
why Corbyn may well win the next election.

Weird post. You forgot the Breivik murders, although it seems you had lots of stats for for other incidents to hand. Why? It's almost like there's a lack of balance in the narrative about terrorism in Europe.

Indeed I did. Norway wasn't on my radar. Brussels is going to need a load more squares, but then again, given that Norway isn't in the EU...

Also Jo Cox was a Labour MP. You can bet Corbyn would have been slated if he hadn’t attended.

Plus the usual shite about the left not giving a damn about terrorism.

Fair enough on Corbyn attending. I didn't say the left couldn't give a damn about terrorism. I might have slyly suggested that the lib-left is susceptible to mysteriously invisible bull pachyderms obstructing the view of the TV though, a point not exactly disproven by the shock and amazement that has accompanied the dawning realisation amongst the devoted of pfm that Jeremiah of Islington isn't actually that keen on the EU, as in that retention of our membership is the polar opposite of what he wants.
If it is true that JC prefers to leave the EU.. you can bet that it is for very different reasons than the bonfire of regulation, NHS sell off etc., that is the driver behind the erg and their familiars.

However, JC has repeatedly stated that he will abide by the will of his party. And May's response to her party is..???
... the shock and amazement that has accompanied the dawning realisation amongst the devoted of pfm that Jeremiah of Islington isn't actually that keen on the EU, as in that retention of our membership is the polar opposite of what he wants.

Objection due to projection!

JC has always been well known as a Eurosceptic within Labour and the left.
istm the "shock ... amazement" and "dawning realisation" are very much yours.
tbf probably those who attempt to compered existence via what they feel in their waters too.
...The only real difference between hard line Islamic terrorist and White Supremacist belief is whom they consider "Superior"...

Indeed. And that Brussels apparently only names its squares after one of (comparatively) few victims of the latter, and a person with suitably pro-EU credentials to boot.

If it is true that JC prefers to leave the EU.. you can bet that it is for very different reasons than the bonfire of regulation, NHS sell off etc., that is the driver behind the erg and their familiars.

However, JC has repeatedly stated that he will abide by the will of his party. And May's response to her party is..???

I think you could replace the word 'repeatedly' by 'reluctantly', even if he has repeatedly reluctantly said it.

What the hell has May got to do with it?
Objection due to projection!

JC has always been well known as a Eurosceptic within Labour and the left.
istm the "shock ... amazement" and "dawning realisation" are very much yours.
tbf probably those who attempt to compered existence via what they feel in their waters too.

Not at all, I've pointed it out all along, invariably to abject denial from the disciples. I'm amazed that you've missed the crashing sound of multiple bags of pennies dropping from great heights throughout the various post-mortems on the LP conference on these pages. But then what was it I was saying about evanescent pachyderms...?
...tbf probably those who attempt to compered existence via what they feel in their waters too.

The usual suspects seem to be lining up to 'like' the comment of which this was the final sentence.

Can one of them perhaps translate it for me please?
Yeah I'd worry if I were you...Fan faeces interface time for tory scum.

Oh, I didn't mean you, 2D....just tory scum generally.

As a small business owner myself the only thing that could be worse than the shower of economically inept bell-ends currently in power would be extreme-right tax-fiddling millionaire oligarch elites such as Rees-Mogg, Johnson etc and their fraudulent Brexit scam crashing the UK into a sure-fire recession/depression. Corbyn looks like a breath of fresh air compared to those liars, cheats and con-artists and the vile racists and propagandists such as Steve Bannon, Dacre etc standing directly behind them. Utter scum the lot of them.

Lots of scum about these days. Quite takes you back to 1979, very nostalgic.

Not sure about Corbyn looking like 'fresh air' compared to anyone in politics (however vile & scummy). More like dinosaur breath.
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Lots of scum about these days. Quite takes you back to 1979, very nostalgic.

Not sure about Corbyn looking like 'fresh air' compared to anyone in politics (however vile & scummy). More like dinosaur breath.
Hey, I've been randomly quoted by ET!
It appears I'm partly responsible for bringing on a Proust moment!

