
Tory Leadership Runners and Riders

'So, how are you going to address the cost of living crisis, and carry through the Government's levelling-up agenda, Ms Truss?'

'By lowering the wages of public sector workers in the North of England, of course'.

I have a vague suspicion that the plan all along is to show Tory Party members just how crazy Truss is, so that they beg to have Boris back.
But Liz is the new Iron Lady, all that’s all just details.
We want lower taxes
Less brown people comin over in boats
Rwanda flights workin
That Nicola one must be put in her place
It's a strange article that. The opening:

What does it mean? In what way do they 'save'? Governmnet 'saving' is just a synonym for 'not spending' and when that happens there is no 'growth'. All it represents is a cut in overall spending. So it might as well be represented as: 'we want to cut £8.8bn of spending.'

And then this:

There is no 'crowding out', the private sector's and public sector salaries all come from the same source! There isn't some magic divide in the total economy between private and public sector money in final spending. Just silly. In a shrinkage the private sector always shrinks and there is only one other sector that can make up the balance.

Finally, the true picture in the mind of the politician, which has nothing to do with how good or bad it is for actual people:

It's all they care about.
The shrinkage of the private sector is a sure sign of the failure of Tory economic policy. The 50 year drive to cut government spending is the reason why the economy is in crisis and why the private sector has taken such a hit. To say that the public sector is somehow the cause of private sector decline is a lie.

For a look at how fluctuations in the private sector might be smoothed out, here is a clip from economist Fadhel Kaboub, lifted from elsewhere, but relevant here too

The tories are not in power in Scotland, so don't need removed, they need to be removed in England, so stop voting for them.
Desperate straw clutching. If only you understood FPTP and that 41-40 = 1

The tories are running the show, it's why Sturgeon is bellowing on about a referendum even during a cost of living crisis.

Explain why you helped the tories to a majority over Labour if you really do dislike the tories?

I doubt you even understand what it is you would vote for.

What currency will Scotland use?

How will Scotland pay for the border you want to put up? How much will it cost?

How will Scotland meet the criteria for joining the EU and when will this happen?
Desperate straw clutching. If only you understood FPTP and that 41-40 = 1

The tories are running the show, it's why Sturgeon is bellowing on about a referendum even during a cost of living crisis.

Explain why you helped the tories to a majority over Labour if you really do dislike the tories?

I doubt you even understand what it is you would vote for.

What currency will Scotland use?

How will Scotland pay for the border you want to put up? How much will it cost?

How will Scotland meet the criteria for joining the EU and when will this happen?

Mr Angry reply, as usual.
What currency will Scotland use?
An interesting question I often put to Scots.
How will Scotland pay for the border you want to put up? How much will it cost?
If they issue a Scottish currency, it'll cost the labour and materials. And they'll be able to pay for it!
How will Scotland meet the criteria for joining the EU and when will this happen?
Hopefully they wouldn't do that or the two things above can't happen...:(
Desperate straw clutching. If only you understood FPTP and that 41-40 = 1

The tories are running the show, it's why Sturgeon is bellowing on about a referendum even during a cost of living crisis.

Explain why you helped the tories to a majority over Labour if you really do dislike the tories?

I doubt you even understand what it is you would vote for.

What currency will Scotland use?

How will Scotland pay for the border you want to put up? How much will it cost?

How will Scotland meet the criteria for joining the EU and when will this happen?
What is it about the Tories that you want to change?
Yes, I've seen them saying it. It's a mistake in terms of them having control over their own financial power. After all they complain that 'Westminster holds the financial strings', yet seem willing to hand the same strings to a system that will certainly reduce their capacity. The block grant, plus additional negotiated spending they get allows them to run NHS Scotland how they see fit, that will die as an EU member with the mandate to hold their deficits to 2% of GDP (and go to government 'surplus' if possible). Scotland should worry about that.
Mr Angry reply, as usual.
Not angry at all. Out of interest, which part does your sensitive soul believe is anger because your post is just ducking out of answering anything.

Let me help you. I know you don't have any answers.
I edited the colour of my wall. Anyway North of England, please stop voting Conservative.
It would be better if Scotland stopped voting nationalist and those 40 seats went back to Labour.
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It would be better if they stopped voting nationalist and those 40 seats went back to Labour.
They probably would if they didn't think New Labour had no interest in their concerns.

Which 'nationalists' are the north of England voting for though?
‘They’. That’s the point- ‘they’ have ditched Labour and the Tories and are now making very different political choices. ‘They’ voted by a clear majority to remain in the EU yet were pulled out of it by a party they never voted by a majority for in nearly 70 years. The debate here seems to be largely what ‘they’ can or can’t do electorally for us.

