
War declared, Israel v Palestine...

Unsurprising but Biden the Warmonger General is willing to go further. The only way that war will 'break out' is if Israel starts it...

US assures Israel of full support if war with Hezbollah breaks out

Washington has assured Tel Aviv that it will have its full support if a full-scale war breaks out with Hezbollah, according to a CNN report that quoted an unnamed senior Biden administration official.
The pledge was reportedly made this week when US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan and US Secretary of State Antony Blinken met Israeli National Security Advisor Tzachi Hanegbi and Israel’s Minister of Strategic Affairs Ron Dermer in Washington, DC.
The source said that the US would offer Israel military assistance but not deploy ground troops.
Tensions are growing between Israel and Hezbollah after months of intensifying cross-border attacks in southern Lebanon and northern Israel. The Lebanese armed group has warned that there will be “no restraint and no rules and no ceilings” if war breaks out.

Unsurprising but Biden the Warmonger General is willing to go further. The only way that war will 'break out' is if Israel starts it...

US assures Israel of full support if war with Hezbollah breaks out

Washington has assured Tel Aviv that it will have its full support if a full-scale war breaks out with Hezbollah, according to a CNN report that quoted an unnamed senior Biden administration official.
The pledge was reportedly made this week when US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan and US Secretary of State Antony Blinken met Israeli National Security Advisor Tzachi Hanegbi and Israel’s Minister of Strategic Affairs Ron Dermer in Washington, DC.
The source said that the US would offer Israel military assistance but not deploy ground troops.
Tensions are growing between Israel and Hezbollah after months of intensifying cross-border attacks in southern Lebanon and northern Israel. The Lebanese armed group has warned that there will be “no restraint and no rules and no ceilings” if war breaks out.


‘Human shielding in action’

Francesca Albanese, the UN special rapporteur to the occupied Palestinian territories, has responded to footage shared online showing an Israeli armoured vehicle in Jenin driving past ambulances with an injured Palestinian man strapped to the hood.
“It is flabbergasting how a state born 76 years ago has managed to turn international law literally on its head,” she said in a post on X.
“This risks being the end of multilateralism, which for some influential member states no longer serves any relevant purpose,” Albanese added.


Is Israel’s Smotrich fulfilling his dream of annexing the West Bank?

A quiet takeover of occupied West Bank has been cooking for 18 months. Are the far right going to get their way?
Now Smotrich and his Settlements Administration control more things, like building regulations and the management of farmland, parks and forests.

Since he entered government, Smotrich has pushed openly for more Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank – illegal under international law – as steps towards annexation.

Gaza is proving to be an excellent distraction for Israeli land grabs in the West Bank.
Radicalised IDF ghouls now using injured Palestinians as hood ornaments on their military vehicles:

Apparently it “does not conform to the values of the IDF”. My arse. A quick scan of IDF TikTok accounts somewhat negates that.

Up to 21,000 children missing in chaos of Gaza war, says aid group

Save the Children, in a new statement, said thousands of missing Palestinian children are believed to be trapped beneath the rubble of destroyed homes, detained by Israeli forces, buried in unmarked graves or lost from their families.
“It is nearly impossible to collect and verify information under the current conditions in Gaza,” the British aid group said, “but at least 17,000 children are believed to be unaccompanied and separated and approximately 4,000 children are likely missing under the rubble, with an unknown number also in mass graves”.
The group added, “Others have been forcibly disappeared, including an unknown number detained and forcibly transferred out of Gaza, their whereabouts unknown to their families amidst reports of ill-treatment and torture.”


Israeli land sales event in Los Angeles draws protests

A real estate fair promoting land sales in Israel to American buyers has drawn protests from opponents and supporters of the event in Los Angeles, California.
My Home in Israel Real Estate, a group based in the occupied West Bank, described the real estate event on Saturday as the “mega event of the year”.
Previous events hosted by My Home in Israel Real Estate have drawn protests from opponents who say they promote land sales and expanded settlements on illegally occupied Palestinian land.

Up to their old tricks in Lebanon now...

Israel shells civil defence team in southern Lebanon: Report

Lebanon’s National News Agency has said the Israeli forces targeted a civil defence team in the village of Taybeh in southern Lebanon with an artillery shell.
The attack was carried out while the team was extinguishing a fire in the village, and a member was injured by shrapnel in the chest before being hospitalised, according to the report.
Israel and Hezbollah have exchanged near-daily fire since Israel launched war on Gaza in the wake of deadly Hamas attack.

From a criminal mind to a criminal mouth...

“We will establish sovereignty … first on the ground and then through legislation. I intend to legalise the young settlements [illegal outposts],” Smotrich said in comments reported by Haaretz. “My life’s mission is to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state.”

Annexation and the acquisition of territory by military conquest is forbidden as one of the founding principles of international law including the UN charter.

The US in no way wants this conflict to escalate.
True, but it is likely to continue to back Israel to the hilt if it does. Netenyahu is desperate to settle accounts with Hezbollah while he can still count on Biden holding his jacket. If Trump wins in November, all bets are off.

If I were Benji, I’d be careful what I wished for. Hezbollah ain’t no Hamas. They have already bloodied the Israeli Occupation Force’s nose on two previous occasions.
The worry is that Israel may go nuclear on Hizbolla and use that as a green light to hit Iran. There is no way Israel can beat hizbolla with conventional munitions.
Israel may go nuclear
I don't think even Binyaden is that stupid. Because even if they manage to get away with it, it'll just motivate Iran even more to get nukes and then proceed to wipe Israel out as a long term aim. Israel is a physically small country with a small population, it would be trivially easy to literally eradicate the country with nukes. In fact it wouldn't even be necessary, just hit Israels nuclear power stations exposing their cores and make 60% of Israel uninhabitable for 100 years. Easily done with conventional weapons.

