
Today I have mainly been v3

Liasing with social services , solicitors , dog wardens ... you name it over two big uncontrolled dogs at a housing complex , one is a dangerous dog breed . very frustrating . causing a bit nuisance
Dentist this afternoon, all clear and clean but he did try to upsell a tooth guard to reduce acid erosion. £319!!

Contemplating a set of four on net for £20 as a test of concept.
Dentist this afternoon, all clear and clean but he did try to upsell a tooth guard to reduce acid erosion. £319!!

Contemplating a set of four on net for £20 as a test of concept.

get a grill for the look

Trip to Manchester to arrange some train travel for my mum - saga on another thread. Took the opportunity to visit the Castlefield Viaduct garden built by the National Trust. It’s really lovely. They have interesting plans to extend it in the next couple of years. I hope it goes to plan because it will be marvellous. Followed by a visit to the Craft Centre in the Northern Quarter for lunch at their small but very good cafe. Sun’s out and it’s warmed up. Hoping Summer might be making an appearance. Off to RHS Bridgewater tomorrow.
10 straight hours of answering diverse Contractor Queries on a running Tender; interspersed with online meetings (precisley timed to break up one's concentration.) This post marks giving it up for the day.

Off outside, to read a book this evening. maybe while consuming a local Cider.
discovering by looking at the warranty document than my newly installed dental crown is made in China. No wonder it took 3 weeks to get here.
10 straight hours of answering diverse Contractor Queries on a running Tender; interspersed with online meetings (precisley timed to break up one's concentration.) This post marks giving it up for the day.

Off outside, to read a book this evening. maybe while consuming a local Cider.
10 hours !!! Wow must have been a big tender !! new crown is perfect, but the dentist said try not to eat on it for 24 that is what i did and ate on the other side, which is home to a badly broken lower molar.......well now it is even more badly always said that long term it will need pulling out.......given it is adjacent to another missing tooth - looks like implants if i want chewing function restored on that side
There you go :-

Site meeting with a Building Surveyor in Croydon, doing some external redecoration and repairs to a small block of flats. One day in we've found a number of problems outside the scope of the specification but too big to ignore. Glad I'm not the one who has to ask the residents for more money!

Cheers BB
yes i tried to get 50 quid each off residents in a complex for tree work , there is no service charge and it was like pulling teeth trying to get 50 quid off them . pitb
yes i tried to get 50 quid each off residents in a complex for tree work , there is no service charge and it was like pulling teeth trying to get 50 quid off them . pitb
I much prefer working on Commercial premises Phil, business money rather than personal.

In my previous incarnation as a Property Manager I looked after a block of flats in St James’s, Central
London. The wealthiest resident was minted, the poorest was a lady who could barely afford to live there, with 18 others in between the two. Trying to set a service charge with the residents association was an absolute nightmare.

Cheers BB
Ashridge estate this morning, must have changed Luton airport flight paths as did experience total quiet except for birds and insects. Nowt to do with mindfulness, been staring blankly for most of my life. Off to Bicester for an early evening meal at Ottolenghi's new gaff, parking at the BIL's and we can all walk there. Thankfully he has cut down on his drinking, we used to do serious damage when we were younger, he had his stomach pumped more than once. Back for the second half.

