
Ukraine III

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Zero surprise. Seems to be possible now to extrapolate an individual's attitude on an entire basket of issues from just one data point.

Not sure whether there's a degree of sarcasm around that - but a recent visit to the States certainly left me with the impression that isn't as daft as it might once have sounded.

There is undeniably a large group of people there who have certainly bought in and subscribe fully to the full set of anti-Vax /Masks dont work against Omicron / the election was stolen / home-schooling is the only way to stop our kids being indoctrinated / Putin isn't really all that bad, beliefs.

Often referred to in other circles locally as folk who had definitely drank the Kool-Aid.
I suppose you can't go full fascist without your own Hitler youth

Putin is starting them young.

Another uplifting story about Henry Marsh He studied Russian history before changing to medicine and has been helping Ukraine for decades upgrade their neurosurgical facilities. He’s quite old and retired now with terminal prostate cancer but is using his language skills and contacts to give Ukrainian doctors a crash course on war injuries. If the link is not on the ‘free to read’ section of the FT, it’s only a quid for a months digital access. The reporting is excellent
Not sure whether there's a degree of sarcasm around that - but a recent visit to the States certainly left me with the impression that isn't as daft as it might once have sounded.

There is undeniably a large group of people there who have certainly bought in and subscribe fully to the full set of anti-Vax /Masks dont work against Omicron / the election was stolen / home-schooling is the only way to stop our kids being indoctrinated / Putin isn't really all that bad, beliefs.

Often referred to in other circles locally as folk who had definitely drank the Kool-Aid.
No sarcasm. The alt-right/conpiracist/credulous idiot constituency loves to buy the whole set menu.
Not sure whether there's a degree of sarcasm around that - but a recent visit to the States certainly left me with the impression that isn't as daft as it might once have sounded.

There is undeniably a large group of people there who have certainly bought in and subscribe fully to the full set of anti-Vax /Masks dont work against Omicron / the election was stolen / home-schooling is the only way to stop our kids being indoctrinated / Putin isn't really all that bad, beliefs.

Often referred to in other circles locally as folk who had definitely drank the Kool-Aid.

Or agents of the CHAOS.
You’ve gotta love these stories:

”A super yacht owned by a Russian oligarch is stuck in a Norwegian port because no-one will sell it fuel…

“Why should we help them?" Holmlund Oil Service's general manager, Sven Holmlund, told NRK.

"They can row home. Or use a sail."”



Apparently the head of the Russian central bank has resigned after a row with Putin. Feisty lady. Reported by the mirror but no mention in the FT so far

It’s also being reported that Roman Gavrilov, the General who led Russia’s initial push into Ukraine, has been arrested by Putin’s Federal Security Service.
It’s also being reported that Roman Gavrilov, the General who led Russia’s initial push into Ukraine, has been arrested by Putin’s Federal Security Service.
If Putin purges his generals now like Stalin did in 1937, that's probably a good thing for the world.

My own grandfather was purged then, but not fully, because he was Kirov's personal friend and Kirov wasn't purged yet. Grandpa's crime was "taking a train with an opportunist" - i.e. the guy they purged earlier. He didn't loose his military rank, was called up in 1941 and died defending Leningrad.

It seems we are living in someone's grotesque caricature of history.
If Putin purges his generals now like Stalin did in 1937, that's probably a good thing for the world.

My own grandfather was purged then, but not fully, because he was Kirov's personal friend and Kirov wasn't purged yet. Grandpa's crime was "taking a train with an opportunist" - i.e. the guy they purged earlier. He didn't loose his military rank, was called up in 1941 and died defending Leningrad.

It seems we are living in someone's grotesque caricature of history.

Not sure what I think of a military purge. The Russian army is already displaying gross incompetence, and that is causing increased civilian deaths. Doubt their replacement Generals will improve the situation. They can probably only get more aggressive and more cruel.

I grew up with lots of negative stereotypes about the Soviet Union. Now they all seem to be coming true in modern day Russia. It sucks, and it’s not what I expected or hoped to see during my lifetime. It makes me sad to think that Russia will be a pariah state until long after I’m gone.
I suspect a lot, the majority, most Russians are going to be victims of Putin too as their standard of living falls in the future. The ordinary Russian is scared of him and there is no doubt he rules by fear. Despite some on here blaming Bush, Blair, Clinton, Banks, NATO, the bloke from Witherspoons etc, I think we were always likely to end up with a war given Putins personality and world view.

