
why Corbyn may well win the next election.

Well Mr ET if you are rich it is a very sad situation that you find yourself in. I suggest a hobby or perhaps make a friend? Or you could start a charity or another business. Anything is better than the hours you waste typing walls of shite for people here to read, few of whom do and none of whom take any of it remotely seriously.
Putin pays him by the word.
We'll all be low-achievers in your brave new socialist utopia, and Mick won't be richer than me. Neither will you.
YOUR beloved Brexit has cost me 10% of my income (as I have pointed out to you on several occasions now) so it would seem that you are quite content to inflict this low achieving poorness on all of us despite the absence of a socialist utopia.
When, oh when, oh when will I get my money back?
I would really like an answer to this as it is becoming quite detrimental.
I find it staggering that ET churns out hundreds of thousands of words on this thread when he wants the Norway model. Apart from the loss of influence, its essentially the same arrangement as the UK currently enjoys in the EU.
Richness isn't necessarily monetary. I'll be rich and satisfied in the knowledge that we are heading towards a fairer and more compassionate society.

You might just end up poor and frustrated. History suggests you will.

Well Mr ET if you are rich it is a very sad situation that you find yourself in. I suggest a hobby or perhaps make a friend? Or you could start a charity or another business. Anything is better than the hours you waste typing walls of shite for people here to read, few of whom do and none of whom take any of it remotely seriously.

That's true enough, though I have a sneaking that you must read it.

Even if he's only on a penny a word he's banked about £20k this week.

I should wish...

YOUR beloved Brexit has cost me 10% of my income (as I have pointed out to you on several occasions now) so it would seem that you are quite content to inflict this low achieving poorness on all of us despite the absence of a socialist utopia.
When, oh when, oh when will I get my money back?
I would really like an answer to this as it is becoming quite detrimental.

I can only answer with another question; do you think a Corbyn Brexit is going to recover your 10%, or cost you a further 25%?

Anyway, look at you, with all that wealth to lose. I thought you were in a mad rush to equitably redistribute it.

I find it staggering that ET churns out hundreds of thousands of words on this thread when he wants the Norway model. Apart from the loss of influence, its essentially the same arrangement as the UK currently enjoys in the EU.

I know, but it gives us that whiff of liberty. You might make fun, but hard won stuff, liberty.
Its a slippery slope that leads to bad stuff when the state dictates to a company or individual their wealth.

Continuing with your Godawful grammar/composition.. ( You aren't German are you?)....

It's a very much more slippery slope that leads to even more badderer bad stuff.. when companies dictate to states or individuals their wealth.. :confused:
Islamic terrorism was created by the USA in Afghanistan to bring down the USSR. And then the illegal war on Iraq which killed over half a million people. Followed by tens of thousands more in Libya and Syria. Iran next.
France killed about 3-500,000 Algerians before they won their independence: nearly 5% of the population.
King Leopold II of Belgium killed 8-10 million people in the Congo ! Or 30-40% of the population !

Is that the balance you are looking for ?

Well, no it's not really. It's a series of bias, gross oversimplifications and in some cases even grosser omissions, even if I don't disagree with your distaste for the western invasion of Iraq, and the disastrous lack of strategic planning over the various other ME interventions.

I'm not sure what your own objective is, apart from apparently demanding that the west should prostrate itself in abject humility, and uncomplainingly accept its deserved fate, however horrific.
Continuing with your Godawful grammar/composition.. ( You aren't German are you?)....

It's a very much more slippery slope that leads to even more badderer bad stuff.. when companies dictate to states or individuals their wealth.. :confused:

Shocking grammar indeed, but I think you missed the context

Tie breaker....
It’s a slippery slope that leads to bad stuff when the individual or company dictates the wealth of the state. which it was a response.

It seems that none of us can quite agree on the correct order for the same words. Suffice it to say that without commerce (companies, successful ones, driven by the profit motive), neither individual nor state would have wealth to enjoy.
The question is of course, as ever.. is whose commerce and whose wealth..?

The Tories have driven a deliberate transfer of wealth from poor to rich. This may be dressed up in bollox like 'lowering the deficit', 're-balancing the economy' 'creating efficiencies' or whatever. but the result is the biggest increase in poverty and alienation since the 1930s, or even the 19th C. You seem happy to not only accept, but to extend this.

What you, and all other right wingers refuse to acknowledge, is that the Tory approach has sold off Govt/public assets to crooks.

This has to stop.

I saw the Maybot being interviewed on NWTV last evening. Her response summed up as 'Difficult decisions..', 'The mess left by Labour'.. 'Re-balancing our economy'. 'The best way out of poverty is work' and other meaningless, inaccurate and unrealistic drivel. When confronted by real questions about food banks. 'in work poverty', homelessness, etc, she was left speechless.

She, and her party... have no answers. They don't even understand the question.
I can only answer with another question; do you think a Corbyn Brexit is going to recover your 10%, or cost you a further 25%?

