
Brexit: give me a positive effect... V

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Good article. I’ve come across people who won’t even take responsibility for voting for Brexit but still blame the EU, anti democratic remoaners, Gina Miller, the Supreme Court, John Bercow etc etc. I wonder if anyone else here has encountered this phenomenon?
Yesterdays people and events, we need to move on.
Good article. I’ve come across people who won’t even take responsibility for voting for Brexit but still blame the EU, anti democratic remoaners, Gina Miller, the Supreme Court, John Bercow etc etc. I wonder if anyone else here has encountered this phenomenon?
On the contrary, it's stupid but is bound to appeal to certain group. Who is the author of the article? Who is this "Davywavy" person? Like yourself, he must know some really dumb people.

Of course people who voted to leave the EU have some responsibility for it, I've never come across anyone who says the opposite, though this is not a topic of conversation among people I know. Do you have examples of such people? Are there are lot of them, or just a couple out of 17.2m? Personally, I think it is a disgrace Bercow hasn't been given the usual Knighthood for his position. He's far more deserving than various mates of Johnson and Labour rebels, he did something to try to stop the tories rather than the fools I've come across who helped enable the tories win successive GE's, then complain about what the govt is doing.

What do you think of the fact 4.5 years of stagnation in the UK is the responsibility of the "moaning minnies" (quite like that from the "good" article) pursuing their aim of ignoring the outcome of a democratic referendum because the result didn't go their way? I've come across people in business crying out for 4.5 years for the UK to move on from the uncertainty that is like a great anchor weighing them down. I'm sure you've heard such people too. Quite a disgrace really. What should have happened in June 2016 the morning after the result of the referendum was an acceptance of democracy, everyone pulling together and working towards leaving the EU. I reckon I've come across people for whom that idea has never entered their head.
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What should have happened in June 2016 the morning after the result of the referendum was an acceptance of democracy, everyone pulling together and working towards leaving the EU. I reckon I've come across people for whom that idea has never entered their head.

We had a referendum in 1975, with a very clear result. That didn't stop the leavers, with people like Redwood, banging on for years, gradually gathering more of the repulsive crowd that we know, adding in an inventive journalist who found it more fun to tell tall tales rather than do any hard work, attracting spivs who knew how to make a fast buck and the spinners of right wing tropes, conning a public left bereft by the way Thatcher closed down industries across the North and the Midlands and then hammered again by the political choices made post 2010 to right a crisis caused by more spivs in the banks. That was all good respect of democracy, wasn't it ?
What should have happened in June 2016 the morning after the result of the referendum was an acceptance of democracy, everyone pulling together and working towards leaving the EU.


It's been 4 years now and Brexiteers still cannot agree on what Brexit means...
We had a referendum in 1975, with a very clear result. That didn't stop the leavers, with people like Redwood, banging on for years, gradually gathering more of the repulsive crowd that we know, adding in an inventive journalist who found it more fun to tell tall tales rather than do any hard work, attracting spivs who knew how to make a fast buck and the spinners of right wing tropes, conning a public left bereft by the way Thatcher closed down industries across the North and the Midlands and then hammered again by the political choices made post 2010 to right a crisis caused by more spivs in the banks. That was all good respect of democracy, wasn't it ?
If you really can’t see the difference in behaviour of people due to an event in 1975 compared to 2016 there is nothing to say.
If you really can’t see the difference in behaviour of people due to an event in 1975 compared to 2016 there is nothing to say.
No, he’s comparing events in the few years following 1975 with events in the few years following 2016. Quite a valid comparison, I believe. If you really can’t see the validity etc. etc.
It's been 4 years now and Brexiteers still cannot agree on what Brexit means...
Bercow was a very sound Speaker. Why are you posting a picture of him?

What does your sentence at the end mean?

Brexit happened quite some time ago, so what’s next?

Gawd! Another meaningless Ashcroft poll. It’s well established how individuals have different ideas on different things, some individuals are even inconsistent in their views on similar things. For example, you criticise leave supporters for voting to make the UK poorer, yet vote to make Scotland poorer.
No, he’s comparing events in the few years following 1975 with events in the few years following 2016. Quite a valid comparison, I believe. If you really can’t see the validity etc. etc.

Yes, I know and that’s exactly what I replied to. :rolleyes: I didn’t say making the comparison is not a valid thing to do, what I said is quite clear. If you can’t understand that etc. etc.
Bercow was a very sound Speaker. Why are you posting a picture of him?

What does your sentence at the end mean?

Gawd! Another meaningless Ashcroft poll. It’s well established how individuals have different ideas on different things, some individuals are even inconsistent in their views on similar things. For example, you criticise leave supporters cor voting to make the UK poorer, yet vote to make Scotland poorer.
I’m surprised that the [ ? ] button on your device has held out this long Brian. Sealioning and genuine non-comprehension can take a heavy toll.
Bercow was a very sound Speaker. Why are you posting a picture of him?

What does your sentence at the end mean?

Gawd! Another meaningless Ashcroft poll. It’s well established how individuals have different ideas on different things, some individuals are even inconsistent in their views on similar things. For example, you criticise leave supporters cor voting to make the UK poorer, yet vote to make Scotland poorer.

The poll is not meaningless at all. On the contrary it explains why many people voted for Brexit all too well. The same repugnant motivations as Trump voters.
The poll is not meaningless at all. On the contrary it explains why many people voted for Brexit all too well. The same repugnant motivations as Trump voters.
Ok, virtually meaningless. A poll does not represent the entire population, it’s where hard remainers have gone wrong since the referendum, they seem to believe it does, probably because it supports their need to label people with something such as ‘racist’ and ‘xenophobe’. Your last sentence pretty much makes my argument.
Ok, virtually meaningless. A poll does not represent the entire population, it’s where hard remainers have gone wrong since the referendum, they seem to believe it does, probably because it supports their need to label people with something such as ‘racist’ and ‘xenophobe’. Your last sentence pretty much makes my argument.

Nor do the 17.4 million who voted leave.
Bercow was a very sound Speaker. Why are you posting a picture of him?

Like him I am trying to listen for a sensible, non-destructive deal but the cacophony of Brexiteers vocalising undeliverable promises and gratuitous accusations is deafening...
Nor do the 17.4 million who veoted leave.
That’s the system.

I don’t like the fact the tories are in govt but the morning after the general election they got to form a govt because that’s the system, it wasn’t a case of <insert your party of preference> forming a govt regardless because that’s what I would prefer.
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