
War declared, Israel v Palestine...

The Shifa hospital massacre is worse than the 1948 Nakba’s Deir Yassin & Tantoura massacres combined

Over 300 women, children & men slaughtered. Many zip-tied & executed, some flattened by tanks, burned, or hacked into pieces by missiles, skeletal remains & body parts everywhere

Muhammad Shehada, EuroMed Human Rights monitor.

His Twitter account is well worth a read if you can stomach it. Undeniable evidence of the most grave war crimes met with derision, racism and radical Zionism from genocidal IDF terror squads and their many supporters. History will eventually call these monsters out. We all have the receipts.
Very good interview on Democracy Now (a good news reporting channel) with Dr Ghassan Abu-Sittah, a British/palestinian plastic surgeon that works in Gaza and has just been elected as rector of Glasgow university, needless to say the Israeli lobby groups in this country and beyond are frantically crying out “antisemite“ and raising objections to every media organisation that will listen to them


Gaza’s healthcare system has now been destroyed.

No modern society can function without one.

The absence of one imposes a death sentence on growing numbers of people: from the ill and sick to the injured to pregnant women.

Along with the siege, this is a genocidal act.

We are witnessing the normalisation of what would ordinarily be seen widely understood as the most extreme crimes imaginable.

Israel today celebrates the destruction of Gaza’s main hospital.

But the al Shifa massacre is a landmark moment in the fall of the West,

The West’s moral pretences were already treated with contempt by much of the world.

But the genocide of Gaza is an extinction level event for Western moral power.

This moral collapse is infectious.

Western politicians, media outlets and public figures made themselves complicit by supporting this atrocity or refusing to speak out.

Their moral authority rots in the rubble of al Shifa hospital.

The consequences of what you're seeing here will be felt for generations. They will be gruesome.

Owen Jones correctly calling out the truly repugnant moral collapse of our political classes. They stain us all with their support, association and funding of these crimes against humanity.

Please follow the link as Owen links to sources and evidence I can’t easily include here.
I see butchering children is no longer enough for Netanyahu’s radicalised racist IDF death squads, they are now bombing embassies in other lands. Likud look to be trying to start WWIII. I guess yet another attempted smokescreen for their genocide and ethnic cleansing. Totally unhinged.
Good watch with Mehdi Hassan and Francesca Albanese about her latest report on the Israeli assault on Gaza

Just watching this now. Francesca Albanese is superb. So focused, legally/historically knowledgeable and with a functioning moral compass. An incredibly rare combination at present. Folk need to watch this.
I see butchering children is no longer enough for Netanyahu’s radicalised racist IDF death squads, they are now bombing embassies in other lands. Likud look to be trying to start WWIII. I guess yet another attempted smokescreen for their genocide and ethnic cleansing. Totally unhinged.

I've said it before but worth saying again, Israel's current government is attempting to create instability in the region to keep themselves in power, and out of the ICCJ
Major Israeli strike on Iranian embassy in Syria. Everyone hit. I would have thought that is a war crime? Wouldn't surprise me if that partly was to keep the war crime hospital footage out of the headlines.

And, of course, I have no doubt that Israel wants a US strike on Iran.

Doesn't this make countries arming israel complicit in this war crime and smashing of international law?
Major Israeli strike on Iranian embassy in Syria. Everyone hit. I would have thought that is a war crime?

I’d have thought it was a clear act of war. As ever to get a handle on the far-right gaslighting we suffer here just reverse it; imagine it was an Iranian or Russian missile strike on say the Canadian embassy in the UK. Netanyahu’s radicalised Israel is a racist religious death cult as bad as any other, but with the weapons and funding of a superpower. They are terrifying. The damage they are doing to this planet is incalculable.

MSF is horrified that Al-Shifa hospital is in ruins after a 14-day long operation by Israeli forces in and around the facility. Gaza’s largest hospital is now out of service. Given the extent of the destruction, people in the north are left with even fewer healthcare options.

Access to Al-Shifa hospital was impossible for days, leaving patients without care. On 31 March, according to WHO, 21 patients have died since the hospital came under siege on 18 March and 107 others remain trapped inside, 4 of which are children along with 28 critical patients.

Though we cannot confirm the exact number of casualties, hundreds of people have been killed, including medical staff. Bodies are lying in the street, according to public reports. There have also been mass arrests of medical staff and other people in and around the hospital.

The violence of the assault and heavy fighting also impacted MSF’s clinic located near the hospital. “I saw the huge damage. I was in shock. They damaged the office, clinic, all the cars and generators,” said an MSF staff member.

MSF staff members visited Al-Shifa hospital in January and March. Though the hospital was only partially functioning and desperately lacking supplies, medical staff were still treating over 200 patients in March.

MSF calls for the safe evacuation of the remaining patients so they can receive the care they need. An immediate and sustained ceasefire must be implemented now to put an end to the destruction of healthcare facilities, endangering the lives of patients and medical staff.

MSF International.
Israeli government going full facist/nazi, now banning Al Jazeera from broadcasting in Israel.

Nice work Netanyahu you street fighting thug, you'll deserve everything that's coming to you

All fascist/terror states rely on tightly controlling the media. Whilst the well documented actions of the IDF show just how widespread religious radicalisation, racism and dehumanisation is within Israel some of the population would still be horrified when confronted with hard evidence of Israeli crimes against humanity. As such their state censors the truth.

PS Don’t think are much better off here! Most within the Conservative Party and much of Labour would happily scapegoat me a “hate marcher” or some such just for posting the Médecins Sans Frontières Twitter posts above.
What the actions of Israel demonstrate is that the rule of law is entirely arbitrary. Notions of right and wrong are politically applied, that the most appalling acts of genocide are sanctioned by the US and the UK.

The global reach of a wholly corrupt US and it’s puppet the UK is a deep, deep sickness.

A vote for Labour is a vote for sick

A vote for Tory is a vote for sick
I see butchering children is no longer enough for Netanyahu’s radicalised racist IDF death squads, they are now bombing embassies in other lands. Likud look to be trying to start WWIII. I guess yet another attempted smokescreen for their genocide and ethnic cleansing. Totally unhinged.
They bombed one Iranian Consulate in Syria.

Israel take the fight to those who promote terrorist activities against Israel - this is not new and I am surprised anyone is surprised. Israel do not want a world war, they are not unhinged, it is a message to those who think they can attack using second or third parties.

I don't condone it, but I do understand the tactic.

