
UK Election 2015 (part II)

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I consulted the Daily Mail tactical voting guide for true blue rinses ( there is one) , checked my constituency on their list and did the exact opposite of the DM's instruction. First thing I'll do on waking is check to see if it's worked.
I made my SNP tactical vote to oust the sitting LibDem Bullingdon enabler. Tories were being advised by the DM to vote LibDem- their own candidate, an oleaginous little event management consultant or suchlike, has a cat's chance in hell I gather.
Does seem to be a lot of people voting - but given that over here in Beverley and Holderness any one of a turnip, Himmler, ebola, a Morris Minor, half a demented bee, underpants or even a Housemartin* could get elected by simply donning a blue rosette, then we are unlikely to contribute to the decimation of the Government.

* I would like to think we'd draw the line before a Happy Monday. That sort of thing only goes on "over the border"

Is the half a demented bee called Eric ?.
My postal vote hasn't arrived - RM tracking showing it's at Heathrow since 28/4.
When do the polling stations -- or whatever youse guys call them -- close in the UK?

Cool, so given that I'm five hours behind you I'll know the outcome of the election by 5 pm.

Send me a PM if you'd like me to teleport the election results back to you.*


* There's probably some flaw in my thinking there.
I've voted Labour today! the local elections because I rather rate the lady who vice- chairs our taxi focus group and she is set to become council leader if Labour win.

I voted for Amanda Milling, the Conservative candidate in the General Election.

I gritted my teeth and voted Labour in the national elections, but viewed it very much as a vote for my local MP, not the party. I like the guy (Simon Danczuk) and the work he is doing in exposing institutional pedophilia, government cover-up etc within the political establishment is simply too important to do anything but support. Proof a good local MP can overcome the stench of their party. FWIW Zac Goldsmith is the only Tory I'd really like to see reelected, and for precisely the same reasons. Beyond that I sincerely hope we get a hung parliament. In fact I hope we get a hung parliament that collapses within a month or two along with the whole failed first past the post system.

I voted Lib Dem in the local election as the local lot tend to be anything but Tory-enablers! Anything But Cameron!

PS I thought you were voting against the Tories as you grasp Cameron's EU referendum bribe would be a disaster for the country economically should it lead to an 'out' vote?
Didn't vote, no longer have the right, but SNP would have been my choice. That is, assuming they ran a candidate in Eastleigh.
I think the greatest gift to Dave in the closing rounds has not come from Murdoch, Dacre or from Lynton 'cigarettes enjoyed sensibly are completely harmless' Crosby, but from The Mirror. Its journalist secretly recording the ex-Conservative, UKIP candidate threatening to murder the local Tory candidate will have flushed a few hangers and floggers back into the arms of the Conservative Party they once knew and loved.
They didn't mind so much that Nigel and co were filmed, standing with their backs to the speaker like class dunces in Strasbourg, or that they only turned up to claim every penny in expenses they could get their hands on, or that some they had elected committed outright expenses fraud. But they did draw a line at threatening to kill a Conservative candidate. Who knows if it ( like anything that's ever come out of Dave's mouth) is true or not, it worked beautifully.
Good one. You're going to be a real cross-patch once Ed is in charge, aren't you? ;)

IIRC you are a full time passive leech on the state?

If Ed takes charge then I shall join you and put my energies into maximising my entitlement. I have some young children to exploit on that front, we might do quite well. And there's lots of reading and listening to do while they are at school. Quite looking forward to it really. What's the worst that can happen?


Does this mean, "maximising my entitlement to overly generous benefits under a Labour govt?"

Well, while Labour wouldn't stamp you into the dirt you may find they aren't as generous as you believe. The worst that could happen, having maximised your entitlement and exploited the kids, is you are unable to feed the family after heating the house so you need to sell your speakers to me for the price of 4 burgers and chips. :)
Elections are fun. We should have at least three or four a year. See if the status quo induced by constant campaigning and no acts of parliament is actually better for the economy, society etc than having people pretend to run things.

(Plus a Scottish Independence referendum every Thursday until they say yes.)

Does this mean, "maximising my entitlement to overly generous benefits under a Labour govt?"

Well, while Labour wouldn't stamp you into the dirt you may find they aren't as generous as you believe. The worst that could happen, having maximised your entitlement and exploited the kids, is you are unable to feed the family after heating the house so you need to sell your speakers to me for the price of 4 burgers and chips. :)
unless Paul is a net exporter he's just another person moving money internally from A to B to C to A. Doesn't really matter whether that's public or private sector.
Cool, so given that I'm five hours behind you I'll know the outcome of the election by 5 pm.

Send me a PM if you'd like me to teleport the election results back to you.*


* There's probably some flaw in my thinking there.
The first flaw is that they don't start counting until 10pm. No, not even the boxes that got filled in the morning. There's always a race to be first in, they screech into the counting hall at 5 past 10 and fall on the papers to get the first result in by about 1130. The last, from the Highlands and Islands, don't make it until mid morning next day, not that anyone gets excited about them because they're only a couple of seats and they always vote the same way anyway.

Teleport or not, you'll need to go some to have it done by 5. In fact according to my watch you've missed already. I won't be sitting up, I'll get the news on the radio, that's soon enough for me.

Entertainingly, I'm reading Hunter S Thompson's account of the '92 US elections. He's not too flattering re the political breed. I picked it up in a charity shop bargain bin for the earth shattering sum of 10p, where it was languishing alongside a pile of Mills and Boon romances that nobody wanted, even at 10p. a go. I didn't buy them.
Cool, so given that I'm five hours behind you I'll know the outcome of the election by 5 pm.

Send me a PM if you'd like me to teleport the election results back to you.*


* There's probably some flaw in my thinking there.

We vote on bits of paper that need counting.
We won't know the result for a few days!
I gritted my teeth and voted Labour in the national elections, but viewed it very much as a vote for my local MP, not the party. I like the guy (Simon Danczuk) and the work he is doing in exposing institutional pedophilia, government cover-up etc within the political establishment is simply too important to do anything but support. Proof a good local MP can overcome the stench of their party. FWIW Zac Goldsmith is the only Tory I'd really like to see reelected, and for precisely the same reasons. Beyond that I sincerely hope we get a hung parliament. In fact I hope we get a hung parliament that collapses within a month or two along with the whole failed first past the post system.

I voted Lib Dem in the local election as the local lot tend to be anything but Tory-enablers! Anything But Cameron!

Is that a classic definition of a "don't know" or maybe a "floating voter"? Whatever, it would have properly confused anyone doing an exit poll! ;)
Anyone seen anything of the Chairman of the Conservative Party over the last couple of weeks?

Which one?

In all seriousness, whilst he is clearly a toxic little turd, you don't see much of anyone but the party leaders. If they screw up and lose, hey- ho. You don't want to lose because someone other than a party leade fooked up. Although UKIP disprove this hypothesis on an almost daily basis.

We won't know the result for a few days!
That's how we do it here, too.


Guess we can count faster.

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