
UK Election 2015 (part II)

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Is that a classic definition of a "don't know" or maybe a "floating voter"? Whatever, it would have properly confused anyone doing an exit poll! ;)

It's actually quite strategic from my perspective. If I'm a traditional voter at all I'm a LibDem, but I'm not prepared to put a vote towards a party that may reenable Cameron, Osborne, IDS etc once more as they are just so wrong, so destructive, so that's them out. I'd sworn (very publicly) never to vote Labour again as I found Blair's illegal wars, the authoritarianism, the trough feeding etc utterly repugnant, but I do like what the local guy is doing. He seems to have the bottle to prod some truly repugnant shit that's still hiding away in all of the major parties and is an essential part of keeping the CSA inquiry and press interest alive. Mine is also a vote for "chaos" as it is exceptionally unlikely Labour willl achieve a majority, and my primary aim is to get rid of FPTP (first collapse the system, then replace it). I can't find recent local poll data and was sufficiently worried that UKIP may have a fair showing here and I'd be mortified if Danczuk was prevented from doing such important work by some utterly useless moron from that party.
I voted Labour as they seem the least toxic of a bad bunch. Unfortunately, I doubt my vote will matter as I'm in Scotland. The SNP whitewash here will shoo-in another Tory government, which is ironic.
Hmm. If I was betting, I'd say another Cameron-Clegg govt, once the dust settles. Not long now, though, so let's see.
Really? My experience of taxi drivers is that most of them seem to regard the Tories as far left and I'd have expected a UKIP vote.

There's nothing like stereotyping, is there?

UKIP would be equal last with the Greens for me.
Not sure. Milliband had to keep saying otherwise but I reckon he'll do a deal.

A Labour leader. If MI6 can demonstrate that Weapons of Mass Conservatism (WMCs) could be deployed in less than 45 minutes then I think any amount of promise breaking, lying and a little bit of forcing people to commit suicide could lead to Labour teaming up with those wildly dangerous hairy socialists from up north.

(Do they still paint themselves Blue, or was that Boadicea?)
I can't picture Miliband in a skirt. It would be quite funny, and off to a good start if he did a deal with SNP, after all his denials.
I'm waiting on the new radical Christianity (from Russia and its sphere of influence) hooking up with Conservative Home, Jacob and Annunzia Rees-Mogg and Terry Wogan to deliver the final clusterfcuk.
Well in my area there was only a choice of Green or Ukip if I didnt want to vote for the three main parties

So as Im not putting a cross for ukip, I think you see where this is going. There was only an independent candidate standing for council election

Another wasted vote as I participate in the illusion of choice. The tories always win in this area and I will bet my life they will win here again. First past the post in specific boundaries is just a con job. It should be proportional representation
A Labour leader. If MI6 can demonstrate that Weapons of Mass Conservatism (WMCs) could be deployed in less than 45 minutes then I think any amount of promise breaking, lying and a little bit of forcing people to commit suicide could lead to Labour teaming up with those wildly dangerous hairy socialists from up north.

(Do they still paint themselves Blue, or was that Boadicea?)

Woadicea ?
Well I voted Labour(Angela Eagle) in the nationals and Tory in the locals our guy is the hardest working candidate/councillor by far-not just at election time-a really good bloke-voted for the man not his colours.
Go on then everyone, before 10pm, who's in, one choice with one back up party

Mine are Labour with The Clegg in tow, I would be a happy man.
Tory minority govt.

Lose confidence vote

Labour form a working agreement with Lib Dems/ SNP and finish term.
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