
Vast Brexit thread merge part IV

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Ummm… I thought we wanted a 'clean break Brexit'? And the Benn Act was the Surrender Act? So Juncker done good, right?


"Nigel Farage@Nigel_Farage
So an unelected, retiring bureaucrat says: No extension, take this new treaty or just leave. He is overriding the Benn Act. The EU shows itself to be a thuggocracy - power without accountability. Appalling people.
3:14 PM · Oct 17, 2019"

Farage will do whatever stirs up ill-feelings so that he can stay in the limelight. Another egotistical conman like Johnson.
Ummm… I thought we wanted a 'clean break Brexit'? And the Benn Act was the Surrender Act? So Juncker done good, right?


"Nigel Farage@Nigel_Farage
So an unelected, retiring bureaucrat says: No extension, take this new treaty or just leave. He is overriding the Benn Act. The EU shows itself to be a thuggocracy - power without accountability. Appalling people.
3:14 PM · Oct 17, 2019"

Farage will do whatever stirs up ill-feelings so that he can stay in the limelight. Another egotistical conman like Johnson.
Farage defending Hilary Benn? How quaint. If there is no referendum and it’s going to happen then hard ‘clean break’ Brexit is my preference because the far right in England will undermine any deal even over years. Let’s get the damage up front and allow everyone to make their future electoral decisions on the basis of reality. The UK as an entity will be finished.
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Juncker has said the EU will not grant a further extension.

This means the opposition have to band together and do a VONC, form an interim government and have a second referendum, or alternately revoke Article 50. I doubt Corbyn the Brexiteer will go for the latter though.

"EU will not grant any further extension, says Juncker, implying MPs must choose between this deal and no deal
Jean-Claude Juncker, the European commission president, has said the EU will not grant another Brexit extension.

"This is hugely significant, because, if the rest of the EU27 agree - and it is not clear yet whether he is speaking on their behalf - it means MPs will effectively be faced with a choice between this deal and no deal."

He is as trustworthy as Trump. A complete idiot. Here is what he said before the renegotiations with Boris took place. I thought we all enjoyed taking the piss out of hyprocritical politicians that go back on their world. So why ignore stuff like this from a drunk idiot that has a whiff of corruption in his past.

December 2018...its the best deal we an do blah blah blah, there will be no more room for negotiation blah blah blah

March 2019.....we have done everything we can blah blah bah.... its this deal or no deal or no brexit blah blah blah.

October 2019......blah blah blah.

The words full of shit spring to mind.
Farage defending Hilary Benn? How quaint. If there is no referendum and it’s goinh to happen then hard ‘clean break’ Brexit is my preference because the far right in England will undermine any deal even over years. Let’s get the damage up front and allow everyone to make their future electoral decisions on the basis of reality. The UK as an entity will be finished.
I don't believe Junker is giving a way out for Boris, but disregarding money it does make sense. The Brexit party is from an EU perspective toxic and causes dissension from other countries MEPs, and from the UK side the Tories and Labour want to get back to the comfortable two party system of loathing each other.
Can someone help me with the numbers? I don't see how it passes. Labour 'rebels' 20 tops and I seriously doubt that many when push comes to shove. Even with the DUP, doesn't amount to a pass.

Then he will be in contempt of the Supreme Court.
I haven’t caught up with the thread, so apologise if it’s been posted.

I heard Druncker saying something that sounded like this is ‘the last deal’. This means the EU and Johnson are trying to frighten remain MPs into voting for this latest bad deal. The idea being, if the crap deal is rejected Johnson requests an extension iaw the law but the EU say no. So, if the deal is not supported on Saturday we will leave with no deal on 31 Oct.

This is a clear sign the crap deal for the UK is a good deal for the EU.
It probably means that Johnson’s representatives that recently met the Hungarian govt got a deal where they’d veto an extension for some consideration.
What if Junker isn't bluffing and there will be no extension....

Then it's either Johnson's deal, no deal or, a VoNC after which those wanting any other option would have to get behind Corbyn as interim PM.
What if Junker isn't bluffing and there will be no extension....

Then it's either Johnson's deal, no deal or, a VoNC after which those wanting any other option would have to get behind Corbyn as interim PM.

Wrong. It's not even his call but if you look at the footage, he was tripping over language. Unlike you to be easily hyped.
What if Junker isn't bluffing and there will be no extension....

Then it's either Johnson's deal, no deal or, a VoNC after which those wanting any other option would have to get behind Corbyn as interim PM.

It was obviously Junker's personal position but I think there is a very real risk that there wouldn't be unanimous agreement on an extension, perhaps that's where he's coming from...
Maybe the Sinn Fein MPs will turn up and vote for the deal, just to piss off the DUP (who are well worth pissing off, I must say!).
It was obviously Junker's personal position but I think there is a very real risk that there wouldn't be unanimous agreement on an extension, perhaps that's where he's coming from...
Yes, Macron is said to be sick of it all and maybe he's privately taken a stand, or perhaps Johnson's extreme-right brethren in Hungary have said they'll throw a spanner in the works.

I doubt any extension will be a foregone conclusion like before anyhow, which may explain Juncker's words.
Shit sandwich, we used to call it at work. It has to happen sooner or later so you might as well get on and take a bite.
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