down the garden path.
It’s already been leaked to the press, some form of lockdown ahead.

I can’t see me having a job for too much longer. I just wish they would decide on a strategy & stick to it.

People have been calling for a more targeted solution but this appears to have fallen by the wayside before it’s even begun.

I can’t keep up anymore, evidence of R rate falling in some areas (particularly NE) but we just carry on with more measures?

I don’t share your delight ahead of another lockdown, sorry.

Feeling your pain. I’m slowly watching my career and income dwindling away too. There’s a little light at the end of the tunnel in that I’ve been headhunted for something else, but it’s much further away, and I still have to convince someone I’m the right person. I can’t see what I’m doing now being able to continue. I’ve already lost loads of work due to theatres and productions not being able to work. There doesn’t seem to be an end, and whilst the financially secure and retired can pull up the drawbridge to the rest of the world, for those of us nearly fifty with mortgages like millstones it’s becoming a nightmare. No-one will want an extremely expensive fifty year old when you can have a cheap straight out of university graduate with half the on costs. Especially in these times.
Take care.
Feeling your pain. I’m slowly watching my career and income dwindling away too. There’s a little light at the end of the tunnel in that I’ve been headhunted for something else, but it’s much further away, and I still have to convince someone I’m the right person. I can’t see what I’m doing now being able to continue. I’ve already lost loads of work due to theatres and productions not being able to work. There doesn’t seem to be an end, and whilst the financially secure and retired can pull up the drawbridge to the rest of the world, for those of us nearly fifty with mortgages like millstones it’s becoming a nightmare. No-one will want an extremely expensive fifty year old when you can have a cheap straight out of university graduate with half the on costs. Especially in these times.
Take care.
Keep optimistic.I was in the same boat some months ago but managed to navigate myself through to opportunities. I see my life and career differently now. My best wishes for your future.
There are bleak times ahead for sure
However, I was born in 1953 when rationing was still in force. We're not there yet but even so the country got through it. Although what people now would make of only being allocated 1oz of cheese a week for instance I dread to think (some can't bear the thought of not going to Spain for a couple of weeks
Unfortunately a lockdown won’t work because not enough people will observe it. In any case, it doesn’t matter how long it lasts, once it ends, the jack in a box will leap out again. Behavioural change is our only real option, whether that be voluntary or by more persuasive options.

Well not everyone can observe it, when their job requires them to be out and about all over the country. As you say it's pointless anyway as it has to end at some point, in which case we'll just be back here again in the future.
. No-one will want an extremely expensive fifty year old when you can have a cheap straight out of university graduate with half the on costs. Especially in these times.
Take care.
Yes they will. If you can make it happen when others can't, you are worth the money. In my work the well meaning 20-somethings were getting mauled and bullied by the hairy arsed managers. I came in and the hairy arsed managers took a beating or two so they no longer try it on. They can be pleasant with my young colleagues or they can have a different conversation with me. I'm not senior to them, but that's not important. We have since solved a couple of problems and are working on some more now that there is a bit more cooperation. I couldn't have made this happen in my 20s, few can. I'm sure that you have similar skills, find someone who needs them and sell it.
Yes they will. If you can make it happen when others can't, you are worth the money. In my work the well meaning 20-somethings were getting mauled and bullied by the hairy arsed managers. I came in and the hairy arsed managers took a beating or two so they no longer try it on. They can be pleasant with my young colleagues or they can have a different conversation with me. I'm not senior to them, but that's not important. We have since solved a couple of problems and are working on some more now that there is a bit more cooperation. I couldn't have made this happen in my 20s, few can. I'm sure that you have similar skills, find someone who needs them and sell it.

Sorry, couldn't resist. ;)
Hard or not, the social worker approach didn't seem to work on bullies in a factory in Barnsley. There's a thing. Who knew?
Unfortunately it's a double bind. Any effective response to the crisis depends on not having a Conservative government. So do we continue to insist on what we know works (stringent measures + financial support, followed by efficient T&T to stay on top of things) or do we factor government incompetence into our demands? I still favour the first approach because anything else feels like giving up (which would suit Boris Johnson and his chums perfectly).
T&T cannot work when the numbers are so high, this was highlighted at the start & has come to pass. Capacity is irrelevant if people cannot be traced & then obey the edicts when they are. Anyway the plans have been leaked. Schools stay open all non essential shops, pubs & restaurants to close. Economy completely ruined for the foreseeable
If people won't stop acting unsafely then unfortunately the places where they've been acting unsafely will have to be closed otherwise they’ll be acting unsafely in hospital.
If people won't stop acting unsafely then unfortunately the places where they've been acting unsafely will have to be closed otherwise they’ll be acting unsafely in hospital.

Good luck with that one. With all the money the government wasted on the furlough scheme (apparently 3.5bn went missing through fraud) they could have built some more hospitals and the ones we have now wouldn’t be so full. Care homes should also have been financially bolstered. Fit and healthy people should be at work, earning money or completing education.
Good luck with that one. With all the money the government wasted on the furlough scheme (apparently 3.5bn went missing through fraud) they could have built some more hospitals and the ones we have now wouldn’t be so full.
Where do you magic the doctors & nurses to staff hospitals? No easy answers
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