
Winter election II

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The bloke first on last night who couldn't add up is a notorious anti Labour campaigner who is an IT consultant, that means, he probably runs a porn site
Corbyn was just fine - but for a few Sweaty plants who think nationlism is the solution. I'd say he won that 80-20 based on the applause
Corbyn was just fine - but for a few Sweaty plants who think nationlism is the solution. I'd say he won that 80-20 based on the applause

Which funnily enough, when it comes to under 30s voters, according the Tories own private poll figures, would be a great result for them. They haven't polled over 15% with under 30s for 2 years now.
Labour's manifesto is in effect, a contemporary "New Deal" and remember this, it was the "command economies" of the Allies that beat the "capitalist economies" of the Axis. Rampant capitalist cronyism cost the Axis time and time again on the battlefield.
What the hell are you talking about, that is completely irrelevant. We are not at war. It has nothing to do with cronyism, you need the private sector to pay for things, their employees are net contributers, the state cannot provide everything as it simply runs out of money.

Do you want to back to powdered egg & chicory?
That is true but without private enterprise to pay for things you can become a failed state. Ultimately pitting public against private sector is completely wrong, both have their place & neither should be demonised.
Not arguing with that!
What the hell are you talking about, that is completely irrelevant. We are not at war. It has nothing to do with cronyism, you need the private sector to pay for things, their employees are net contributers, the state cannot provide everything as it simply rund out of money.

Do you want to back to powdered egg & chicory?

I suggest before you lock horns with a PPI major you actually do some reading. The "New deal" was actually about as "command economy" as it comes mixed with private enterprise. Next you'll be telling me you didn't know that, until 1963 , 90% of people who voted in American elections since WW1, either worked directly for the government or for private enterprises that were reliant on government contracts.
he probably runs a porn site

Nothing wrong with running a porn site, a lot of sex workers and models now have their own porn sites and IT managers running them with affiliate and tier-level,access, rights management, overall web security, funds management, security, patreons as and as long as the workers and models get paid properly and treated well, it’s a more honest and frankly requires a lot more talent as a profession than being a politician.
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Been watching the Question Time grilling of the political Party leaders. Corbyn did really well, except for the issue of a second Scottish Independence Referendum. It is a boil on the face of Labour and an insult to democracy.

Nicola Sturgeon was great. I really like her and the SNP's policies. They have already achieved some objectives that Labour want to aim for in the UK.

Jo Swinson got totally mullered, both for her claim of becoming Prime Minister and the appalling way she voted during the Coalition years. She really is a Tory and got no applause when she tried to deal with her track record.

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Sturgeon is very persuasive. Comes across as knowledgeable, committed, and truthful. Much more so than most. Wants to break up the UK...extremely dangerous combination!

Swinson - great opening question! Never going to recover from that. Kept the chin up though, speaks like she means it, but clear there was not much belief or support from the audience.
Sturgeon is offering a pig in a poke I'm afraid. She's hoping that a 52-48 vote might get her a result but she's not thought much beyond that, especially the backlash...
I suggest before you lock horns with a PPI major you actually do some reading. The "New deal" was actually about as "command economy" as it comes mixed with private enterprise. Next you'll be telling me you didn't know that, until 1963 , 90% of people who voted in American elections since WW1, either worked directly for the government or for private enterprises that were reliant on government contracts.
I know what the "new deal" is/was but I fail to see the relevance to UK politics? I couldn’t care less what your major was (Swoon) we don't have them here.

Didn't the new deal run out of steam?
Been watching the Question Time grilling of the political Party leader. Corbyn did really well, except for the issue of a second Scottish Independence Referendum. It is a boil on the face of Labour and an insult to democracy.

Nicola Sturgeon was great. I really her and the SNP's policies. They have already achieved some objectives that Labour want to aim for in the UK.

Jo Swinson got totally mullered, both for her claim of becoming Prime Minister and the appalling way she voted during the Coalition years. She really is a Tory and got no applause when she tried to deal with her track record.

Best not to mess with the people of Sheffield as Swinson is finding.
Sturgeon is very persuasive. Comes across as knowledgeable, committed, and truthful. Much more so than most. Wants to break up the UK...extremely dangerous combination!

Swinson - great opening question! Never going to recover from that. Kept the chin up though, speaks like she means it, but clear there was not much belief or support from the audience.
I do wonder how damaging the upcoming Salmond trial will be to the SNP?
Every single public sector worker costs the country money. * The tax and NI that they pay does little to compensate for that. It is those private business's that pay for the public sector. If business's leave the country or downsize because of costs the tax take will diminish accordingly. Borrowing will go up substantially to meet the shortfall.

* I am in no way implying that this is a bad thing...just stating the bleeding obv.
There are not many places a UK business can go to get a cheaper deal though. France and Germany are far tougher to business than Corbyn will ever get chance to be. I have a UK, French and German company. The UK one is by far the easiest. So I would argue, looking at Germany in particular, that you can do socialist capitalism if you have stuff that people want.

If he got 8 years in power he would probably not even get half way to where these countries are. UK is a dream in comparison. I am sure he could get one or two policies through without giving the plc accountants too much to worry about.
Don't know what you mean
Ok, his obfuscation re brexit means that particular outcome is unclear - as in a pig in a poke. He's never made his own position clear, and after his unilateral decision to go for an election (which he is not going to win, and has strengthened the johnson by so doing) I would not trust labour to go to a ref even if they got a majority. And don't patiently mansplain the labour brexit position to me, you would be wasting time for both of us.
Actually Sturgeon is crystal clear on her position, and comes over very well.
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