
UK Election 2015 (part II)

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Yes there is no dispute that Krugman is a well respected economist, I do actually read some of his stuff.

However respected Chancellors such as Osborne and Mrs Merkel do not seem to follow his teachings and both of their economies are doing relatively well.

I must confess that I am at a total loss at your almost religious zeal in following him.

Also constantly stating that the austerity measures were a disaster is an exaggeration and has the effect of belittling your case. They are working as our excellent financial performance shows.

Food banks and welfare cuts are only a distraction, Osborne could in all fairness, spend more on welfare but slash other budgets which would make him a lot more popular. I sometimes think the welfare cuts are confused with austerity.


Mick - suffering from sore feet after delivering yet more leaflets through the doors of Swindon.

But we aren't having financial success, what you perceive as success is funded by stripping welfare and borrowing to fill the shortfall. Borrowing has increased massively and all so that Maceroon can bribe the middle classes.

Maggie did the same thing in the 80's by using north sea oil money to subsidise tax cuts when everyone else wisely invested it.
Chaps, you've never had it so good ( like me). Some chaps are popping out to buy posh French Hifi balls, others are thinking about giving their Latvian domestic a 50p pay rise. The stock market's booming. I've had some Poles offer to build my extension for £10,000 less than in '92. Dave and George- the dream team. Go for it.
What I really, really cannot understand is why people can't see this. There are many on here who simply trash Labour because... Well I don't know. Maybe because they have declared themselves as right-wing supporters and trotted out the lines from their favourite newspapers so many times and can't face the fact that they may have been wrong. Or perhaps they are not prepared to accept that for the greater good they may have to give up just a little and can't see that that is in their own long-term self interest. Or maybe they are just selfish and stupid.
It would be great if the coalition had averaged the same deficit as Labour, that would have been pip squeaking austerity. Perhaps you and 'notaclue' need to think a bit beyond your tribal reflex?

Charlie Brooker's Election Wipe on BBC 2 was just brilliant. Definitely watch it on iPlayer if you missed it. Really funny stuff.
What I really, really cannot understand is why people can't see this. There are many on here who simply trash Labour because... Well I don't know. Maybe because they have declared themselves as right-wing supporters and trotted out the lines from their favourite newspapers so many times and can't face the fact that they may have been wrong. Or perhaps they are not prepared to accept that for the greater good they may have to give up just a little and can't see that that is in their own long-term self interest. Or maybe they are just selfish and stupid.

Did it ever occur to you that you might wrong?
It would be great if the coalition had averaged the same deficit as Labour, that would have been pip squeaking austerity. Perhaps you and 'notaclue' need to think a bit beyond your tribal reflex?


Good one. You're going to be a real cross-patch once Ed is in charge, aren't you? ;)
I don't have to give it much thought to know he's right. :) It comes naturally to me to be against the increase in food banks, against attacks on the poor, attacks on our young people, the sick and the disabled.
What I really, really cannot understand is why people can't see this. There are many on here who simply trash Labour because... Well I don't know. Maybe because they have declared themselves as right-wing supporters and trotted out the lines from their favourite newspapers so many times and can't face the fact that they may have been wrong. Or perhaps they are not prepared to accept that for the greater good they may have to give up just a little and can't see that that is in their own long-term self interest. Or maybe they are just selfish and stupid.
regards the synopsis and why certain people refuse to accept what it tells us - there's good evidence that ideology trumps rational thinking, I guess to the extent they really believe they're thinking rationally.

Another reason - right wingers have the minds of children:
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