
Today I have mainly been v3

The Shakespeares Head - a proper back street London boozer - where the chatter goes silent when a stranger enters.....I love these places.....
Got the house to myself for the rest of the day, ladies have gone off to the ballet. Got a few jobs to do before I sit down to watch the Croatia/ Italy game. Don’t even have to cook as I made too much last night.

Cheers BB
The Shakespeares Head - a proper back street London boozer - where the chatter goes silent when a stranger enters.....I love these places.....

good idea slow walking crawl to the theatre. That Shakespeare's head looks a blinder, I know the one in Soho. I rarely go in pubs like that these days as the chance of gf is virtually zero. By chance I stumbled across a site that lists and veifies all pubs that are currently serving gf on tap, a life saver for me.
keeping ones head down as usual bonkers rush pre EID which is i think monday coming

sweating too over a tax return which always does my head in , fortunately one has a very clever wife to assist
Not much of a lie in for Father's Day. Up at 6:45 to get the boy ready, as he is helping out with Air Cadets at the National Masters Rowing Championships at the National Water Sports Centre. I think it involves lying down on a pontoon, holding the end of a boat at the start. At least the weather looks decent for it today, some races got cancelled yesterday due to weather.
No father's day pressie for me today, one of my lot bought tickets for my wife and I to see a musical earlier in the year, my other daughter has had a real stressful week, she is a CPN so I excused her from coming round and buying me a present, my son will probably buy me a couple of pints somewhere, hopefully the LRL. I think it is silly expecting something, their company is enough for me.
Bot5h granddaughters coming round at midday, home made curry tonight, footer all day and a hangover for the morning. I also have to make some cookies also, after the visitors as the aromas can be on the strong side and do not wish to be asked, what is that smell granddad.
walked through Chapel market, bought some bread, a Melon and a bunch of radishes. Had a nice bagel for breakfast.

Slow walk up to Highbury and Islington station, now a train home
Took the dogs out to the marshes this morning, managed 50 metres before the heavens opened and we got soaked through to the skin. Will attempt again this afternoon when the family arrive.

Daughter #2 here already, making me a fry up.

Cheers BB
Attempting to add a new skill to a confused old man’s portfolio. This one was repointing a patio. After several weeks of chiselling out the old mortar (a task that involved dodging the incessant rain and industrial strength swearing every time the mallet hit an arthritic thumb) today it was time for a final clean-up of the gaps and forcing the new super-duper resin stuff in. About 40% done in six hours today - should finish tomorrow if the weather is OK.

working on a bathroom to reseal it and put in vents in a door

liasing with property management company re XL bully dogs still causing damage and weeing everywhere , they are a pitb

and House fire near us with 3 fire engines in attendance , sad , not a nice way to end EID period
While checking tyre pressures for my trip tomorrow I spotted a slight bulge on side wall of a front tyre. A quick trip to ATS confirmed they had a Michelin Cross Climate available in the correct size and if I came back later they could fit it for me. 2 hours later my wallet was a bit lighter but the trip to Edinburgh was back on.

I wouldn't have liked that tyre letting go on the A9 or M90. Shows the value of regular checks. I will need to get the other front changed before winter.
Had a catch up with my business partner to review 2nd year of trading, he has no day to day involvement, he has another company that takes all his time. He was happy with progress, our biggest problem is late payers. What’s written in the accounts and what’s sat in the bank are often at odds. Onwards and upwards.

Took the dogs over to Seasalter for a run tonight, made a change from the marshes.

Cheers BB

