
Winter election II

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I see the CBI doesn't like Labour plans to make them pay their taxes - diddums. I'd like to see a new regime where HMRC (over)estimates a company's turnover on UK operations and taxes accordingly, thus making off-shoring irrelevant. It would then be up to the company to open their books if they didn't agree. If the Amazons of this world don't want to operate in the UK, who cares?
Nice idea, wouldn't work in practice. You don't pay tax on turnover BTW, only profits.
Nice idea, wouldn't work in practice. You don't pay tax on turnover BTW, only profits.

Yes but I'm talking about changing the rules - I don't know what the various thresholds would be. Profits are reduced by various write offs that clearly need to be reviewed - fine for tiny startups, not fine for Amazon etc
I don't think Johnson is a racist or facist—it's just he's happy to use racist and facist tropes if he feels it will benefit him.

Do you think asians can't be racist?

As for the cabinet, if you don't think they are ultra-right wing you need to read the book below. This is his cabinet and their aims are clear—tear up the welfare state, remove benefits and privatise everything.

I suspect Johnson is being used by these people as a useful idiot.



Interesting that Terry Leary rates it. I was told by someone who left a company he was associated with because they found the culture so toxic the following. AIUI Targets were set, excuses for not meeting targets were not tolerated, they didn’t care how you reached your targets but if it all blew up then that was not tolerated either, the person was expected to take all the blame and usually fired, predictably a psychopathic culture developed which made working there for a normal human being highly unpleasant.
I don't think Johnson is a racist or facist—it's just he's happy to use racist and facist tropes if he feels it will benefit him.

Do you think asians can't be racist?

As for the cabinet, if you don't think they are ultra-right wing you need to read the book below. This is his cabinet and their aims are clear—tear up the welfare state, remove benefits and privatise everything.

I suspect Johnson is being used by these people as a useful idiot.


Johnson has uttered a few light hearted slightly racist in a naive way statements, honestly, may'be with the intent of creating his public persona as a naughy (public) schoolboy. What has he ever said that could be called 'Fascist'? And anyone can be racist. But the fact that there are Asians in the cabinet shows the sentiment that the Tories are some 'ethnic nationalist' party as pure bumkum. The link you posted was interesting though, but it was from 2012. The Tories have had a few years now to get rid of the welfare state or 'privatise everything', admittedly they have done harm, people having to use food banks for instance is a disgrace. The thing is there is now a backlash against this, and against others such as the cuts to policing. It is a worry that these people within the Tory party are in the ascendancy, it is a shame that Labour isn't more electable.
Brexit has quite literally enabled the Tory Party. mean that Cameron was, actually quite good at it?? nobody ever got broke by overestimating the intelligence of the english electorate.....I'm off to find that bucket of sand I just pulled my head out of
The big problem has been the centrist desire to extemporise fascism as an extreme ideology, it’s not, fascism is the banality of evil, fascism is the everyday casual refusing to sell a cake to a gay couple, fascism is looking away at racist abuse and not standing up against Fascist & racist propaganda. Fascism is the numbed journey, not the glorious shining aryan city.

You can be racist & have people of different races on board if your end goal is to let them help you enact racist policies.

Here’s a real issue that illustrates my point: Priti Patel recently pledged to end the free movement of people and restrict immigration by implementing new draconian levels with passing criteria that are near impossible for a migrant. She wants to kick away the ladder (aka ‘Drawbridging’) the very same mechanism that gave her immigrant parents the ability to live and move to the U.K. and run a business — which gave her the life she enjoys.

