
Winter election II

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The biggest hope at this point is the Tory manifesto is as vacuous, error-filled and uncosted as the last one. I very much hope Dominic Cummings wrote the whole thing!
The Tory avoidance of interviews post public debates surely must start to have an effect-or rather it's something the opposition need to start exploiting....
What do folk on here make of Labour's 'neutral stance' on Brexit? Interested to know other views on this.
'Right wing ethnic Nationalism', 'Nazis', the more you 'call it out' the more ridiculous it sounds. Johnsons cabinet has two Asian members for Gods sake, and you're making out the Tories are some dodgy ultra right wing outfit. Suppose its an easy bogeyman for you though, stops you addressing the real issues. Johnson may not be the best calibre PM we've had, ok he's probably the worst! But a fascist he isn't, he's not even close to Trump.
I see the CBI doesn't like Labour plans to make them pay their taxes - diddums. I'd like to see a new regime where HMRC (over)estimates a company's turnover on UK operations and taxes accordingly, thus making off-shoring irrelevant. It would then be up to the company to open their books if they didn't agree. If the Amazons of this world don't want to operate in the UK, who cares?
'Right wing ethnic Nationalism', 'Nazis', the more you 'call it out' the more ridiculous it sounds. Johnsons cabinet has two Asian members for Gods sake, and you're making out the Tories are some dodgy ultra right wing outfit. Suppose its an easy bogeyman for you though, stops you addressing the real issues. Johnson may not be the best calibre PM we've had, ok he's probably the worst! But a fascist he isn't, he's not even close to Trump.

The big problem has been the centrist desire to extemporise fascism as an extreme ideology, it’s not, fascism is the banality of evil, fascism is the everyday casual refusing to sell a cake to a gay couple, fascism is looking away at racist abuse and not standing up against Fascist & racist propaganda. Fascism is the numbed journey, not the glorious shining aryan city.

You can be racist & have people of different races on board if your end goal is to let them help you enact racist policies.

Here’s a real issue that illustrates my point: Priti Patel recently pledged to end the free movement of people and restrict immigration by implementing new draconian levels with passing criteria that are near impossible for a migrant. She wants to kick away the ladder (aka ‘Drawbridging’) the very same mechanism that gave her immigrant parents the ability to live and move to the U.K. and run a business — which gave her the life she enjoys.

You clearly also need to learn about the Jews in Hiter’s army
I see the CBI doesn't like Labour plans to make them pay their taxes - diddums. I'd like to see a new regime where HMRC (over)estimates a company's turnover on UK operations and taxes accordingly, thus making off-shoring irrelevant. It would then be up to the company to open their books if they didn't agree. If the Amazons of this world don't want to operate in the UK, who cares?

Quite possibly the staff they employ?
My worry is that people know exactly what Johnson is but they’re still prepared to hold their noses and vote for him or actually they like and identify with his low personality cos he won’t hold back in gettin it dun.
Quite possibly the staff they employ?

Sure, but there would be new opportunities for others to fill the void. I don't believe that they'd walk off with their ball anyway. There have been a number of strikes in Germany at Amazon for example - and they have the lowest strike days lost in Europe - the UK workers need to organise.
'Right wing ethnic Nationalism', 'Nazis', the more you 'call it out' the more ridiculous it sounds. Johnsons cabinet has two Asian members for Gods sake, and you're making out the Tories are some dodgy ultra right wing outfit. Suppose its an easy bogeyman for you though, stops you addressing the real issues. Johnson may not be the best calibre PM we've had, ok he's probably the worst! But a fascist he isn't, he's not even close to Trump.

I don't think Johnson is a racist or facist—it's just he's happy to use racist and facist tropes if he feels it will benefit him.

Do you think asians can't be racist?

As for the cabinet, if you don't think they are ultra-right wing you need to read the book below. This is his cabinet and their aims are clear—tear up the welfare state, remove benefits and privatise everything.

I suspect Johnson is being used by these people as a useful idiot.


I don't think Johnson is a racist…

[cough] [splutter] he has all the racism of a white english man that has absolute belief in colonialism as a benign force. (source) there are so… so many more like this.

[on “picaninnies”]
It is said that the Queen has come to love the Commonwealth, partly because it supplies her with regular cheering crowds of flag-waving piccaninnies.

[On his time as editor of Spectator]
Orientals ... have larger brains and higher IQ scores. Blacks are at the other pole.

On Malaysian women attending university

At the World Islamic Economic Forum Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak said that 68 per cent of women were going to be attending university, to which Johnson quipped: Female students went to university because they have got to find men to marry.

I don’t think Bojo would be a good fit as fascist as it’s not his preferred era of peak British empire, Farage I can see already as a Moseley-sequel.
does anyone actually still own.use a sony trinitron?

I’ve got one sitting unused upstairs, no idea if it still works as it hasn’t been powered up for at least 16 years. Its an old 5/4 format and I think 21”. If it was a bit smaller I’d use it as a retro computer monitor for the ZX Spectrum, BBC etc. It would be far better for that than my current 50” LCD, but I’ve not got anywhere to set it up.
[cough] [splutter] he has all the racism of a white english man that has absolute belief in colonialism as a benign force. (source) there are so… so many more like this.

[on “picaninnies”]
It is said that the Queen has come to love the Commonwealth, partly because it supplies her with regular cheering crowds of flag-waving piccaninnies.

[On his time as editor of Spectator]
Orientals ... have larger brains and higher IQ scores. Blacks are at the other pole.

On Malaysian women attending university

At the World Islamic Economic Forum Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak said that 68 per cent of women were going to be attending university, to which Johnson quipped: Female students went to university because they have got to find men to marry.

I don’t think Bojo would be a good fit as fascist as it’s not his preferred era of peak British empire, Farage I can see already as a Moseley-sequel.

We’re disagreeing on motive. I don’t think Johnson has any strong views on anything apart from himself.

He’ll use racist language as easily as he uses animal rights or environmental language.

He’s cares not a jot about those issues either.

The biggest hope at this point is the Tory manifesto is as vacuous, error-filled and uncosted as the last one. I very much hope Dominic Cummings wrote the whole thing!
If Johnson pulled a crumpled piece of A4 lined paper out of his top pocket with nothing but ‘bollocks written in crayon on it, his popularity rating would immediately go up a couple of points.
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