ET, why don't you take the IKEA self assembly pontiff challenge?

What would you consider a biggish wedge?40K in the north, 52K in the south.
Are the income and outgoings of those with a biggish wedge to be considered? No, because they will expand to elastically accommodate wedge size.
Should me and my wife get VW beetles instead of our cars of choice? If one of you want a luxury car badly enough, you could make sacrifices in order to afford them. But without money to profligately squander, you might prioritise elsewhere. They are, after all just a way to get from A to B and, for example, my 05 focus does it well enough.
How many and how much should we pay for our holidays? Again, that would be up to you. You should get a nice, foreign, annual holiday on what you can save out of 40K to 50K.
Is £100 for a new vinyl box set greedy. Are you buying or selling?
Tie breaker....
It’s a slippery slope that leads to bad stuff when the individual or company dictates the wealth of the state.
Not at all, I've pointed it out all along, invariably to abject denial from the disciples. I'm amazed that you've missed the crashing sound of multiple bags of pennies dropping from great heights throughout the various post-mortems on the LP conference on these pages.

Then your previous post makes no sense, as everyone would've be informed.

But then what was it I was saying about evanescent pachyderms...?

Exactly how bad is your memory?

The usual suspects seem to be lining up to 'like' the comment of which this was the final sentence.

Say what you see.

Can one of them perhaps translate it for me please?

Grandad, grandad use Google ...
Very virtuous of him, and of the Belgians.

Since 2004 89 people have been killed in attacks by Islamic terrorists in the UK, and 938 injured, many of them terribly. In the same period France has had 253 people killed and 941 injured by Islamists. Since 2012 Belgium itself has had 38 people killed and 306 injured by Islamists. In the last 14 years, as far as I can establish, 3 people have been killed (of whom Jo Cox was one) and a handful injured by right-wing, white supremacist or nazi affiliated terrorists in all three countries.

Many of the people killed in the attacks were women and children. Amongst the youngest was an 8 year old schoolgirl who was attending the Grande concert in Manchester.

I trust Brussels has got lots of squares that could do with renaming, and that the Corbyns of the world have plenty of time on their hands.

The Jo Cox murder was ugly and horrific. But is it just me, or is there a lack of balance in the narrative around it from the left? There is a vague sniff of it being co-opted to promote the narrative of Brexit as an entirely xenophobic act - Thomas Mair was a single person amongst 17.3 million, indeed amongst 80 million - and now the virtuousness of the EU, and of Jeremy Corbyn. In the meantime the liberal left barely acknowledges Islamic terrorism.

Islamic terrorism was created by the USA in Afghanistan to bring down the USSR. And then the illegal war on Iraq which killed over half a million people. Followed by tens of thousands more in Libya and Syria. Iran next.
France killed about 3-500,000 Algerians before they won their independence: nearly 5% of the population.
King Leopold II of Belgium killed 8-10 million people in the Congo ! Or 30-40% of the population !

Is that the balance you are looking for ?
The Jo Cox murder was ugly and horrific. But is it just me, or is there a lack of balance in the narrative around it from the left? There is a vague sniff of it being co-opted to promote the narrative of Brexit as an entirely xenophobic act - Thomas Mair was a single person amongst 17.3 million, indeed amongst 80 million - and now the virtuousness of the EU, and of Jeremy Corbyn. In the meantime the liberal left barely acknowledges Islamic terrorism.

May I suggest you take your vile “Tommy Robinson”/Katie Hopkins/far-right revisionist rhetoric to say Manchester, a city that has actually suffered at the hands of terrorism and poll the decent left-leaning population as to what they think, especially if they think their Labour council, MPs & Mayor (we don’t do Tories here) have adequately publicly recognised the issue?! Hint: it has become part of Manchester’s very being, part of the city’s fabric. You can see echoes everywhere, though not in any remotely ugly or reactionary way. This is a city with much dignity and integrity that knows how to mourn its dead.

