
Wot no Harry & Meghan thread?

Harry is 6th in line so superfluous in that all important sense.
He is 35 and maybe he doesn't want to just sit around doing nothing but cutting ribbons for the rest of his life. Seems a decent bloke unlike the journos that hound them.
They seem to love each other. Good luck to them.
Canada has many less nutters than USA so I hope reduced security will not result in something sad like John Lennon.
I think that a man who has flown a helicopter in Afghanistan and lives in a country with a rule of law where he has access to guns is reasonably able to look after himself.

assuming they come to toronto, i'd add there are plenty of helicopters here and with several conveniently at hand right down town on the roofs of major hospitals.

btw -- in case the couple is looking in here, i do have a free guest room in the house if they need a place to crash whilst apartment hunting.
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I think that a man who has flown a helicopter in Afghanistan and lives in a country with a rule of law where he has access to guns is reasonably able to look after himself.
I’m imagining Piers Morag trying to gain access to get an interview, unannounced via a window and it’s dark.
I have the solution. Allow Scottish Independance and make Harry king of scotland. First after Idi Amin gave up the job.
More provocative language from Sky News describing Meghan as being 'barred' from a phone-in to the family meeting. Then explaining it was due to security fears. Poor choice of words methinks. There is most definitely a sneering and determined attempt to muddy her name. I can sympathise with their concerns.
The Mail has defended itself for publishing Megan’s letter...

The paper argues in legal documents that members of the Royal Family, including the duchess, "rely on publicity about themselves and their lives in order to maintain the privileged positions they hold and promote themselves".

The Mail appears to be arguing that the royal family’s continued existence is contingent on the consent, or the goodwill, of the Daily Mail itself.

No doubt the Mail would argue that it is not it’s own consent, but the of ‘the people’ that the monarchy rests on, but it does seem to be setting itself up as some sort of arbiter between ‘the people’ and the head of state.

Are we happy with the Mail establishing itself as a kind of priesthood interpreting the relationship between a higher authority and the common people? Or is it time for a Reformation?
The Mail has defended itself for publishing Megan’s letter...

The paper argues in legal documents that members of the Royal Family, including the duchess, "rely on publicity about themselves and their lives in order to maintain the privileged positions they hold and promote themselves".

The Mail appears to be arguing that the royal family’s continued existence is contingent on the consent, or the goodwill, of the Daily Mail itself.

No doubt the Mail would argue that it is not it’s own consent, but the of ‘the people’ that the monarchy rests on, but it does seem to be setting itself up as some sort of arbiter between ‘the people’ and the head of state.

Are we happy with the Mail establishing itself as a kind of priesthood interpreting the relationship between a higher authority and the common people? Or is it time for a Reformation?
Dacre at the head of the mob carrying a guttering torch. The true protector of “British values”.
I was amazed at the rather bizarre and childish antics at Tussaud's. Moving them away from the Queen waxes? Incredibly insensitive behaviour to get a bit of exposure for an overpriced doppelganger peepshow! A little sinister really.
and you really believe that???

Which bit?

She and Dodi Fayed died whilst being driven very quickly through the streets of Paris to avoid the Paparazzi. For all that they may have been vacuous airhead poshoes that weren't wearing seatbelts by a driver that may have been over the limit, if that's not being chased to death by the tabloids, I don't know what is.

Many commercial and political entities have heavily invested in ensuring that the great unwashed are gawking at the trials and tribulations of people like Diana, Jade Goody and Katy Price rather than holding the government and corporations to account and the 4th estate is happy to chew up and spit out those that want to volunteer for active duty or have it forced upon them.

Of course, you're perfectly entitled to believe she was taken out by a conspiracy involving MI5 and Prince Phillip if that's the way you swing.
Which bit?

She and Dodi Fayed died whilst being driven very quickly through the streets of Paris to avoid the Paparazzi. For all that they may have been vacuous airhead poshoes that weren't wearing seatbelts by a driver that may have been over the limit, if that's not being chased to death by the tabloids, I don't know what is.

Many commercial and political entities have heavily invested in ensuring that the great unwashed are gawking at the trials and tribulations of people like Diana, Jade Goody and Katy Price rather than holding the government and corporations to account and the 4th estate is happy to chew up and spit out those that want to volunteer for active duty or have it forced upon them.

Of course, you're perfectly entitled to believe she was taken out by a conspiracy involving MI5 and Prince Phillip if that's the way you swing.
All done under the cover of ‘journalism’ and the sanctity of a ‘free press’. They’re commercial businesses that hunt individuals for profit. One person’s misery is a marketable commodity. Watch them go under five years of Johnson- it’ll be their new golden age.
Which bit?

She and Dodi Fayed died whilst being driven very quickly through the streets of Paris to avoid the Paparazzi. For all that they may have been vacuous airhead poshoes that weren't wearing seatbelts by a driver that may have been over the limit, if that's not being chased to death by the tabloids, I don't know what is.

Many commercial and political entities have heavily invested in ensuring that the great unwashed are gawking at the trials and tribulations of people like Diana, Jade Goody and Katy Price rather than holding the government and corporations to account and the 4th estate is happy to chew up and spit out those that want to volunteer for active duty or have it forced upon them.

Of course, you're perfectly entitled to believe she was taken out by a conspiracy involving MI5 and Prince Phillip if that's the way you swing.

Like much of her life, her death was a full-blown media sensation, and the subject of many conspiracy theories. At first, the paparazzi hounding the car were blamed for the crash,
but later it was revealed that the driver was under the influence of alcohol and prescription drugs. A formal investigation concluded the paparazzi did not cause the collision.

