
A thread to catalogue the eloquence, dignity, diplomacy and wisdom of Boris Johnson III

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Carefully organised so that the information is released when their is no PMQ to minimise impact. The Met working again to limit damage for Johnson
Yes..does rather smell of this. Noticed that bond bombshell Fabricant moving the blame over to the public. They lied.They we’re caught out.That’s the news.
PMQ’s tomorrow. Police should have left their announcement to give Starmer the morning to sharpen his pen.
Johnson has time to get in a trip to Washington ( and I’m not joking). He’s going to pull the political stunt of his life to get out of this.
The Week In Tory is going to be amazing this week; one convicted for child-rape, another openly trying to defend the one convicted for child-rape, the PM and Chancellor fined by the police for breaking their own laws, both caught on camera/Hansard lying about it in the HoC, and another Tory just gone a few moments ago for dressing-up as a bloody Nazi (Twitter)! It’s only Tuesday!
I’m reminded of nationalists chuffed at taking seats from Labour, which everyone knows helps the tories to a majority, while complaining endlessly about the tories. It’s clearly dumb, but then nationalists aren’t the sharpest. I wouldn’t call them varmints but I have no objection to you doing so.

Amazing interview with Lindsay Jackson of the Covid Bereaved Families For Justice Group just shown on Sky. Really powerful and moving. David Lammy was very good earlier too.

How this lying shithead Johnson can still try and Trump this situation out is beyond me. If he doesn’t go and his party continue to attempt to ring-fence him then I formally declare UK democracy and the rule of law over. It simply doesn’t deserve our respect anymore.
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