
A thread to catalogue the eloquence, dignity, diplomacy and wisdom of Boris Johnson III

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My Boris Johnson story:

I used to manage posh office blocks in the City of London. One day I walk into the reception of one, and dumped on the floor is a beaten up, cheap mountain bike. The kind impoverished crackheads use to zoom about.

I storm over to the desk, ready to read the riot act to the blameless security guard.

“Oh that” he replies, “the mayor walked in and said he had a meeting, and would I look after it, like a good chap”.

So a charmless, entitled, selfish prick even then.
UK politics has jumped the shark! In what world of even a few years ago could a prime minster be found guilty of breaking the law and still be PM 6 hours later? I literally give up with it all as it's just too anger inducing to even contemplate any longer. I just hope karma does its thing and Johnson gets a serious comeuppance in whatever form karma chooses to dispense upon him!
UK politics has jumped the shark! In what world of even a few years ago could a prime minster be found guilty of breaking the law and still be PM 6 hours later? I literally give up with it all as it's just too anger inducing to even contemplate any longer. I just hope karma does its thing and Johnson gets a serious comeuppance in whatever form karma chooses to dispense upon him!

UK politics has jumped the shark!

I suspect the UK has jumped the shark. The government has utter contempt for the rule of law, has zero dignity, honour or integrity, and shows total contempt for the office it holds. The Met is institutionally racist and corrupt, and only went after these lying shisters in Downing St at all as it was facing being sued by the Good Law Project. The whole structure is failing. Trump politics is doing what Trump politics does. Why the hell should anyone else bother with arbitrary Tory laws if the shit at the top view themselves so far above such things? I’d not be at all surprised if there were riots this summer if this shower of immoral lying thieving shit are still in control (and the weather is good, rioting is never fun in the rain!). Johnson and his bent Chancellor need to go now or they fully deserve what comes next.
I suspect the UK has jumped the shark. The government has utter contempt for the rule of law, has zero dignity, honour or integrity, and shows total contempt for the office it holds. The Met is institutionally racist and corrupt, and only went after these lying shisters in Downing St at all as it was facing being sued by the Good Law Project. The whole structure is failing. Trump politics is doing what Trump politics does. Why the hell should anyone else bother with arbitrary Tory laws if the shit at the top view themselves so far above such things? I’d not be at all surprised if there were riots this summer if this shower of immoral lying thieving shit are still in control (and the weather is good, rioting is never fun in the rain!). Johnson and his bent Chancellor need to go now or they fully deserve what comes next.
Mass complacency. The government and the police force. They really just don’t care about ‘ The British People’. Inflation hitting 7%, people tipping into poverty and deeper into poverty, cost of living slamming the pockets of all. And a PM who now thinks he’s a War Leader. Gross.
Wonder if Sunak will make a strategic resignation using his ‘brief error of judgement’ as a pretext, leaving Johnson exposed, corruptly holding on to office, ignoring the law. His dreams of becoming PM are over and his wife is having to cough up millions to support them. Perhaps now’s the time to move to America for new opportunities
I heard the slimy Shapps on R4 this morning.
In the usual politicians’ way, he avoided actually answering the question.
Nick Robinson almost lost his cool with the man.
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Kay Burley vs. the lying entity currently trading under the name ‘Grant Shapps’ on Sky is spectacular. She can be very good when she’s genuinely angry about the lies being thrown at her. The topic swiftly moved to honour and “Shapps” kept on trying to defend the clearly indefensible long after anyone sane would have conceded defeat and let the corrupt lying criminal rat he works for sink in the sea of his own shit. Burley even threw past sackings and Hillsborough at “Shapps” when discussing honour vs. Johnson. Genuinely astonishing to watch.

I have no idea why anyone else should respect the laws of the UK if those elected to govern so willingly trample all over them and then lie to cover their fat entitled arses. This Conservative government has absolutely destroyed the very concept of UK government IMHO. There is a direct parallel with Trump refusing to heed to an election result. The grasping egotism and entitlement, the lying, the theft, the criminality, the mass defence of criminality (PPE fraud, Owen Patterson, Johnson, Sunak etc etc) has rendered the whole system dysfunctional. The Conservative Party is a zero-integrity zone. It is just a criminal entity defending its criminality on a daily basis.
The choice seems to be between believing Johnson to be malign and blasé about law-breaking, or believing him to be naïve and stupid.
Not a great choice to have to make about the leader of the country.
Mass complacency. The government and the police force. They really just don’t care about ‘ The British People’. Inflation hitting 7%, people tipping into poverty and deeper into poverty, cost of living slamming the pockets of all. And a PM who now thinks he’s a War Leader. Gross.

Yep, spoke to a friend of mine in Australia yesterday where petrol has come down in price in line with the oil price... not so here and not a murmur from the government or to be honest most of the population... we sort of deserve what we get!
The choice seems to be between believing Johnson to be malign and blasé about law-breaking, or believing him to be naïve and stupid.
Not a great choice to have to make about the leader of the country.

Apparently 75% of the electorate think he is a liar, 12% not. That really isn’t a good look for a political leader. I hope they get absolutely reamed in the May council elections. Nothing would delight me more than to see a load of Tory councillors paying the price for Britain Trump with their jobs. Definitely an election to vote at if you have a Tory council IMHO. Get out there and give the Conservative party a really deserved kicking.

PS I’ve added a YouTube video of Burley vs “Shapps” to my earlier post. Worth a watch to get in the right mindset for the May elections. This is what we all need to fight and kick the hell out of power. I don’t care what folk vote for, we just need to make it clear we will not accept this criminality, grift and endless gaslighting.
The weasel words of Douglas Ross on Radio Scotland, as reported in the Guardian rolling feed.
Douglas Ross, the Scottish Conservative leader, told BBC Radio Scotland this morning that he thought Boris Johnson told the truth. Asked if he thought Johnson was a truthful man, Ross replied: “Yes, and he’s dealing with the situation in Ukraine and he’s dealing with the situation at home here.”

But Ross admitted that Johnson claims about there being no parties at No 10 were not accurate. Asked if those comments were true, he replied:

Clearly not, because the Met police have decided that fixed penalty notices had to be issued.

Ross said that he supported Johnson staying in office because it would benefit Vladimir Putin if he were to go. Ross said:

Anything that would destabilise the UK government at this time would be a bonus to Vladimir Putin. He is indiscriminately killing innocent people and I will do nothing to support a war criminal like Putin.
So apparently he wants to stop Putin by backing a corrupt lawbreaker?
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