
A thread to catalogue the eloquence, dignity, diplomacy and wisdom of Boris Johnson III

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He's called for Johnson's resignation multiple times most recently at PMQs a couple of weeks ago.
Trouble is that whenever Starmer tries to have a go at the government he always sounds like a 10 year old complaining about having to wear shorts. Just like a little weak whiny noise when he should be bloody roaring.
The other side of the house should unify in a chant of “resign” and stop all government business until these crooked liars do the honourable thing and just GTFO of public life. Just boycott their shit entirely.
There’s a pattern in politics now.
It’s called, ‘Move on.Nothing to see here.’
Do you think Govie’s nostrils will be a flutter with the scent possible fresh meat? Could the nearly man make it this time? Or is that just his usual demeanour?
Starmer and Labour being slated here again.

He won’t, but Johnson could resign and call a GE and it will make no difference to some people, they will still eagerly vote to help the tories back in for another blast in the trough and another piss-take of the electorate. After all, whatever Labour is for it’s definitely not for voting to remove the tories from govt.
Johnson and the Tories will ignore all calls for resignations, it’s what they do. All parliamentary values are out the window with this shower. Fines don’t matter either, if Johnson’s is more than £50 expect a rich Torry doner to step in and pay up.
Remember, we’re not dealing with people who have honesty and values anywhere on their cv’s.
I suspect the upshot of this is we end up with Prime Minister Truss by accident because none of her work colleagues liked her enough to invite her to the parties.

Smart move for Rushi is to resign and do the PM in waiting on the backbenches thing.

Rishi is in no rush.
Trouble is that whenever Starmer tries to have a go at the government he always sounds like a 10 year old complaining about having to wear shorts. Just like a little weak whiny noise when he should be bloody roaring.

It`s his lawyer training - trouble is he did the country solicitor course, not the Rumpole of the Bailey one.
I look forward to what Ian Blackford has to say at PMQs tomorrow!
Boris will be out of the country, probably visiting front line NATO states in the Baltic unannounced ( his permanent Secretary will be on the blower now to heads of state). Dim-Dom will be left to face the opposition on his behalf. Dimwit Nadene will have tabled an @rse licking rhetorical question.
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