
why Corbyn may well win the next election.

Interesting, I work in a unionised environment which has been undeniably beneficial to the workforce. You’d think, therefore that my colleagues would be broadly sympathetic to the Union’s political aspirations. Nothing could be further from the truth, I am Facebook “friends” with many and a sizeable number post Britain First type filth and are happy to pronounce publicly things they’d never say at work. I’m truly amazed at the level of angry fascist ignorance on social media.

Keep in mind that there are operations that produce such posts, to drive opinion and increase divisions, etc. Not all that fascism is 'organic.'
According to the BBC’s Politics Live program Emily Thornberry has apparently just stated that Labour will vote against *any* Tory Brexit deal. Could this actually be the birth of a proper opposition party?!
According to the BBC’s Politics Live program Emily Thornberry has apparently just stated that Labour will vote against *any* Tory Brexit deal. Could this actually be the birth of a proper opposition party?!

Tony, Labour gave always been in a difficult position over Brexit and gave had to tread very carefully. They can see that the Tories are getting in a bigger mess day by day. It's all a question of timing.
A thoughtful blog post about Brexit from an ordinary Labour Party member:

His blog has lots of excellent posts about the state of the educatin system too, if anyone's interested (he's *not* a fan of Gove).

The piece has a lot of interesting facts, figures and thoughts, about Brexit. The author is a CLP Chair in the Isle of Wight. He looks at Corbyn/Labour's part in the saga and how they can deal with the situation now.

He reckons if Labour had been openly anti-Brexit after the Referendum, the Tories and BBC/Sky would have painted them as traitors. This would have led to Leave getting more support.

What will happen at the Labour Conference and should the Party go for a People's Vote, let alone a 2nd Referendum?

"It is important that people go into this Conference with their eyes open," says the CLP Chair. "If Labour adopts a stronger anti-Brexit stance, we should expect a mad Tory media campaign, supported by what now appears to be a BBC which has abandoned any pretence at impartiality, screaming “betrayal” at Labour.

"A disgustingly anti-democratic deal will then see the Northern Irish Unionists gerrymander English, Welsh and Scottish constituency boundaries to boost the Tories by up to 40 seats. An election may be called, UKIP voters would flock to the Tories to protect Brexit, and Tory Remainers will probably stay with the Tories. That would give a big Tory majority, it would be claimed as a mandate for the most catastrophic variety of Brexit by the ERG, and we’d be looking at five years of the Tories completing their demolition of the last of the post-war settlement. Say goodbye to the NHS, folks."

Doesn't sound good does it? A lot of Brexiteers have already accepted there will be economic damage done through leaving the EU. The important thing is how to get them to change their mind if there's another vote.

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