
A thread to catalogue the eloquence, dignity, diplomacy and wisdom of Boris Johnson III

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Britain is now a nakedly corrupt country.

From the billions laundered in London property through to the billions stolen under the pretence of Covid.

Was a bit better hidden before Johnson.

He will likely use the Ukraine war as an opportunity to distract attention and nothing will happen to him.
I look forward to what Ian Blackford has to say at PMQs tomorrow!

There on easter break at the moment so it'll have to wait till next week, and don't forget the tory faithful would follow a turd held aloft on a stick as they sacrifice their first born if it enabled them to hold onto power
I suspect the upshot of this is we end up with Prime Minister Truss by accident because none of her work colleagues liked her enough to invite her to the parties.

Smart move for Rushi is to resign and do the PM in waiting on the backbenches thing.

It was funny to see an outraged Rishi blaming a labour supporter for the tax leak, when it was obviously the leaks are coming from Downing Street.

I think it is time they settled their scores with flailing fisticuffs or however they settle scores in school playgrounds.
Boris will be out of the country, probably visiting front line NATO states in the Baltic unannounced ( his permanent Secretary will be on the blower now to heads of state). Dim-Dom will be left to face the opposition on his behalf. Dimwit Nadene will have tabled an @rse licking rhetorical question.
That about the predictable size of it.
Starmer and Labour being slated here again.

He won’t, but Johnson could resign and call a GE and it will make no difference to some people, they will still eagerly vote to help the tories back in for another blast in the trough and another piss-take of the electorate. After all, whatever Labour is for it’s definitely not for voting to remove the tories from govt.

Is this those tory enablers again? pesky varmints.
There on easter break at the moment so it'll have to wait till next week, and don't forget the tory faithful would follow a turd held aloft on a stick as they sacrifice their first born if it enabled them to hold onto power

I live in a ( virtually 100% ) Tory stronghold.
If that’s not bad enough, Cameron was our MP once.

I recall someone saying if they put up a rat with a Tory rosette it would win.
Thinking about it, wasn’t Cameron a rat ?
It was funny to see an outraged Rishi blaming a labour supporter for the tax leak, when it was obviously the leaks are coming from Downing Street.

I think it is time they settled their scores with flailing fisticuffs or however they settle scores in school playgrounds.

The timing of the Sunak leak may well indicate it was done to inflict maximum political damage on him ahead of this coming out about Johnson. To stop any chance of Sunak attempting a coup.

And Johnson's Ukraine trip may well have been partly (or even largely) timed to head off criticism over the fine too. Would not surprise me at all.

Downing street is full of grubby, rotten chancers.
The timing of the Sunak leak may well indicate it was done to inflict maximum political damage on him ahead of this coming out about Johnson. To stop any chance of Sunak attempting a coup.

And Johnson's Ukraine trip may well have been partly (or even largely) timed to head off criticism over the fine too. Would not surprise me at all.

Downing street is full of grubby, rotten chancers.
I have no doubt the Ukraine stunt was precisely for that reason. Boris missing from the Commons tomorrow, sweating Raaab, starved horse teeth chattering at the despatch box while Boris is shown how to drive a tank down at Salisbury all day. Carrie will be busy putting a washing on and can’t come to the door.
The vile, vile tone deaf periwigged Fabricant is out and about-

“Having said that, I don’t think that at any time [Johnson] thought that he was breaking the law. I think that at the time he thought, just like many teachers and nurses who after a very, very long shift would tend to go back to the staff room and have a quiet drink - which is more or less what he has done - but I don’t think he thought he was breaking the law. But of course that doesn’t make any sort of excuse”.
Fabricant had me thinking my colour settings were way out with that thing sat on his head? its bright yellow isnt it.
Starmer and Labour being slated here again.

He won’t, but Johnson could resign and call a GE and it will make no difference to some people, they will still eagerly vote to help the tories back in for another blast in the trough and another piss-take of the electorate. After all, whatever Labour is for it’s definitely not for voting to remove the tories from govt.
Johnson cannot "call a GE". Fixed term Parliament Act still in force.
Johnson cannot "call a GE". Fixed term Parliament Act still in force.

And as we have seen, not least in the 2019 GE which returned the current government, can be overridden at any time of choice by government putting a vote to parliament (as the opposition has always to vote in favour of a GE or be thought pathetic).

FTPA was put in place to shield the government in power, never to get in its way.
So, nurses and doctors actually spent the pandemic getting shit faced just like Boris. JFC.

Fabric*nts defence feels far more lethal for The Criminal than Starmers offence. How I'd love to be have been a fly on the wall in the Save Big Dog operational control room when that steaming great turd landed.
There isn't a shred of decency in Johnson, or the cabinet and wider Tory PP for that matter. So those who attended love ones, or went to funerals that were a shadow of the tributes they should have been, will wait a long time for resignations. He will have to be dragged out.
Whoever draws the short straw for PMQ I hope Starmer asks whether they think Boris partied any harder during the pandemic than doctors & nurses?
So, nurses and doctors actually spent the pandemic getting shit faced just like Boris. JFC.

Fabric*nts defence feels far more lethal for The Criminal than Starmers offence. How I'd love to be have been a fly on the wall in the Save Big Dog operational control room when that steaming great turd landed.
You wonder what Mad Nad is going to come out with in order to stand by her man. She ate an ostrich’s anus on TV for money once after all.
Is this those tory enablers again? pesky varmints.
I’m reminded of nationalists chuffed at taking seats from Labour, which everyone knows helps the tories to a majority, while complaining endlessly about the tories. It’s clearly dumb, but then nationalists aren’t the sharpest. I wouldn’t call them varmints but I have no objection to you doing so.
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