
War declared, Israel v Palestine...

If you have a strong stomach and wish to see unedited footage of the hospital and surrounding area then watch Arabic Al Jazeera as it is not censored in any way like Al jazeera English version.

It is a hard watch though so be warned
I am sure that Israel feels quite safe attacking Consulates, after all they have Biden's support for their atrocities, and another huge arms deal approved. It honestly makes me sick that we are allowing this rogue state to carry out genocide in Gaza and flout all the norms of a civilized nation.
We are being faced by the reality of the hypocrisy and the lies we tell ourselves. A seething mass of bugs.
Putin is a bad man because he has invaded the Donbas, we on the other hand are good and free and in our goodness and freeness sell weapons to Isreal and watch genocide live on TV every night.

Happening now:

Naamodniks, other Jews, and allies are blocking the entrance to the Foreign Office (@FCDOGovUK) to demand that they fund aid not arms for Gaza.

As Jews in the UK, we demand that the government re-funds UNRWA and stops arming Israeli war crimes.


PS I recommend reading the Na’amod Twitter feed, it is an interesting perspective. One we are unlikely to hear elsewhere given our media and politicians so deliberately conflate Judaism with Zionism.

Though the exact number of casualties from the atrocity is still unknown, preliminary reports suggest that over 1,500 Palestinians have been killed, injured, or are reported missing as a result of the massacre at Al-Shifa, with women and children making up half of the casualties. Euro-Med Monitor is able to confirm from its initial investigation and testimonies that hundreds of dead bodies, including some burned, and others with their heads and limbs severed, have been discovered both inside Al-Shifa Medical Complex and in the hospital’s surrounding area.

From a report from Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor:

They bombed one Iranian Consulate in Syria.

Israel take the fight to those who promote terrorist activities against Israel - this is not new and I am surprised anyone is surprised. Israel do not want a world war, they are not unhinged, it is a message to those who think they can attack using second or third parties.

I don't condone it, but I do understand the tactic.
Would the same justification apply to an attack on an Israeli embassy?
Also yesterday, seven humanitarian aid workers murdered by Israel. From Australia, Poland, United Kingdom, a dual citizen of the U.S. and Canada, and Palestine.

That is certainly a war crime.

The US response is... masses of new arms for Israel. They call it a 'sale' but presumably that means 'given away for free'.
Would the same justification apply to an attack on an Israeli embassy?
It was an explanation not a justification; in an armed conflict Syria or Iran would be "justified" to retaliate in kind. I doubt that have the nerve to do so directly.
It was an explanation not a justification; in an armed conflict Syria or Iran would be "justified" to retaliate in kind. I doubt that have the nerve to do so directly.
….because they would receive international condemnation, especially from UK and US.

The point is that any justification or ‘understanding’ of israel bombings does not extend to the same actions by other actors. Understanding is not universal, considered or moral
They bombed one Iranian Consulate in Syria.

Israel take the fight to those who promote terrorist activities against Israel - this is not new and I am surprised anyone is surprised. Israel do not want a world war, they are not unhinged, it is a message to those who think they can attack using second or third parties.

