
Winter election II

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Polling on Sky (Sophie Ridge) suggests we are now heading for a Johnson majority. The Tories are way ahead.
Yes. It seems that the more obvious it becomes that Johnson is inept, untrustworthy and duplicitous, the more popular be becomes. There’s something going on that is beyond reason.
A certain BBC light entertainment show was bumped last night to allow for electioneering by the party leaders. Here is the Times take on it

Yes. It seems that the more obvious it becomes that Johnson is inept, untrustworthy and duplicitous, the more popular be becomes. There’s something going on that is beyond reason.

Sadly I think people really are just thick. We have to be at the Occam’s razor point by now and there is unlikely to be a more complex explanation. I’ve lived my life in a bubble of musos, IT geeks etc, so have clearly been sheltered from a lot of it, but watching this scenario unfold really is astonishingly depressing!
I really despair at the current state of our politics. If Labour lose it will be everyone else's fault but Corbyn's, the manifesto is generally good, a little OT in places but I think the electorate do not see him as a credible PM. This doesn't explain BJ at all though.
Ignore the polls.
My better half works in customer services at a large hair salons suppliers , ordinary average working class folk 80/20 women to men, age range 20/55. I gloomily asked her(assumptions pre loaded based on the polls, media and people's forecasts on here) what was the feeling about Boris vs Labour/Corbyn.
The resounding answer and not what I was expecting was 'Corbyn, deffo, 100%, the Tory's dont care, are liars etc etc'
Faith in humanity restored. Hope still alive n kicking.
I really despair at the current state of our politics. If Labour lose it will be everyone else's fault but Corbyn's, the manifesto is generally good, a little OT in places but I think the electorate do not see him as a credible PM. This doesn't explain BJ at all though.

I really don’t get it. Sure, Corbyn has been a pretty hopeless leader of his party; failing to adequately grasp Brexit, failing to manage anti-Semitism, failing to expel thoroughly unpleasant UKIPy MPs, failing to communicate to the centre-ground etc, but he is still clearly a decent, honourable and well intentioned man. Johnson clearly isn’t. He is a proven bare-faced liar who can barely utter anything at all that stands up to scrutiny. He has lied to the Queen, lied to judges, lied to the electorate countless times, and has been sacked from multiple previous employment for his lying. He and his party is also clearly corrupt. I really struggle to think of a less honest, decent or credible leader this side of UKIP, EDL or the BNP, and he/the current Tory party really is only just to ‘this side’ of that shower of shit.

To my eyes Corbyn clearly came ahead last night and by quite some considerable margin. He was the only one who attempted to engage and listen to the audience and actually answer questions in a non-patronising manner. If Johnson wins an outright majority the UK really does deserve what it gets. It appears thick people need to learn a painful lesson about right-wing ethnic nationalism and the rest of us will have to quietly keep our own affairs above water whilst that occurs. At least the Conservatives will own their mess. With a clear majority there is no one else to blame.
. It appears thick people need to learn a painful lesson about right-wing ethnic nationalism .

But what if the majority ( quietly held ) opinion is just that ...right wing nationalism. What if they will enjoy a nazi Johnson government ? What hope then ?

"I have never trusted opinion polls less than I do now. Part of that is bitter experience, after polls proved their fallibility in 2015, 2016 and 2017. Part of it is a more specific lesson taught by the US presidential election three years ago, when Hillary Clinton learned to her cost that a hefty national poll lead means nothing in a contest that is settled one state at a time. This logic applies in spades to a UK election, which is not won nationally but seat by seat by seat."

Exactly. I'll vote Labour for possibly the last time and will campaign for them. It should be up to the public in a new referendum as to whether the UK leaves the EU or not. Scotland should have their own vote to stay or depart from the UK asap.

I don't fully trust Corbyn, but he's the least bitter and best of a bad bunch of politicos.

"I have never trusted opinion polls less than I do now. Part of that is bitter experience, after polls proved their fallibility in 2015, 2016 and 2017. Part of it is a more specific lesson taught by the US presidential election three years ago, when Hillary Clinton learned to her cost that a hefty national poll lead means nothing in a contest that is settled one state at a time. This logic applies in spades to a UK election, which is not won nationally but seat by seat by seat."

Exactly. I'll vote Labour for possibly the last time and will campaign for them. It should be up to the public in a new referendum as to whether the UK leaves the EU or not. Scotland should have their own vote to stay or depart from the UK asap.

I don't fully trust Corbyn, but he's the least bitter and best of a bad bunch of politicos.

Can't argue with any of that.
Let’s hope the polls show a Tory landslide. Then lots will have Johnson power doubts and uncle Jeremy will get sympathy votes.
"I have never trusted opinion polls less than I do now. Part of that is bitter experience, after polls proved their fallibility in 2015, 2016 and 2017. Part of it is a more specific lesson taught by the US presidential election three years ago, when Hillary Clinton learned to her cost that a hefty national poll lead means nothing in a contest that is settled one state at a time. This logic applies in spades to a UK election, which is not won nationally but seat by seat by seat."

Exactly. I'll vote Labour for possibly the last time and will campaign for them. It should be up to the public in a new referendum as to whether the UK leaves the EU or not. Scotland should have their own vote to stay or depart from the UK asap.

I don't fully trust Corbyn, but he's the least bitter and best of a bad bunch of politicos.

You changing your mind again, Jack?
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