
UK Election 2015 (part II)

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Some things never change.
If Margaret Thatcher is re-elected as prime minister on Thursday, I warn you. I warn you that you will have pain – when healing and relief depend upon payment. I warn you that you will have ignorance – when talents are untended and wits are wasted, when learning is a privilege and not a right. I warn you that you will have poverty – when pensions slip and benefits are whittled away by a government that won’t pay in an economy that can't pay. I warn you that you will be cold – when fuel charges are used as a tax system that the rich don't notice and the poor can't afford.

I warn you that you must not expect work – when many cannot spend, more will not be able to earn. When they don't earn, they don't spend. When they don't spend, work dies. I warn you not to go into the streets alone after dark or into the streets in large crowds of protest in the light. I warn you that you will be quiet – when the curfew of fear and the gibbet of unemployment make you obedient. I warn you that you will have defence of a sort – with a risk and at a price that passes all understanding. I warn you that you will be home-bound – when fares and transport bills kill leisure and lock you up. I warn you that you will borrow less – when credit, loans, mortgages and easy payments are refused to people on your melting income.
Let them f*** off then. It's not like we're getting any trickle down money or proper taxes off them. They're just a burden on the health, social and welfare system.


Have you considered what will happen to your beloved Chelsea F C when Roman f***s off then ?
Good one. You're going to be a real cross-patch once Ed is in charge, aren't you? ;)
IIRC you are a full time passive leech on the state?

If Ed takes charge then I shall join you and put my energies into maximising my entitlement. I have some young children to exploit on that front, we might do quite well. And there's lots of reading and listening to do while they are at school. Quite looking forward to it really. What's the worst that can happen?

I wish you good luck with the election.
I hope the right once wins.

Dont worry Arye, the right will win. They've scared enough people into thinking that Labour won't be good for the economy and the Labour leader lacks the charisma and conviction to make them think otherwise.
Quick Q. Will things all settle down when you have all gotten this silly faith based religion out of your systems? It really has altered the tone of PFM in a not nice way.
Dont worry Arye, the right will win. They've scared enough people into thinking that Labour won't be good for the economy and the Labour leader lacks the charisma and conviction to make them think otherwise.

In Israel they tell us that the elections are all about economics and welfare.

Rather quiet here today! I hope you are all out voting for a lovely hung parliament/anything but Cameron. I've been and done my bit.
We're going about 7ish and then on for a lamb balti in Buckfastleigh. I hope that tonight is more like 1997 than 1992. :eek:
Rather quiet here today! I hope you are all out voting for a lovely hung parliament/anything but Cameron. I've been and done my bit.

I've voted Labour today! the local elections because I rather rate the lady who vice- chairs our taxi focus group and she is set to become council leader if Labour win.

I voted for Amanda Milling, the Conservative candidate in the General Election.
I amtempted not to bother on the basis that not one candidate bothered to canvas in our street. However, as my eldest will vote Tory I need to cancel out her vote. The way it is going my wife, me and my two daughters will all be voting for different lying toerags.
When I went to vote there were many more than the usual, a good sign as I feel if there is a strong turnout today it means people want Cameron out & feel they have to vote this time round to save this country another 5 years of what would be much worse than the last 5. God only knows where we would be if it hadn't been for Clegg alongside as a break.

Nerds rule

Newzoid Milliband for leader I say, easily the best puppet on the show
Does seem to be a lot of people voting - but given that over here in Beverley and Holderness any one of a turnip, Himmler, ebola, a Morris Minor, half a demented bee, underpants or even a Housemartin* could get elected by simply donning a blue rosette, then we are unlikely to contribute to the decimation of the Government.

* I would like to think we'd draw the line before a Happy Monday. That sort of thing only goes on "over the border"
Brooker captures it succinctly:
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