I don't condone it, but I do understand the tactic.
It makes sense. Iran is supplying weapons to Hezbolla and Hamas to use against Israel, and has openly and repeatedly called for the destruction of Israel. So if there is a guy in Damascus, the capital of a country that is technically "at war" with Israel, who is managing the supply of arms to Hezbolla, I'd say he is a perfectly legitimate target. Indicative of who is supporting whom, that Russia and China have both criticized the Israeli attack.
It makes sense. The Uk is supplying weapons to israel and the idf to use against Palastine and has openly and repeatedly called for the destruction of Hamas. So if there is a guy in London, the capital of a country that is technically "at war" with Palestine , who is managing the supply of arms to the idf, I'd say he is a perfectly legitimate target.
How's that look?
Israel is baiting the Arab world in very dangerous ways, and the USA and indeed the rest of the world should be very worried about reprisals. The monstrous crimes of Israel in Gaza are pushing the Arab world to the brink. Unfortunately the USA will feel obliged to take sides with Israel in any conflict and escalation could happen quite suddenly in the worst case. Very worrying, because this involves Russia too, and relations there are already on a knife edge.
Israel is baiting the Arab world in very dangerous ways, and the USA and indeed the rest of the world should be very worried about reprisals. The monstrous crimes of Israel in Gaza are pushing the Arab world to the brink. Unfortunately the USA will feel obliged to take sides with Israel in any conflict and escalation could happen quite suddenly in the worst case. Very worrying, because this involves Russia too, and relations there are already on a knife edge.
You could also turn it around and say that its Arab neighbours have been baiting Israel since 1948. Refusal to accept its existence, repeated wars of attack seeking its destruction, the holding of Palestinian refugees in squalid camps for decades. More recently the Oct 7 massacre, thousands of rockets fired from Gaza and a good few from Hezbollah, and Hamas' refusal to release the Israeli hostages as a condition of a ceasefire.
I agree that Russia is deeply involved, as of course is Iran.
You could also turn it around and say that its Arab neighbours have been baiting Israel since 1948. Refusal to accept its existence, repeated wars of attack seeking its destruction, the holding of Palestinian refugees in squalid camps for decades. More recently the Oct 7 massacre, thousands of rockets fired from Gaza and a good few from Hezbollah, and Hamas' refusal to release the Israeli hostages as a condition of a ceasefire.
I agree that Russia is deeply involved, as of course is Iran.
No. Israel was attacking Palestinians before 1948.

The occupation of Palestine was sanctioned by the UN, but is a colonial settler occupation nonetheless, and Israel has broken any number of UN resolutions regarding it’s occupation and expansion ever since.
Israel always insists that it should be treated like any other country.

It's defenders call anyone who deviates from such impartiality an anti-Semite.

OK, then.

If any other country in the Middle East had done what Israel has done in the last six months, Western military forces would have intervened a long time ago.

When do we start bombing Tel Aviv?

When do we give Netanyahu the Saddam Hussein treatment?
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No. Israel was attacking Palestinians before 1948.

The occupation of Palestine was sanctioned by the UN, but is a colonial settler occupation nonetheless, and Israel has broken any number of UN resolutions regarding it’s occupation and expansion ever since.

Don't get bogged down in this poster's bullshit.

It's the politics of the schoolyard - "He started it!".

It doesn't matter who "started it".

Nothing justifies Israel's industrial scale slaughter of civilians and the its commission of crimes against humanity on a historic scale.

Anyone who seeks to defend that is a monster.
No. Israel was attacking Palestinians before 1948.

The occupation of Palestine was sanctioned by the UN, but is a colonial settler occupation nonetheless, and Israel has broken any number of UN resolutions regarding it’s occupation and expansion ever since.
Yes, and Palestinian Arabs were attacking Palestinian Jews before 1948.

The "partition" into 2 states was decided by the UN, but the Arabs (Palestinian and non-Palestinian) rejected this decision. Which was a terrible mistake, based on Israel's Arab neighbours' opposition to the creation of a Palestinian state. They wanted it all to themselves, not as a Palestinian State for the Palestinians, but to carve up amongst themselves.
Israel always insists that it should be treated like any other country.

It's defenders call anyone who deviates from impartiality an anti-Semite.

OK, then.

If any other country in the Middle East had done what Israel has done in the last six months, Western military forces would have intervened a long time ago.

When do we start bombing Tel Aviv?

When do we give Netanyahu the Saddam Hussein treatment?
Yes. Hamas is declared a terrorist organisation.

By an equitable assessment, so too should the IDF
We heard some horrifically gruesome accounts from Palestinian medics at our weekly Gaza support rally. Young children having limbs amputated without anaesthetic etc. What sort of monster do you have to be to attempt to justify this obscenity with the “well if Hamas just surrendered and gave up the hostages“ line?

Deliberate targeting of hospitals and medical staff is abhorrent. No excuse in the world is a lie big enough to cover up the obscenity of what is happening before our eyes.

