
Winter election II

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FWIW I think Labour have blown it by going way too hard against business. Their last manifesto was far better and far more rational IMHO. It was attainable, where this one has a stench of class war that is in its own way as ugly as anything one hears from Rees Mogg, Johnson and the rest of that idle rich from birth Eton/Bullingdon class. As ever no one is speaking up for the middle classes, for independent small business etc. The two main parties still seem to be stuck in the 19th and 20th centuries split between a ultra wealthy land-owning elite and unionised mass labour regardless of the fact the overwhelming majority of us exist in neither world.

Every single public sector worker costs the country money. * The tax and NI that they pay does little to compensate for that. It is those private business's that pay for the public sector. If business's leave the country or downsize because of costs the tax take will diminish accordingly. Borrowing will go up substantially to meet the shortfall.

* I am in no way implying that this is a bad thing...just stating the bleeding obv.
Every single public sector worker costs the country money. * The tax and NI that they pay does little to compensate for that. It is those private business's that pay for the public sector. If business's leave the country or downsize because of costs the tax take will diminish accordingly. Borrowing will go up substantially to meet the shortfall.

* I am in no way implying that this is a bad thing...just stating the bleeding obv.
Oh what bollocks. The Nurse that treats your children, you, your parents and your grandparents is saving you money, lots of it, not costing you.
FWIW I think JC just completely blew it.

Assuming that 'remainers' are torn between the 'car crash interview' Lib Dems who were/are never going to get anywhere near a majority, and Labour for at least the chance of a second referendum, they are now buggered.

Remainers are largely a) 'business' who will be aghast at the Labour manifesto and its implications, b) the South East and London who will be aghast at the Labour manifesto and its implications, c) Scotland who will be aghast at the impact on the oil industry (what is the logic in penalizing the <bad stuff> supplier rather than changing the behavior of the the <bad stuff> end will just put up the price of the <bad stuff>?)

So in very rough numbers the half of the country who want to remain are largely the same half that are now (IMHO) even less likely to vote Labour than they were yesterday...

Or maybe I am looking at this too simply.

I think we are at the stage where nobody, and I mean nobody, believes a word of what any of the parties are 'pledging', and not a lot of what they are even saying. Most of the press is making a pretty good job of demolishing everything that is 'pledged' or said through supposed 'factchecking', and asking very clear basic questions and receiving no answers. Most interviews I have seen/heard have been excruciatingly cringeworthy - do any of them actually know what they are doing any more, other than being good at how to answer a question without actually answering the question? Is that really what politics has become?

So IMHO people are looking for a way out of the current parliamentary paralysis, unlikely to vote on the basis of 'pledges', and the chance that JC had ...has just been blown.

What a shambles.

I foresee a much larger swing to the Tories (based on the Labour manifesto combined with this being a 'Brexit vote').

Unless Boris completely screws up in the next hour...
FWIW I think JC just completely blew it.

Assuming that 'remainers' are torn between the 'car crash interview' Lib Dems who were/are never going to get anywhere near a majority, and Labour for at least the chance of a second referendum, they are now buggered.

Remainers are largely a) 'business' who will be aghast at the Labour manifesto and its implications, b) the South East and London who will be aghast at the Labour manifesto and its implications, c) Scotland who will be aghast at the impact on the oil industry (what is the logic in penalizing the <bad stuff> supplier rather than changing the behavior of the the <bad stuff> end will just put up the price of the <bad stuff>?)

So in very rough numbers the half of the country who want to remain are largely the same half that are now (IMHO) even less likely to vote Labour than they were yesterday...

Or maybe I am looking at this too simply.

I think we are at the stage where nobody, and I mean nobody, believes a word of what any of the parties are 'pledging', and not a lot of what they are even saying. Most of the press is making a pretty good job of demolishing everything that is 'pledged' or said through supposed 'factchecking', and asking very clear basic questions and receiving no answers. Most interviews I have seen/heard have been excruciatingly cringeworthy - do any of them actually know what they are doing any more, other than being good at how to answer a question without actually answering the question? Is that really what politics has become?

So IMHO people are looking for a way out of the current parliamentary paralysis, unlikely to vote on the basis of 'pledges', and the chance that JC had ...has just been blown.

What a shambles.

I foresee a much larger swing to the Tories (based on the Labour manifesto combined with this being a 'Brexit vote').

Sorry, you should listen one group and one group alone, those on social media doing the groundwork canvassing. They say , as if with one voice, this election is about 1 Climate Change and 2 The NHS, brexit rarely ever is mentioned. You are doing the typical , viewing the entire world from the lens of a tiny bubble in Westminster. Faiza in Chingford has 700 volunteers working for her canvassing and go ask the people who know the reality., "Votes are won by people meeting people face to face". 700 volunteers is about the sum total of Tory volunteers in the entire south east.
Well I hope so Firemoon, I've voted Green for decades...

but stand by my prediction!
The Tories still think it's the 1980s even down to wheeling out that old perv Lipman to do her blatantly racist stereotype of a North London Jewish Mother. I'm from the free festival scene. If you'd told us in 1985 by the time were in our early 60s virtually every view we held would be mainstream we'd have demanded whatever you were smoking, yet here we are. Yesterday I watched a bunch of politely spoken young med students verbally trash Johnson for the same reason I would and say straight out "Oh, well we are all Labour". The demographic flip has happened and I haven't a clue how this vote will turn out. About the only prediction I'm willing to make is that, the Lib Dems will take probably, 20 odd remain Tory seats in places labour could never win even if they had Thatcher leading the party and Karl Marx was Tory leader.
I almost feel sorry for JC 5 mins into QT...does he really think free broadband is what people are going to be swayed by...?
Oh what bollocks. The Nurse that treats your children, you, your parents and your grandparents is saving you money, lots of it, not costing you.
That is true but without private enterprise to pay for things you can become a failed state. Ultimately pitting public against private sector is completely wrong, both have their place & neither should be demonised.
That is true but without private enterprise to pay for things you can become a failed state. Ultimately pitting public against private sector is completely wrong, both have their place & neither should be demonised.

Labour's manifesto is in effect, a contemporary "New Deal" and remember this, it was the "command economies" of the Allies that beat the "capitalist economies" of the Axis. Rampant capitalist cronyism cost the Axis time and time again on the battlefield.
"The Fiona Bruce show" just had to turn it off, how can an obvious Tory act as a neutral presenter and keep interrupting when it is supposed to be questions from the audience?
"The Fiona Bruce show" just had to turn it off, how can an obvious Tory act as a neutral presenter and keep interrupting when it is supposed to be questions from the audience?

In fairness after what had to be a couple of audience ‘plants’ Corbyn is now doing very well IMO.
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