
UEFA Euros 2024

This is pretty much the biggest load of tosh ever written on here. Absolute garbage.

Sterling never shone for his country - laughable!

Not popular with players - have you lived under a rock? Sterling, who has not made the squad, was singing his praises in an interview only the other week.

Then there is the ad hom.

I’ve wasted enough time on this reply already.
Thanks, I love you too
The Lionesses look very white too. For me it's to pressure on the FA - it'll never happen, of course but the claim that the wouldn't be able to find such a person is nonsense. What about Fae, for example, Best Coach of the 2023 AFCON tournament? A fine young manager with fresh ideas...
Look at how many black players are in the England squad, does that mean we should swop 5 of them for white players in order to keep as close to the percentage population.
Look at how many black players are in the England squad, does that mean we should swop 5 of them for white players in order to keep as close to the percentage population.
The PL is 43% black players, EFL 34%. Managerial position 4% and Exec 1%

  • according to the 2021 Census, the total population of England and Wales was 59.6 million, and 81.7% of the population was white
  • people from Asian ethnic groups made up the second largest percentage of the population (9.3%), followed by black (4.0%), mixed (2.9%) and other (2.1%) ethnic groups
Well would you believe it, our figures tally regarding regarding black managers and population
Well would you believe it, our figures tally regarding regarding black managers and population
You're talking yourself into a great big hole here. People who haven't played the game are rarely, if ever, considered for football management positions, never mind at the highest level - but you know that already...

Where are all the asian lads?
Having owned a number of amps and pre amps, I can think of only one, a Sony ESS which may have had a balance control. I'll leave it to you and @al2002 to go through amps/pre's on ebay to give us a more accurate percentage. :)

You're talking yourself into a great big hole here. People who haven't played the game are rarely, if ever, considerewd for football management positions, never mind at the highest level - but you know that already...

Where are all the asian lads?
Maybe it will take time for many Asians to fall in the love with the game, if they do then hopefully we will see more playing football.
May I ask why am I talking myself into a great big hole here?
If your figures are correct then in 20+ years black managers in football are likely to increase.
"Doors are not open" for black managers, says [then] Crystal Palace boss Patrick Vieira.
[This too]
Vieira, the only black manager in the Premier League, says more needs to be done to encourage black players into management.

The Football Association's diversity code was launched in 2020 and aims to tackle racial inequality in the English game.

All the clubs in the Premier League and 30 others have signed up to the voluntary code, with each having to provide annual data on their workforce.

QPR director of football Les Ferdinand said last week that it has "made no difference whatsoever" in helping black players get jobs in the game.

@gavreid The doors opened for Patrick Viera and your and the governments figures tallied regarding percentages.

Football was never an Asian sport, now of course with worldwide tv everyone is able to watch world class football wherever you live. The EPL now has Japanese/S.Korean players, obviously this will gain more interest from British residents originating from the east.

You never answered my question.
You never answered my question.
I was answering your question by providing links to two reports discussing racism in football. I've tried - that is why I think the appointment of a black manager from overseas would big a big cultural shift for the FA and the game generally..
@gavreid I've just looked up Emerse Fae, currently manager of the Ivory Coast nation team. Why would he be considered as the next England manager above all others?

Rise of the far right a permanent cloud on Germany’s Euro 2024 horizon

As the country prepares for the big kick-off this week the uneasy political backdrop cannot be ignored, even if some would very much like it to be

QPR director of football Les Ferdinand said last week that it has "made no difference whatsoever" in helping black players get jobs in the game.
The NFL have gone some way to addressing the structural inequality in the non-playing part of their game by adding the requirement for at at least one BAME candidate to be interviewed whenever a head coach or assistant head coach job becomes available. I believe it has generally been well received and has had some success.

Voluntary codes are a bit toothless and a scheme similar to the one in the NFL might work here but would require the top brass in the game to have the will to change the rules accordingly...