Anyway, look at you, with all that wealth to lose. I thought you were in a mad rush to equitably redistribute it.
ET, I am not a Labour voter and I am very curious to hear about this wealth of mine for I am not a well off person. I will be lucky to top £20,000 before tax this year.
YOUR Brexit IS costing me 10% of this "just about managing" income and I can not afford it.
It would seem that like your impression of my personal wealth (or lack of it) you know NOTHING *.

* Again
Quoting you - "You too. You see innate superiority in something over which you have no control, but which essentially controls you, and innate inferiority in something which you have a deep and invested history, and in which you could play a positive role, should you choose to. Its completely bizarre.
The question is of course, as ever.. is whose commerce and whose wealth..?

The Tories have driven a deliberate transfer of wealth from poor to rich. This may be dressed up in bollox like 'lowering the deficit', 're-balancing the economy' 'creating efficiencies' or whatever. but the result is the biggest increase in poverty and alienation since the 1930s, or even the 19th C. You seem happy to not only accept, but to extend this.

What you, and all other right wingers refuse to acknowledge, is that the Tory approach has sold off Govt/public assets to crooks.

This has to stop.

I saw the Maybot being interviewed on NWTV last evening. Her response summed up as 'Difficult decisions..', 'The mess left by Labour'.. 'Re-balancing our economy'. 'The best way out of poverty is work' and other meaningless, inaccurate and unrealistic drivel. When confronted by real questions about food banks. 'in work poverty', homelessness, etc, she was left speechless.

She, and her party... have no answers. They don't even understand the question.

All of this assumes that because I am anti-Corbyn Labour I am pro-May (or indeed Cameron) Tory. I am not, indeed far from it. You might have found reason to assume so in the inevitable distorted inflammation of my earlier post regarding Jo Cox Place, but I am not particularly right wing. However, I am also not socialist, which Corbyn & Co patently are. I would like to have a relatively 'centrist', social-democratic government. At the moment we are being offered a choice between globalist neo-liberal/neo-con, and something that is finally beginning to reveal itself as being in the broad arena of Marxist-inspired socialism. That is not a choice, or not to me.
You might have found reason to assume so in the inevitable distorted inflammation of my earlier post regarding Jo Cox Place, but I am not particularly right wing.

Know yourself, girlfriend.

I came to that conclusion when, during the ref' campaign, you told pfm you were comfortable with Farage's neo-Nazi imagery poster.
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ET, I am not a Labour voter and I am very curious to hear about this wealth of mine for I am not a well off person. I will be lucky to top £20,000 before tax this year.
YOUR Brexit IS costing me 10% of this "just about managing" income and I can not afford it.
It would seem that like your impression of my personal wealth (or lack of it) you know NOTHING *.

* Again
Quoting you - "You too. You see innate superiority in something over which you have no control, but which essentially controls you, and innate inferiority in something which you have a deep and invested history, and in which you could play a positive role, should you choose to. Its completely bizarre.

Ok, my assumption when you spoke of 'wealth' was that you had a lot of it. It might have been clearer had you said that Brexit had reduced the spending power of your already marginal income by 10%. I don't suppose it will be any consolation to you if I were to say that our situations are not dissimilar. I guess that some of us who wanted rid of the gnomes did so for reasons beyond immediate self-interest, and always acknowledged that it might be a rocky ride. I didn't anticipate the sheer incompetence, uselessness and blind bloody-mindedness of May-or-may not. This isn't MY Brexit.

I can't see how the context of my quote relates to this conversation.
I see Derek Hatton is on his way back into the Labour party, 33 years after being slung out.

The 1970s looms large. Power to the people.

Edit: Crossed post
Well, no it's not really. It's a series of bias, gross oversimplifications and in some cases even grosser omissions, even if I don't disagree with your distaste for the western invasion of Iraq, and the disastrous lack of strategic planning over the various other ME interventions.

I'm not sure what your own objective is, apart from apparently demanding that the west should prostrate itself in abject humility, and uncomplainingly accept its deserved fate, however horrific.

I believe in cause and effect. You belittle the deaths of millions of people. Distaste ?? Strat planning ??
What bias/oversimplifications/omissions ? Don't be shy: school me.
What is your analysis of Islamic 'terrorism' ? Random loonies ? Envy of our way of life ?

AFAIK Jo Cox was a exemplary MP, and more importantly human being. And that is above politics.
Ok, my assumption when you spoke of 'wealth' was that you had a lot of it. It might have been clearer had you said that Brexit had reduced the spending power of your already marginal income by 10%. I don't suppose it will be any consolation to you if I were to say that our situations are not dissimilar. I guess that some of us who wanted rid of the gnomes did so for reasons beyond immediate self-interest, and always acknowledged that it might be a rocky ride. I didn't anticipate the sheer incompetence, uselessness and blind bloody-mindedness of May-or-may not. This isn't MY Brexit.

I can't see how the context of my quote relates to this conversation.

How many Brexits are there?

