
Brexit: give me a positive effect... V

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@eternumviti - I think the deadlock has been due the the UK’s inability to reach an agreement on any part of the deal. The kind of sequencing used here is commonplace in big negotiations: without it, both parties would be tempted to revisit earlier sections over and over, which would eventually unravel any hope of a deal. It’s a measure to encourage good-faith negotiating, and the principle was accepted by both sides. On the WA itself, I don’t understand how a parliament that rejected May’s version three times would so enthusiastically accept Johnson’s more supine revision, one which only removed the threat of the backstop by unilaterally implementing it from Day 1. I’m cynical enough to believe that, as often with the Tories, it was never about the deal, and more about being seen to side with the “winners” in the hope of personal advancement, and the stories of Johnson reassuring MPs that he was intending to renege on the deal has too much of a ring of truth to it to discount…

@Brian - yes, years have been wasted on Brexit: you can see that in the decline of the UK since 2016: everything in UK politics has been polarised into Remainers and Leavers, preventing anything that might benefit all British people. Certain vested interests like this, and encourage it. After all, internal division weakens a nation, and the more time spent on Brexit, the less there is to look into what certain other countries are getting up to. And for the record, I think it’s grossly unfair to characterise Leavers as racists just because the statistically small number of racist shits in the UK were fervent in their support for it.

And you’re right again to lay the blame for this shit-show started at Cameron’s door: not for calling the vote, but for running away from the fire he started when the results came in (a show we see again, with higher production values, in the Johnson era). The whole thing shows up the lack of ability and attention to detail in the Conservative Party, and how far distanced it has become from the country it is supposed to govern.

I’m Irish, so in my life I’ve seen any number of attitudes here in Ireland toward our bigger, richer, neighbour: hatred, envy, grudging admiration, even friendship when we think you’re not listening. I’d never have put “pity” in that list, but in the last year or so, it has crept into a lot of the commentary and a lot of people’s conversations: that a country can be so badly run against the best interests of its population is a crying shame. Only Trump’s USA has fallen further.
I agree.

The next GE is 2024. What is it you want exactly?

A DeLorean?

I think the deadlock has been due the the UK’s inability to reach an agreement on any part of the deal.

Or perhaps not being able to accept that a free Free Trade Deal (AKA cake'n'eat it) is only available to members of the EU...
Ok, virtually meaningless. A poll does not represent the entire population, it’s where hard remainers have gone wrong since the referendum, they seem to believe it does, probably because it supports their need to label people with something such as ‘racist’ and ‘xenophobe’. Your last sentence pretty much makes my argument.

Brian. Do you remember the post you made at the beginning of that midlife crisis thread? The one where you stated that you've always been a cheerful type?

Well, I can assure you that your wife wasn't the only one to laugh out loud at that post. Maybe it's worth taking a step back to think about why.
The link works for me but here's the gist:
Liam Fox's says PM's threat to break international law has not helped his campaign to be next head of WTO
Thanks Drood. I’m reaching for the IDS cut onion as we speak. Fox’s CV will speak for itself without assistance from Boris. He has after all been sacked for misconduct in public office.
Personally, I think neither side is negotiating in good faith. Even if the EU wants to negotiate in good faith now it is probably too late. The EU and May tried to disguise remain as leave but it was never going to get through. Instead of the relatively soft brexit we could have had we are where we are now thanks to 4 wasted years trying to overturn the referendum.

Of course fielding a negotiating team of half wits like David Davies had nothing to do with it.
Brian. Do you remember the post you made at the beginning of that midlife crisis thread? The one where you stated that you've always been a cheerful type?

Well, I can assure you that your wife wasn't the only one to laugh out loud at that post. Maybe it's worth taking a step back to think about why.
I'm taking a step back and wondering why you decided to write that post.

Of course fielding a negotiating team of half wits like David Davies had nothing to do with it.
I have no idea if he's a half wit or not. You know him, then?
I'm taking a step back and wondering why you decided to write that post.

Quite simply because you frequently come across as the very antithesis of the cheerful type. You have said recently that you would like a more civilised, harmonious debate. Well, some of your posts don't help in that regard.
I have no idea if he's a half wit or not. You know him, then?

I know of him and by the things he has said and done and saying he is a bit dim is not exactly controversial, I would have thought that you would at least know something about your fellow Brexit travellers.
Quite simply because you frequently come across as the very antithesis of the cheerful type. You have said recently that you would like a more civilised, harmonious debate. Well, some of your posts don't help in that regard.
Any particular post in mind from today that prompted this personal judgement of me? I mean, I could be critical of you but I don’t know you.
'A Farage in every country': Barnier warns of existential threat to EU. With the EU being of such great benefit to members why should he worry?
'A Farage in every country': Barnier warns of existential threat to EU. With the EU being of such great benefit to members why should he worry?

Just look what a reptile like Farage has achieved. One doesn't have to look very hard to find his type.

When you put Brexit to bed for the night what are your views on the mask protesters in every country in Europe? Do we have anything to worry about surely not given the advice re wearing masks is well reasoned and sensible??

Have to say it is mildly irritating dealing with adult children but I suppose one must do ones good deed for the day.
'A Farage in every country': Barnier warns of existential threat to EU. With the EU being of such great benefit to members why should he worry?
Because Farage has constantly misrepresented the balance of benefits, for his own personal agenda and advancement. So if every EU country has something similar, then the EU could fail due to the gullible being led by the unscrupulous, as has happened here. This is not the same as meaning that the EU deserves to fail, or that things would be better if it did. Your own posts on here often suggest that by disconnecting from the EU we have dodged a bullet. But that’s predicated on the subsequent chaotic collapse of the EU. Are you hoping for that, to prove you were right all along? Despicable to wish that on so many millions, if so.
Because Farage has constantly misrepresented the balance of benefits, for his own personal agenda and advancement. So if every EU country has something similar, then the EU could fail due to the gullible being led by the unscrupulous, as has happened here. This is not the same as meaning that the EU deserves to fail, or that things would be better if it did. Your own posts on here often suggest that by disconnecting from the EU we have dodged a bullet. But that’s predicated on the subsequent chaotic collapse of the EU. Are you hoping for that, to prove you were right all along? Despicable to wish that on so many millions, if so.
There is a difference between saying that more Europe will lead to more discontent and chaotic collapse of the EU and wishing for it to happen. With a bit of luck there will be social reform as agreed at the latest mff and virus grants/loans meetings, but don't hold your breath. It is likely that the virus and recession will be used as a lever for more Europe as opposed to tackling the discontent of the frugal countries who are complaining they are taking on more debt for no benefit.
I know of him and by the things he has said and done and saying he is a bit dim is not exactly controversial, I would have thought that you would at least know something about your fellow Brexit travellers.
fellow brexit travellers? That’s everyone everyone in the UK. You must be an advisor to DD.

No diversion, Colin. Just to say yet again that how I voted in the referendum is not something I have mentioned on an internet forum.
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