
UK Election 2015 (part III)

I searched the BBC News website before I posted to mirror link - zero results - and when I clicked your link the page was about Goves appointment. I didn't read beyond the fold, so if further down, then not clear enough and not search-indexed. So tight-lipped they were.

It was mentioned in due proportion. A couple of hundred rabble-rousers defaced a memorial. It is hardly The Revolution, is it?
We need to set aside our differences, for the national good
Come together as one nation
Under one Bullingdon
So help us god
It was mentioned in due proportion. A couple of hundred rabble-rousers defaced a memorial. It is hardly The Revolution, is it?
The police themselves said that the vast majority of the protestors were peaceful. Unfortunately, aggressive confrontation makes better TV news so that's what appears on our screens. I take it your term "rabble-rousers" is meant to refer to the minority of protestors who got their 5 seconds of fame on TV?
The police themselves said that the vast majority of the protestors were peaceful. Unfortunately, aggressive confrontation makes better TV news so that's what appears on our screens. I take it your term "rabble-rousers" is meant to refer to the minority of protestors who got their 5 seconds of fame on TV?


As I said above, I defend the right to protest.
It was mentioned in due proportion. A couple of hundred rabble-rousers defaced a memorial. It is hardly The Revolution, is it?
no link on homepage. No link on London page. Couldn't be found via their search function (which I happen to know is technically very sophisticated) using phrases: london protest, london protests, london demonstration.

"Due proportion" in political terms maybe. In journalistic terms: tight-lipped.
No, it is childish and moronic.

A very good description of taxi-driver politics.

The problem with trying to have a sensible political discussion with taxi-drivers though is that it's completely a waste of time as there is no way they'll be deflected from their ultra far-right views - not by logic, not by good taste, and especially not by compassion or understanding.
It was mentioned in due proportion. A couple of hundred rabble-rousers defaced a memorial. It is hardly The Revolution, is it?

Somebody put a bit of paint on it. I do not endorse this in any way, but neither do I endorse your emotive and clearly inaccurate tosh in bold.

Clearly the work of one individual. No proof it was a protestor. Could have been anybody and given their record I wouldn't put it past a DM plant.

For the record.

The story has been mentioned on the BBC site since it was current. 'Anti-austerity protest outside Downing St'.

above I framed how available the coverage was. It was tight-lipped. Your link here is 1 hour since refresh and contains the strings "london" and "protest", two words which returned no result for this event yesterday evening. Now there are two results, both dated 10 May. The result of the 'twitter effect', I guess.
above I framed how available the coverage was. It was tight-lipped. Your link here is 1 hour since refresh and contains the strings "london" and "protest", two words which returned no result for this event yesterday evening.

Yes, it's a conspiracy - we might as well be in North Korea etc
I am also passive and apathetic but I don't hate the vulnerable and I am pretty weak and ineffectual as a human being so on balance I am evens.
Good point! I did buy the B&W800s ex demo. That does make me a man of the people. And I do prefer to not buy British (so I have no effect on the UK consumer economy).

