

Our local floating candidate, stood as Independent last time and failed.
This time, he approached me in the street and said he couldn't make his mind up whether to stand for Lib Dem or UKIP.

I suggested he try thinking what.. if anything.. he believes in.

He went with UKIP and came second.

Which, IMHO, says even more about the electorate than it does about him.
Our local floating candidate, stood as Independent last time and failed.
This time, he approached me in the street and said he couldn't make his mind up whether to stand for Lib Dem or UKIP.

I suggested he try thinking what.. if anything.. he believes in.

He went with UKIP and came second.

Which, IMHO, says even more about the electorate than it does about him.

True. And the selection process if he stood a chance of getting in to both parties. We made that mistake a few years ago, now you have to jump through hoops!
I'd love to know the number of so called "disaffected voters" who voted UCRASH have actually written to their MPs about their views and wishes? I bet the percentage is less than 1%.

On balance I think that anyone who votes UCRUNCH should be painted purple.

There are now lots of local councillors who know zero about how to run a council. How many of them will do zero for their local communities? You get what you deserve.
There are now lots of local councillors who know zero about how to run a council. How many of them will do zero for their local communities? You get what you deserve.

This is true, however, since there are no UKIP controlled councils this barely matters since they are unlikely to change policy anyway.
What they can do, if they are serious about serving the community that elected them, is to engage with their electorate, represent their views and help fight their battles with the authorities - this is what good councillors of all parties do.
This is true, however, since there are no UKIP controlled councils this barely matters since they are unlikely to change policy anyway.
What they can do, if they are serious about serving the community that elected them, is to engage with their electorate, represent their views and help fight their battles with the authorities - this is what good councillors of all parties do.

Indeed. That's what I did as a Labour Parish Councillor. I ended up having a number of 'run ins' with Labour District Councillors, who wrongly thought that the Parish Council should obey the orders of the politburo.(Thy had no understanding of the legal standing of the Parish Council)
However, I didn't last long, because there is always some unprincipled bastard who is prepared to toe the party line in order to replace you.

The Democratic Centralism long practised within the old CPSU, is alive and well amongst most political parties., which sadly means that it is difficult to get into a position of power and influence within any party without first toeing the line and keeping 'schtum' for a while.

Indeed. That's what I did as a Labour Parish Councillor. I ended up having a number of 'run ins' with Labour District Councillors, who wrongly thought that the Parish Council should obey the orders of the politburo.(Thy had no understanding of the legal standing of the Parish Council)
However, I didn't last long, because there is always some unprincipled bastard who is prepared to toe the party line in order to replace you.

The Democratic Centralism long practised within the old CPSU, is alive and well amongst most political parties., which sadly means that it is difficult to get into a position of power and influence within any party without first toeing the line and keeping 'schtum' for a while.


Yes, having observed at reasonably close hand, the workings of our local ward councillors over the last 15 or so years, this is exactly what happens.
"You look underneath that UKIP facade and you see something pretty nasty and unpleasant," he told BBC Radio 4.

Pot, kettle, black with knobs on!
Made oi larf, it really did.

and me.. I'm appalled that the media give the most reviled PM ever to have disgraced politics in our age any airtime.

It just goes to show that UKIP have created the stir up in politics they promised and which this county has been crying out for. So the establishment wheel out a "has been" and much hated figure to try and stem the tide.. It won't work.


John R.
Seems to me , if Blair had been prime minster rather than this shower of shite , ukip would amount to nothing more than farage dreaming in his garden shed .

Farage is finished already and the simple reason for that is he as already begun to believe the hype .
I'm afraid the disenchantment with politics in our once Great Britain is all to do with the likes of blair and the mainstream political elite.

Tis also about time blair was collared to pay his fair share in taxes.


John R.
I'm afraid the disenchantment with politics in our once Great Britain is all to do with the likes of blair and the mainstream political elite.

Tis also about time blair was collared to pay his fair share in taxes.


John R.

I expect he is paying what the law demands but if you have information that he is not then why not contact HMRC and pass your information along to them?
Well I pay 40%

I was widely reported that Mr Tony Blair earns in excess of £12 M and apparently pays £365k into the exchequer..

Hmmm, so yes I suppose it's all above board as you expect to be the case.
So gentlemen, to sum up we have:

In the Blue Corner - The "Flog off the family silver" party headed buy a two faced,
self serving millionaire keen to leave a mark of his tenure for all to admire whilst
paying due homage to his political masters in the EUSSR (who yank the strings at No 10
whether we like it or not).

In the Red Corner - The "Borrow and waste party" intent on perpetuating a battle
against the wealthy. Headed by a self-serving, two faced millionaire 'socialist' having
nothing in common with ordinary folk with whom he pretends to identify.
In hock to his masters in the EUSSR as every politico for the last 20-30 years.

In the Yellow Corner - The "Sell out to the EUSSR at any price" party headed by
yet another two faced, millionaire politico with aspirations of grandeur and his eye
on a peerage.
Deeper than deep runs his allegiance to the European "Super State" but otherwise,
entertains no particular direction for his party.

The above three, in their ivory bubbles, seem to believe that the economy of this
land is propped up by bankers, estate agents and IT specialists - the truth is far different.

In the Rag Bag Corner - Several less 'worthy' individuals some with honest intentions
some with draconian ideas about commerce, saving the planet and obscure ideologies
disguised under various wraps.

Out on his own is Farage who for the first time in political history, speaks clearly for the
fears and concerns of the ordinary man - like it or lump it and it's this kind of campaigning
that wins votes from the 'ordinary man'.

There you have it gents, the choices for your future are wide and many (not) as
we live, not under a pure form of democracy but under a political dictatorship of
whatever colour.

Place your bets......

