
Wot no Harry & Meghan thread?

Has he got a point? Kids get everything from their parents, body, brain, heart and soul; surely they can repay some of that, esp at birthday time.

It's for the kids to offer - bad form for parents to ask - especially in public.
Besides, the biggest way in which kids repay their parents is in their time and effort raising their own children.
I set MSN news to my homepage, and pretty much every day there's something negative said about Prince Harry or Meghan Markle. Curious to know how people feel about Prince Harry now the right-wing media are smearing him every day?

It was only a matter of time before the press went full, "Prince Harry is an anti-Semite".

What that headline does not make clear is that the guest in question is Gabor Mate, who narrowly escaped the Holocaust as a baby.

Still, it's good to know that the fearless anti-racists at The Daily Express continue to fight the good fight.
During Sunak’s agony in the garden ( with Ursula) when it looked like Boris might betray him for 30 pieces of silver and the DUP/ERG might go all out for him, the Tory Fleet Street lie machine had wall to wall “Harry ‘n’ Meghan- String Them Up” front page coverage.
Just read the Daily Express article and it seems like a non-story full of incomprehensible gibberish written by someone 50% illiterate. All the shock and fury and outrage! Surely Gabor Mate and Harry are free to say what they like!
I have a good friend who recently moved from Italy to London, and she told me that she was amazed by an English obsession with racism, sexism, antisemitism and with "what is the correct way to think and speak?"
For my part, as a "semite," I couldn't care less if Harry dislikes Jews ( and I'm sure he doesn't). In any case he has a perfect right to dislike Jews, if that's how he feels. Reading the English media it sometimes feels as if there is a universal benchmark of human perfection that we should all live in terror of straying from. Next Friday there will be demonstrations by Jews all over the world against the latest moves of the Israeli government. Are they antisemites? Are they self-hating Jews? I have no idea. But I am convinced everyone, including Harry and Gabor Mate, have the right to say what they think. All the rest is the usual bogus indignation shock and fury typical of the British press. The same as they offer when it turns out that a politician is bonking his secretary. In more civilised countries it is taken as a matter of course that some politicians will be bonking their secretaries, but it is their own business.
He thinks he’s only the spare but he’s proving to be very useful right now. The Express will be showing Google Earth images of his garden with tips on how to get in evading security.
Just read the Daily Express article and it seems like a non-story full of incomprehensible gibberish written by someone 50% illiterate

At some point in the last couple of years the question was asked on pfm as to who the average Express reader might be.
The best answer (I forget who posted it) was "If a Daily Mail reader were to suffer some sort of catastrophic head injury then they would become an Express reader".

Edit: here it is:∞-24.230210/page-20#post-3727387

Thank you Mr @Joe Hutch - that gave me such a laugh.

surely you have better things to think about

It's just curiosity because it shows the media will turn on anybody.
An old work mate went to University with Prince Harry and obviously I asked him what he was like. His mate used to hang around with him and said he was very down to earth and a good bloke. I can quite believe this because that's how he comes across to me.

I just find it interesting how people can have their views twisted just by some words. Not just words though. If you watch Rishi talking Bol*ox, you see he does it enthusiastically with a smile on his face. I suppose it just makes the lies more believable.

Completely unrelated, my mate said there was a chippy in Edinburgh that sold deep fried pizza. Apparently it came with a health warning.
Just read the Daily Express article and it seems like a non-story full of incomprehensible gibberish written by someone 50% illiterate. All the shock and fury and outrage! Surely Gabor Mate and Harry are free to say what they like!
I have a good friend who recently moved from Italy to London, and she told me that she was amazed by an English obsession with racism, sexism, antisemitism and with "what is the correct way to think and speak?"
For my part, as a "semite," I couldn't care less if Harry dislikes Jews ( and I'm sure he doesn't). In any case he has a perfect right to dislike Jews, if that's how he feels. Reading the English media it sometimes feels as if there is a universal benchmark of human perfection that we should all live in terror of straying from. Next Friday there will be demonstrations by Jews all over the world against the latest moves of the Israeli government. Are they antisemites? Are they self-hating Jews? I have no idea. But I am convinced everyone, including Harry and Gabor Mate, have the right to say what they think. All the rest is the usual bogus indignation shock and fury typical of the British press. The same as they offer when it turns out that a politician is bonking his secretary. In more civilised countries it is taken as a matter of course that some politicians will be bonking their secretaries, but it is their own business.
Everone can say what they think. And I can react to it anyway I want, including my best efforts to ensure repugnant views are not platformed.
Everone can say what they think. And I can react to it anyway I want, including my best efforts to ensure repugnant views are not platformed.

Yes, undoubtedly. The tricky part is who decides what is or isn't repugnant, and what power they exercise to have or not have them platformed.
Yes, undoubtedly. The tricky part is who decides what is or isn't repugnant, and what power they exercise to have or not have them platformed.

No I have little problem deciding who or what is repugnant. The difficulty is a lack of power to compromise their platforming.
I have a good friend who recently moved from Italy to London, and she told me that she was amazed by an English obsession with racism, sexism, antisemitism and with "what is the correct way to think and speak?"
A white Italian, by any chance?

