
Winter election II

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Ah you got in as I was replying to the prior post about Adolf Hitler, Vlad the Impaler and Nigel Farage. It was intended for that one- apologies.
One thing that constantly baffles me is that Labour never fight back against the Tories economically. Why don’t they attack with the hard cold facts that the Conservatives have presided over two consecutive down-grades of the UK credit rating (AAA to AA to AA negative) and have increased the national debt year on year since 2010? I’ve just seen yet another Labour bell-end on the TV failing to counter right-wing misinformation and effectively acknowledging a false narrative of ‘right-wing economic competence’ that stands up to no scrutiny whatsoever.

PS I’m not saying Corbyn and McDonnell won’t make it even worse, I’m just astonished by poorly prepared MPs are that don’t seem able to challenge what is a truly dreadful decade of Tory rule.

1. Maybe current labour are shit at maths, Abbott, policing cost aberrations etc.
2. The seemingly unchallenged bizarnesss of particular American private companies, with beyond vested interests, being able to br believed and quoted, as ratibg entire foreign countries such as UK on their credit ratings., is obscenely wrong at so many levels.

Our patron cites this as evidence of poor Tory performance. Yet elsewhere decrying corporate America.

I would trust Corbyn against any other current politician when it comes to the future of this country.
The debate tonight was truly woeful for both Boris & Swinson who looked like a rabbit in the headlights when faced with the reality of her voting record.

Swinson & Boris are cut from the same cloth. Both are deceptive & both cannot be trusted.

Politicians who can’t be trusted? Who’d have ever thought it!
Sturgeon is very persuasive. Comes across as knowledgeable, committed, and truthful. Much more so than most. Wants to break up the UK...extremely dangerous combination!

Swinson - great opening question! Never going to recover from that. Kept the chin up though, speaks like she means it, but clear there was not much belief or support from the audience.
Salmond was persuasive to many too.

Swinson, described elsewhere as a ‘bossy primary school teacher’ , which I like, is latest in long line of unsuccessful Lib Dem leaders, doomed to failiure. She should call Ed Miliband for advice.
Labour's manifesto is in effect, a contemporary "New Deal" and remember this, it was the "command economies" of the Allies that beat the "capitalist economies" of the Axis. Rampant capitalist cronyism cost the Axis time and time again on the battlefield.

I can just imagine Corbyn's 'fireside chats'.
They are a left of centre, socially progressive, pro-EU party which explains why they have a commanding lead over all other parties in Scotland.
And also appeal to the type of voter who wold vote for Farage if they were English. Lots of mileage there.
As you posted this after midnight I’ll assume you were pissed. Your comment seems to make no sense. Please explain when sober.

Not much disagreement with the IFS then, when push comes to shove. As usual the headline is not the whole story.

"I am fully prepared to accept that, on some outcomes, the model will show firms passing between 10% and 50% of the tax increase to workers and consumers, and on some outcomes it will not. The result depends on execution and class struggle."
Polling on Sky (Sophie Ridge) suggests we are now heading for a Johnson majority. The Tories are way ahead.
Some bookies are now giving odds of a Conservative majority 1/2. Labour 25/1. I can't believe it has ended up like this. Just a desperate situation.
Some bookies are now giving odds of a Conservative majority 1/2. Labour 25/1. I can't believe it has ended up like this. Just a desperate situation.

To me it seems just like the Referendum result that so perplexes people on here. The Great British Public are a lot more simplistic than people give them credit for. I genuinely think that they voted 'out' because they really dislike politicians politics and all that goes with it. I think that ( sadly ) they will vote for Boris because they really dislike politicians politics and all that goes with it. They will vote for Boris for a laugh.
I think that "out there" is nothing like "in here " on this forum. I really think that most people don't give a monkey's and just want to get back to their take-away in front of the tele.
And we all know Corbyn would ban flat screen TVs and environment tax take-aways by 200% on day one of his premiership.
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