
Vast Brexit thread merge part IV

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I did say what if...

Anyway, I hope you're right.

Fair enough. There is always a lot of media hype around every Brexit 'development' and the scrutiny always follows where things soon start being exposed. There is a considerable thread of de-regulation and worsening of austerity in this "deal", so I expect that to start unravelling.

At the moment the DUP haven't been bunged enough and the Labour 'rebels' (strange term for Tory collaboration) are facing the prospect of supporting a bonfire of workers and consumer rights and protections. If anyone other than Flynn, Mann and Hoey support that I'll be amazed.

So I really don't think this will fly. For the EU's response, aside from Juncker tripping over prorogation/extension language he leaves soon and won't want to be remembered for the UK leaving so I can't see him refusing extensions. Listen more closely to Tusk. He has always been deeply disappointed with Brexit and certainly would not close the door on possible reconsideration or future re-alignment.

Starmer has just given an excellent and calmly considered de-construction of this 'deal' on R4.
Shit sandwich, we used to call it at work. It has to happen sooner or later so you might as well get on and take a bite.
Read Starmer’s account of the deal- it’s a much more toxic shit sandwich than May’s. They’re going for deregulation and divergence from EU norms. Those who voted to stick it to the man are going to find out just what Raab meant when he referred to them as among the worst idlers in Europe. The US style free for all is also going to make negotiating with the EU far more difficult.
Fair enough. There is always a lot of media hype around every Brexit 'development' and the scrutiny always follows where things always start being exposed. There is a considerable thread of de-regulation and worsening of austerity in this "deal", so I expect that to start unravelling.

At the moment the DUP haven't been bunged enough and the Labour 'rebels' (strange term for Tory collaboration) are facing the prospect of supporting a bonfire of workers and consumer rights and protections. If anyone other than Flynn, Mann and Hoey support that I'll be amazed.

So I really don't think this will fly. For the EU's response, aside from Juncker tripping over prorogation/extension language he leaves soon and won't want to be remembered for the UK leaving so I can't see him refusing extensions. Listen more closely to Tusk. He has always been deeply disappointed with Brexit and certainly would not close the door on possible reconsideration or future re-alignment.

I was listening to the world at one today and the deputy editor of some loyalist newspaper, Belfast something or other, said it won't be about money for the DUP, he said that they won't support it.
The EU want us to stay, so it is a shit deal for them too. There is no ‘good deal’. There never has been. The whole thing was obviously shit on a stick from the start.
I think you know what I mean. It is a better ‘leave deal’ for the EU than for the UK.
I was listening to the world at one today and the deputy editor of some loyalist newspaper, Belfast something or other, said it won't be about money for the DUP, he said that they won't support it.

Hope you're right, but I can't escape the feeling that it might dawn of them that NI suddenly becomes a magnet for UK businesses who wish to stay closer to the EU. They will be in a better position to grow their economy than the rest of the UK.
Hope you're right, but I can't escape the feeling that it might dawn of them that NI suddenly becomes a magnet for UK businesses who wish to stay closer to the EU. They will be in a better position to grow their economy than the rest of the UK.

I can't see the DUP supporting the deal but If this deal goes through Ireland will be unified within ten years and the DUP know that.

Scotland will be independent by then too and if that does happen then that moves the EU border to Carlise cause as sure as night follows day Scotland will be an EU member when she becomes independent.

Pretty obvious Johnston wants the deal to fail that much is clear.
Read Starmer’s account of the deal- it’s a much more toxic shit sandwich than May’s. They’re going for deregulation and divergence from EU norms. Those who voted to stick it to the man are going to find out just what Raab meant when he referred to them as among the worst idlers in Europe. The US style free for all is also going to make negotiating with the EU far more difficult.

I made the point about a year ago, either here or on the Naim Forum, to the Remain zealots/left thinkers that the opposition to May and then her deal would lead to something far more unpalatable to them. I hate being right all the time - it can be a curse.

Saturday is massive, not just for Brexit, but also for who is going to govern the country for the next 5 years at least.

Roy of the Rovers
I was listening to the world at one today and the deputy editor of some loyalist newspaper, Belfast something or other, said it won't be about money for the DUP, he said that they won't support it.

I didnt hear the interview - but I'd say he's not far wrong. Anybody who thinks 'mainland' Brexiteers are proper hard-core hard-liners who value 'sovereignty' over just about everything else should pop over and have a chat with some of the DUP faithful.
The politics of deference? If only Mrs May went to Eton...

"Vitor Constâncio@VMRConstancio
The agreement just achieved between EU and UK about Brexit follows mainly an old EU proposal to have a border at sea between Northern Ireland and the rest of the UK. This was strongly rejected then by the UK Government as it split the UK sacrossant unity. 1/n
Johnson did not invent this solution to get rid of the backstop, it was on offer long before the WA and that is why the EU reopened the negotiations. In spite of it, the Tory press is praising Johnson for accepting something that they opposed in the past. Such is politics. 2/n"
The politics of deference? If only Mrs May went to Eton...

"Vitor Constâncio@VMRConstancio
The agreement just achieved between EU and UK about Brexit follows mainly an old EU proposal to have a border at sea between Northern Ireland and the rest of the UK. This was strongly rejected then by the UK Government as it split the UK sacrossant unity. 1/n
Johnson did not invent this solution to get rid of the backstop, it was on offer long before the WA and that is why the EU reopened the negotiations. In spite of it, the Tory press is praising Johnson for accepting something that they opposed in the past. Such is politics. 2/n"

There is a humungous waft of sexism around this point.
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