
Vast Brexit thread merge part IV

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Now I'm wondering if this deal goes through, I don't think it will, and I decide to go fo a holiday in N.Ireland next year do I have to show my passport. I'm guessing I do.
My crystal ball is cloudier than usual, but here's what I feel is approaching :

Deal rejected in HoC > Benn Act extension applied for & granted > "Referendum Election" > Johnson wins unless Corbyn has stepped down in favour of more moderate leader > (metaphoric) 1,000 Year Tory Reich begins > SNP takes Scotland out of UK into EU > I become a Scottish passport holder.

Another brandy, please, this time make it a double... (I don't usually drink alone).
The smiles on the EU reps do not look like they have lost a billion quid a month what is the catch?
And what is more, it is lose-lose. We haven't saved a billion quid a month. Analysis of the Johnson deal appears to show that the hit to the UK economy will be between 16 billion (best case) and 48 billion (worst case) per annum.

So we don't get that 350 million a week to spend on the NHS, we get to piss it up the wall in lost business and increased costs, instead. Way to go, Brexitiers.

DExEU found leaving the EU without a deal would be the most expensive option and cost the UK 9.3% in lost income over the period to 2034. Modifications to May’s deal that imposed higher tariffs on goods would leave the UK 3.9% of GDP worse off.

The deal forged in Brussels on Thursday most closely resembles moving towards a free trade deal with the EU, which the DExEU analysis found would cost 6.7% of GDP.
I think "May's Deal" had some components that worried the Dutch government, chances of unfair competitive advantages for UK. All that is removed, so less discussion needed to agree to this deal for EU leaders.
The politics of deference? If only Mrs May went to Eton...

"Vitor Constâncio@VMRConstancio
The agreement just achieved between EU and UK about Brexit follows mainly an old EU proposal to have a border at sea between Northern Ireland and the rest of the UK. This was strongly rejected then by the UK Government as it split the UK sacrossant unity. 1/n
Johnson did not invent this solution to get rid of the backstop, it was on offer long before the WA and that is why the EU reopened the negotiations. In spite of it, the Tory press is praising Johnson for accepting something that they opposed in the past. Such is politics. 2/n"

Venetian Empire- first flatter your enemies, then dispatch them.
And what is more, it is lose-lose. We haven't saved a billion quid a month. Analysis of the Johnson deal appears to show that the hit to the UK economy will be between 16 billion (best case) and 48 billion (worst case) per annum.

So we don't get that 350 million a week to spend on the NHS, we get to piss it up the wall in lost business and increased costs, instead. Way to go, Brexitiers.
But at least it’s self harm. Mustn’t grumble..
There are a number of useful and interesting interactive brexit resources here:

eg, pop in your postcode and discover what the EU has done in your area, or type in your salary and see how much you pay to the EU each year (way less than you think).

Its been set up by Mike Butcher of TechFor UK ( a techies for remain movement) and he speaks about it in the second half of this remainiacs podcast:

He mentions an app used by Hong Kong protestors which is supposed to be better than whatsapp for communication in crowds as well as another he wants people to try out on the peoples vote march this Saurday.
Bridgen on RTE. Just get it done people are fed up. Great hearing such an expert lending his gravitas and knowledge and supporting BJ get his biggliest deal ever over the line.

Bets are it is going to a second referendum. BJ wonder deal vs could he lose that vote??? EU will never give UK free access with no regs. One way or the other BJ is goosed eventually. Lost his footing on MT Everest. For EV that's just a metaphor ;)
My crystal ball is cloudier than usual, but here's what I feel is approaching :

Deal rejected in HoC > Benn Act extension applied for & granted > "Referendum Election" > Johnson wins unless Corbyn has stepped down in favour of more moderate leader > (metaphoric) 1,000 Year Tory Reich begins > SNP takes Scotland out of UK into EU > I become a Scottish passport holder.

Another brandy, please, this time make it a double... (I don't usually drink alone).

I’m up for that.
My dad was a Scot.
I qualify for a passport.
Is this still a no deal Brexit plan?
No it is ultimately a second referendum vote. Yippee

BTW for your info £12Billion UK subvention to NI. 60% of economy is Civil Service. What a gig for the UK. All the moaning about £39B to the EU and you get multiples of that back in trade from the EU. You get nowt from the UK for £12B per annum. Go Brexit, Get it sorted.Give us more relevant facts.
My crystal ball is cloudier than usual, but here's what I feel is approaching :

Deal rejected in HoC > Benn Act extension applied for & granted > "Referendum Election" > Johnson wins unless Corbyn has stepped down in favour of more moderate leader > (metaphoric) 1,000 Year Tory Reich begins > SNP takes Scotland out of UK into EU > I become a Scottish passport holder.

Another brandy, please, this time make it a double... (I don't usually drink alone).
All will be welcome in Free Scotland with the exception of anyone who has had even one pint in a Weatherspoons pub since June 23rd 2016. No excuses, the mullet should have been warning enough...
Another Labour MP (working class, northern, didn’t catch his name and not someone on my radar) on Newsnight saying he’ll vote for Boris. My bet is Labour are going to blow this on Saturday.
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