You clearly also need to learn about the Jews in Hiter’s army
The Tories often promise cuts to immigration, they rarely amount to much. They're too close their friends in business to stem the supply of a willing and compliant immigrant workforce. And to some people anything but an 'open borders' immigration policy will seem racist. The fact that Patel seeks to enforce stricter immigration criteria than her parents faced just reflects the changing needs of UK industry, she isn't 'drawbridging', she is fulfilling her role as home secretary! And please, saying fascism is 'refusing to sell cake to a gay couple' really does a disservice to the millions of Jews killed by the Nazis, to put it mildly.
Johnson has uttered a few light hearted slightly racist in a naive way statements, honestly, may'be with the intent of creating his public persona as a naughy (public) schoolboy. What has he ever said that could be called 'Fascist'?

‘Let’s prorogue parliament’.
Yes but I'm talking about changing the rules - I don't know what the various thresholds would be. Profits are reduced by various write offs that clearly need to be reviewed - fine for tiny startups, not fine for Amazon etc
So your just guessing & HMRC should guess also? There are set rules relating to what can & can't be written off as a business expense. I fill in a tax return every year even though I'm an employee & the rules are outlined.
So your just guessing & HMRC should guess also? There are set rules relating to what can & can't be written off as a business expense. I fill in a tax return every year even though I'm an employee & the rules are outlined.

You're not getting - I'm advocating a change of the rules. Are you just being difficult?
You're not getting - I'm advocating a change of the rules. Are you just being difficult?
No, I am just stating facts. 'write offs' are constantly revised. Many businesses have high turnover, eg Supermarkets vs profits. If you tax turnover then the whole model collapses, food prices would increase. Tesco's profit margin is around 3% for example, it is probably even lower in Aldi, the latter pay very good wages BTW.
No, I am just stating facts. 'write offs' are constantly revised. Many businesses have high turnover, eg Supermarkets vs profits. If you tax turnover then the whole model collapses, food prices would increase. Tesco's profit margin is around 3% for example, it is probably even lower in Aldi, the latter pay very good wages BTW.

You can have any model you like - you're being very negative today
You can have any model you like - you're being very negative today
I'm really not, I am trying to be reasonable. Some people earn more than me, some earn less. I struggle to think of anyone earning more than me who does not deserve to. I am limiting this to people I know or have knowledge of as it is easy to make assumptions. Obviously there is Chris Grayling...
I'm really not, I am trying to be reasonable. Some people earn more than me, some earn less. I struggle to think of anyone earning more than me who does not deserve to. I am limiting this to people I know or have knowledge of as it is easy to make assumptions. Obviously there is Chris Grayling...

What you're missing is the linear scale that applies to everyone else, by Law - why, and how, does it become nonlinear beyond 80k - I've never got it.
I'm really not, I am trying to be reasonable. Some people earn more than me, some earn less. I struggle to think of anyone earning more than me who does not deserve to. I am limiting this to people I know or have knowledge of as it is easy to make assumptions. Obviously there is Chris Grayling...
But it’s not about some people earning more, some people earning less, what the figures reveal is the fact that the vast majority of earners share not very much, and a tiny few share a great deal...

....that looks like a society that’s unbalanced.
Interesting that Terry Leary rates it. I was told by someone who left a company he was associated with because they found the culture so toxic the following. AIUI Targets were set, excuses for not meeting targets were not tolerated, they didn’t care how you reached your targets but if it all blew up then that was not tolerated either, the person was expected to take all the blame and usually fired, predictably a psychopathic culture developed which made working there for a normal human being highly unpleasant.
What you're missing is the linear scale that applies to everyone else, by Law - why, and how, does it become nonlinear beyond 80k - I've never got it.
There are fewer people earning £80k, their skills are in high demand so it becomes non-linear. I have no idea what law you are referring to.
But it’s not about some people earning more, some people earning less, what the figures reveal is the fact that the vast majority of earners share not very much, and a tiny few share a great deal...

....that looks like a society that’s unbalanced.
It may be unbalanced but you address it from the bottom surely. A relatively small number of high achievers have greater aegis over their renumeration. I don't understand how demonising high earners will reset the balance. I don't have a problem with taxing those at £80k plus at 45% or above £150k at 50%. It cannot be unreasonably punative.
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