
Brexit: give me a positive effect... V

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Colin B,

Define frugal countries and why they are being taken advantage of by the (by definition) non-frugal (wastrel? poorer? less-developed?) countries.

Do you understand the basic principles of the EU and the adjustment mechanisms that are supposed to correct structural imbalances? it doesn’t seem like you do.
The deadlock is the GFA, how is that EU designed?

And what do you call BoJo's and by extension the UK's action of tearing up of the WA, which The Clown co-drafted and signed (AKA "Fantastic Moment")?

He thinks he is bulls4itting his way through a PPE degree.
Colin B,

Define frugal countries and why they are being taken advantage of by the (by definition) non-frugal (wastrel? poorer? less-developed?) countries.

Do you? it doesn’t seem like you do.
It was no secret at the latest mff and virus grants/loans meetings that the frugal 4 (The Netherlands, Denmark, Austria and Sweden) were unhappy at taking on joint debt for very little benefit. The loans were only agreed on condition of social spending reforms.
It looks like i am not alone in not understanding the basic principles of the EU and the adjustment mechanisms that are supposed to correct structural imbalances.
It was no secret at the latest mff and virus grants/loans meetings that the frugal 4 (The Netherlands, Denmark, Austria and Sweden) were unhappy at taking on joint debt for very little benefit. The loans were only agreed on condition of social spending reforms.
It looks like i am not alone in not understanding the basic principles of the EU and the adjustment mechanisms that are supposed to correct structural imbalances.

That would be similar to the Brexit debate in parliament. It is a shocking discovery you have made that people have different view points in a democracy. Funny though you thought it was treachery and mischief making when remain MP's fought their corner as best they could given the numbers stacked against them.

Your deliverance day is getting ever closer. Be careful with that CS pension I could see it being under attack when things go txts up next year. They will have to make sacrifices somewhere to cover the hole. No doubt you will gladly take the pain to save de country from having to borrow more money.
You give a :rolleyes: to that comment, but it’s a pithy summary of how many of us feel about where we find ourselves. It’s like being on board a runaway train. No control whatever, and a likely disaster looming ever closer. Some of our fellow passengers are up for it, but they seem not to understand what could happen. I think your :rolleyes: is trivialising some deep, genuine and entirely justified concerns.
Newsnight: ‘confidence in Johnson’s premiership is ebbing away within the Party’. What are the odds on ‘medical retirement’ for the idler?
Newsnight: ‘confidence in Johnson’s premiership is ebbing away within the Party’. What are the odds on ‘medical retirement’ for the idler?

The stage has been 'In Build' for a while; he could be diagnosed with "Long Covid" and the reins handed over to Dishi Sunak.


Who knows with this shower of shyte?
You give a :rolleyes: to that comment, but it’s a pithy summary of how many of us feel about where we find ourselves. It’s like being on board a runaway train. No control whatever, and a likely disaster looming ever closer. Some of our fellow passengers are up for it, but they seem not to understand what could happen. I think your :rolleyes: is trivialising some deep, genuine and entirely justified concerns.
The :rolleyes: was obviously for the “fellow brexit travellers” comment, though I expect nothing less from this russel character, those supporting his nonsense and those who ‘like’ your little telling off there. It’s normal behaviour for remainers on this forum.

A perfect example of what I was talking about earlier Brian.
Not at all, as explained above.

Where is the one (or possibly many) that offended you earlier causing you to get personal?
That would be similar to the Brexit debate in parliament. It is a shocking discovery you have made that people have different view points in a democracy. Funny though you thought it was treachery and mischief making when remain MP's fought their corner as best they could given the numbers stacked against them.

Your deliverance day is getting ever closer. Be careful with that CS pension I could see it being under attack when things go txts up next year. They will have to make sacrifices somewhere to cover the hole. No doubt you will gladly take the pain to save de country from having to borrow more money.
The boss may not always be right but he is always the boss. The same applies to MPs and if they fail to represent the views of the electorate they could well be replaced by someone who will.
A few of my Swedish and German friends have been exposed to the intricacies of the UK’s political system because of Brexit.

They hadn’t realised how the FPTP system bestows absolute power to a party on a small minority of the vote. I did point out that both political parties have benefitted though.

They pointed out that because you have no idea which parties will be in government in their systems, there is more collaborative efforts to reach consensus and less absolute divide.

I really hope we are moving towards a proper proportional system. It’ll only come from Labour though. If we see Scotland and NI secede, we are in for perpetual Tory majority rule.

A few of my Swedish and German friends have been exposed to the intricacies of the UK’s political system because of Brexit.

They hadn’t realised how the FPTP system bestows absolute power to a party on a small minority of the vote. I did point out that both political parties have benefitted though.

They pointed out that because you have no idea which parties will be in government in their systems, there is more collaborative efforts to reach consensus and less absolute divide. I really hope we are moving towards a proper proportional system. It’ll only come from Labour though. If we see Scotland and NI secede, we are in for perpetual Tory majority rule.


How would you build in the necessary protections against a minority party getting a disproportionate amount of influence? I say that as someone who has never been happy with FPTP. But only recently, that influence would have been a Fascist party leader.
What tends to happen is that the extreme parties must moderate themselves if they want to enter coalition. Their views are exposed and subject to real world outcomes.

In the U.K.extreme views are suppressed and unrepresented. It’s been like a pressure cooker. Farage took this suppressed anger and ran with it. The party in Government are now, in effect, an extreme party. There’s a lot to criticise the Lib Dem’s for, but it’s become obvious how they did moderate Tory policy.

We have a minority party implementing extreme policies already. The Tories.

if UKIP had had to be a party of Government, they may have understood better the challenges of Government. We’d have Greens in there too.

There is an adversarial frame at the heart of British identity. More collaborative efforts to reach consensus and less absolute divide is something that wishy washy ‘continentals’ do.
We won get over it!
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