The reality is that Jo Cox is the only MP to have been murdered by terrorism in recent years. It is perfectly understandable that she is recognised and remembered by her peers, both here and where she worked for years in Brussels in the charity sector. I understand this may be awkward for you as she was murdered by a Brexit terrorist spurred on by Brexit propaganda and hate-speech spouted by Brexit entities such as UKIP, Britain First, EDL etc, who by the tone of your recent posts it would appear you have much sympathy for. Anyway, thanks for living up to the worst ‘leaver’ stereotype imaginable. It helps make the point that all xenophobes are Brexiters, even if not all Brexiters are xenophobes. For a long time I had respect for your position even if I didn’t agree with it. And now I don’t!
ET, why don't you take the IKEA self assembly pontiff challenge?

What would you consider a biggish wedge?40K in the north, 52K in the south.
Are the income and outgoings of those with a biggish wedge to be considered? No, because they will expand to elastically accommodate wedge size.
Should me and my wife get VW beetles instead of our cars of choice? If one of you want a luxury car badly enough, you could make sacrifices in order to afford them. But without money to profligately squander, you might prioritise elsewhere. They are, after all just a way to get from A to B and, for example, my 05 focus does it well enough.
How many and how much should we pay for our holidays? Again, that would be up to you. You should get a nice, foreign, annual holiday on what you can save out of 40K to 50K.
Is £100 for a new vinyl box set greedy. Are you buying or selling?
Tie breaker....
It’s a slippery slope that leads to bad stuff when the individual or company dictates the wealth of the state.

Looks like you've taken it for me.

However, I'd settle for 52k. Or 40k. Is my 08 Golf too new? Annual holiday...I went to Corfu for a week in 2013. Can't answer the box set.

Tie breaker...

Its a slippery slope that leads to bad stuff when the state dictates to a company or individual their wealth.
May I suggest you take your vile “Tommy Robinson”/Katie Hopkins/far-right revisionist rhetoric to say Manchester, a city that has actually suffered at the hands of terrorism and poll the decent left-leaning population as to what they think, especially if they think their Labour council, MPs & Mayor (we don’t do Tories here) have adequately publicly recognised the issue?! Hint: it has become part of Manchester’s very being, part of the city’s fabric. You can see echoes everywhere, though not in any remotely ugly or reactionary way. This is a city with much dignity and integrity that knows how to mourn its dead.

The reality is that Jo Cox is the only MP to have been murdered by terrorism in recent years. It is perfectly understandable that she is recognised and remembered by her peers, both here and where she worked for years in Brussels in the charity sector. I understand this may be awkward for you as she was murdered by a Brexit terrorist spurred on by Brexit propaganda and hate-speech spouted by Brexit entities such as UKIP, Britain First, EDL etc, who by the tone of your recent posts it would appear you have much sympathy for. Anyway, thanks for living up to the worst ‘leaver’ stereotype imaginable. It helps make the point that all xenophobes are Brexiters, even if not all Brexiters are xenophobes. For a long time I had respect for your position even if I didn’t agree with it. And now I don’t!

Great post. Thank you.
Looks like you've taken it for me.

However, I'd settle for 52k. Or 40k. Is my 08 Golf too new? Annual holiday...I went to Corfu for a week in 2013. Can't answer the box set.

Tie breaker...

Its a slippery slope that leads to bad stuff when the state dictates to a company or individual their wealth.

A low achiever like yourself needs guidance from another right wing reactionary. Can I suggest MickP of this parish. He's considerably richer than yow and may give you the benefit of his expertise.
A low achiever like yourself needs guidance from another right wing reactionary. Can I suggest MickP of this parish. He's considerably richer than yow and may give you the benefit of his expertise.

We'll all be low-achievers in your brave new socialist utopia, and Mick won't be richer than me. Neither will you.
Well Mr ET if you are rich it is a very sad situation that you find yourself in. I suggest a hobby or perhaps make a friend? Or you could start a charity or another business. Anything is better than the hours you waste typing walls of shite for people here to read, few of whom do and none of whom take any of it remotely seriously.