It would be easy to become dispirited but one only has to look at the charity and refuge provided by their fellow Europeans to those who have fled the war zone to realise that Putin is a small subset of humanity and one that will not walk the Earth forever.
Not sure what I think of a military purge. The Russian army is already displaying gross incompetence, and that is causing increased civilian deaths. Doubt their replacement Generals will improve the situation. They can probably only get more aggressive and more cruel.

I grew up with lots of negative stereotypes about the Soviet Union. Now they all seem to be coming true in modern day Russia. It sucks, and it’s not what I expected or hoped to see during my lifetime. It makes me sad to think that Russia will be a pariah state until long after I’m gone.
Always remember that Russian culture, literature and art are not the current government of Russia.

I firmly believe that Russia's best years are ahead.
I suspect a lot, the majority, most Russians are going to be victims of Putin too as their standard of living falls in the future. The ordinary Russian is scared of him and there is no doubt he rules by fear. Despite some on here blaming Bush, Blair, Clinton, Banks, NATO, the bloke from Witherspoons etc, I think we were always likely to end up with a war given Putins personality and world view.

It would be easy to become dispirited but one only has to look at the charity and refuge provided by their fellow Europeans to those who have fled the war zone to realise that Putin is a small subset of humanity and one that will not walk the Earth forever.
The world has come together as it rarely does with this crisis.

As Russian government bombs the Meriupol theater, Italy volunteers to rebuild it better.
I suspect a lot, the majority, most Russians are going to be victims of Putin too as their standard of living falls in the future. The ordinary Russian is scared of him and there is no doubt he rules by fear. Despite some on here blaming Bush, Blair, Clinton, Banks, NATO, the bloke from Witherspoons etc, I think we were always likely to end up with a war given Putins personality and world view.

It would be easy to become dispirited but one only has to look at the charity and refuge provided by their fellow Europeans to those who have fled the war zone to realise that Putin is a small subset of humanity and one that will not walk the Earth forever.
I'm Russian. I am 57 years old . And I support what our government is doing now . And many of my friends and relatives also support our Army . The Nazis must be fought . My country was able to destroy the entire fascist 3rd Reich. And we can do it again . Let them be afraid of the Arabs in Europe and in England , but in our country they are fighting the terrorists resolutely . We will drive out the Nazis in Ukraine like cockroaches and rats.... You are all here - write a lot of nonsense and nonsense about my country.... Prepare a bunker (or barn) for Zelensky's shelter. Very soon he will need it to hide his ass .....Have a good Friday to everyone !
I'm Russian. I am 57 years old . And I support what our government is doing now . And many of my friends and relatives also support our Army . The Nazis must be fought . My country was able to destroy the entire fascist 3rd Reich. And we can do it again . Let them be afraid of the Arabs in Europe and in England , but in our country they are fighting the terrorists resolutely . We will drive out the Nazis in Ukraine like cockroaches and rats.... You are all here - write a lot of nonsense and nonsense about my country.... Prepare a bunker (or barn) for Zelensky's shelter. Very soon he will need it to hide his ass .....Have a good Friday to everyone !

Yeah, Nazis everywhere in Ukraine, like the woman in labour during the bombing of the hospital in Mariupol who subsequently died along with her soon to be a Nazi unborn baby. You disgust me.
Yeah, Nazis everywhere in Ukraine, like the woman in labour during the bombing of the hospital in Mariupol who subsequently died along with her soon to be a Nazi unborn baby. You disgust me.
It's better to count how many people were killed by the Nazi battalions of Ukraine during the shelling of Donetsk and Luhansk regions over the previous 8 years .... And I absolutely don't care about your attitude towards me. It won 't change anything for me .
Yes, yes, we know.. still living in 1945... Your big moment... Taking plywood Reichstag again just couple years ago..
I'm Russian. I am 57 years old . And I support what our government is doing now . And many of my friends and relatives also support our Army . The Nazis must be fought . My country was able to destroy the entire fascist 3rd Reich. And we can do it again . Let them be afraid of the Arabs in Europe and in England , but in our country they are fighting the terrorists resolutely . We will drive out the Nazis in Ukraine like cockroaches and rats.... You are all here - write a lot of nonsense and nonsense about my country.... Prepare a bunker (or barn) for Zelensky's shelter. Very soon he will need it to hide his ass .....Have a good Friday to everyone !

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