
Ukraine III

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Come to my city for your 5 rubles . I 'll meet you ....You will remember these 5 rubles for the rest of your life .

Be careful, you don’t know what else he expects for five roubles. It’s why Putin looks ill, he’s worn out.
I'm Russian. I am 57 years old . And I support what our government is doing now . And many of my friends and relatives also support our Army . The Nazis must be fought . My country was able to destroy the entire fascist 3rd Reich. And we can do it again . Let them be afraid of the Arabs in Europe and in England , but in our country they are fighting the terrorists resolutely . We will drive out the Nazis in Ukraine like cockroaches and rats.... You are all here - write a lot of nonsense and nonsense about my country.... Prepare a bunker (or barn) for Zelensky's shelter. Very soon he will need it to hide his ass .....Have a good Friday to everyone !
“Hey Siri. Show me someone whose only source of news is the Kremlin”.
Everyone astonished that Russian man living in Russia might support Russian government...
In your countries , VERY little is known about Russian people . You are under the influence of your propaganda . A lot of people in Russia support the actions of our Army . And those who have NOW left Russia - they are just shaking for the safety of their foreign assets and real estate . Homeland for them is a place where their ass is warm . They will sell everyone .
This thing about people who will sell everyone, isn't that a line from that batshit Putin speech of a day or two ago? To narrow it down a bit, I mean the one where he laid into the oligarchs (who he first created to build his power base, and later seemed to consider as his friends and allies). How things change.
Oh, and shouty irritable Russian man living in Russia: unlikely to win friends, or win people over to your side of the argument by being shouty and irritable and insulting your audience. Just a little pro tip from an old hand round here. You're welcome.
In your countries , VERY little is known about Russian people . You are under the influence of your propaganda . A lot of people in Russia support the actions of our Army . And those who have NOW left Russia - they are just shaking for the safety of their foreign assets and real estate . Homeland for them is a place where their ass is warm . They will sell everyone .

Would you care to list any independent, non-state news sources that you use?
In your countries , VERY little is known about Russian people . You are under the influence of your propaganda . A lot of people in Russia support the actions of our Army . And those who have NOW left Russia - they are just shaking for the safety of their foreign assets and real estate . Homeland for them is a place where their ass is warm . They will sell everyone .

I see the prize for the Turing Test is still safe.
In your countries , VERY little is known about Russian people . You are under the influence of your propaganda . A lot of people in Russia support the actions of our Army . And those who have NOW left Russia - they are just shaking for the safety of their foreign assets and real estate . Homeland for them is a place where their ass is warm . They will sell everyone .
I know Russia a bit: not super well, but enough to have been there for my honeymoon, when it was still called the Soviet Union, and to have made many, many business trips since then (and not just to Moscow and St Petersburg) and worked with lots of Russian colleagues (all lovely people). It's clear a lot of Russians support Putin (even some of those that prefer to keep some assets outside Russia because "you never know", or some that emigrated in the 90s). Others that don't like Putin much can't accept Russia is being ostracized. It's a normal, human reaction. But there will be a time when all Russians will have to reflect on what is being done in their name at the moment to a fellow Slav nation: Mariupol looks like Stalingrad. Bombing civilians is never a good look; razing cities to the ground and starving the inhabitants just because you can and because your offensive is stalled and the generals can't think of anything better is senseless, especially if the objective is to have a peaceful neighbour in the decades to come.
Indeed PsB. Putin has just added 40 million people to the list of those who hate him. Even if he 'wins' in Ukraine, he loses because he then has 40 million new Russian citizens who will want to kill him and ruin his entourage. And they seem a pretty determined bunch.
Mini essay from Lawrence Freedman…

Putin and the People
Russia's President has relied on popular support to build his power base, can he keep it through this war?

Sam Freedman
Mar 18

A woman is arrested during a protest in St Petersburg on 13th March (Photo by AFP via Getty Images)

The Russo-Ukraine War is the first in Europe to be fought in part on social media. We are confronted constantly by the horrors of Putin’s violence via the feeds of Ukrainians - from MPs and journalists to ordinary citizens. But it is much harder to assess what Russians think. International social media has been shut down, along with independent news outlets. This restricts the flow of information to ordinary Russians, and makes it even harder than before to assess their views.

We do have some polling from the early days of the war, before the new repressive measures came fully into force. This shows broad support for Russia’s invasion. One private pollster, Russian Field, found 59% supported military action on the 26th-28th February with 34% opposed. Another poll by an anonymous group, a few days later, found 58% in support and 23% opposed. State run pollsters found stronger support for the war by 10 points or so.

These findings must, of course, be considered in context. Pollsters used the phrase “military operation” due to the ban on the word “war” in Russia. As the war has progressed people have probably become increasingly unprepared to answer honestly for fear of who might be listening. As with all polling there are questions of representativeness of respondents and exact question wording.

There are reasons, nonetheless, to suppose these numbers, at least from the first week of the war, are broadly accurate. For such an authoritarian country independent polling has been surprisingly commonplace and is considered by Western academics to be genuinely representative of opinion. Just before the war a prestigious international pollster found half of Russians saying that it would be right for Russia to use military force to prevent Ukraine from joining NATO. And you’d naturally expect support to rise somewhat once a conflict began.

So it seems reasonable to say that a majority of Russians were initially supportive of some form of conflict. But since then sanctions have hit them directly in the pocket. Western goods are no longer available, and a large number of Russians have died (while this isn’t being covered on national news programmes, people will likely have a sense via local newspapers and will see high-profile funerals of officers).

You may be thinking, so what? Putin was already a dictator and has taken significant additional coercive powers in the past few weeks. Does it make any difference what ordinary people think? But throughout his time in power he has been obsessed with popular opinion, commissioning numerous polls from state pollsters, and reacting swiftly to drops in support. This is for good reason. As Sam Greene and Graeme Robertson wrote in their excellent study of Russian popular opinion “Putin vs The People”, the Russian President has “co-constructed” his rule: ...

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Russia will cope with all the difficulties . And we will cope with all the sanctions . And residents of Europe and England - it 's time to stock up on firewood , and get into the habit of walking more often .

Turned off the heating three weeks ago; will take your advice tomorrow and get the bicycles in perfect running order.

Currently generating 2.93kW and using 0.48kW at home.

Over all my systems we're generating just under 100kVA at the moment.
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Do not feed the troll.
I expressed my opinion about these events . That 's all . A lot has already been written here , and different things . It is possible to classify all of you as trolls - based on this . It seems that this is always done in your democracy .
I expressed my opinion about these events . That 's all . A lot has already been written here , and different things . It is possible to classify all of you as trolls - based on this . It seems that this is always done in your democracy .

A troll is someone who expresses a controversial opinion without supporting evidence that can be verified, if you to back up your opinion with facts then please stay.
I expressed my opinion about these events . That 's all .

I think it's more that you made reference to 'nazis', Russian traitors etc without anything to back it up or reference to any sources.

I don't know why folk find it so hard to believe that someone supports Putin - we know he has a lot of support in Russia.

Anyway, I'm more interested in your avatar. Is that your cat?
I expressed my opinion about these events . That 's all . A lot has already been written here , and different things . It is possible to classify all of you as trolls - based on this . It seems that this is always done in your democracy .

Feel lucky that you can; any other opinion and you'd be on the way to the Gulag by now.
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