
Today I have mainly been v3

interview prep for a session i am chairing next week. some workflow requirements elicitation - this afternoon in the dentists chair for an hour for crown preparation.......
As it's Friday, it must be full lard day ...

Then after, getting a massive fridge installed for storage of an encapsulant that had a massive MOQ, and we only use a very small amount on one product and the customer is very reluctant to change it, so need to extend the shelf life as much as possible.
spent ages trying to set up a phone that The Wife has given me.
I have a first generation SE and this is the larger 2nd generation SE that I am trying to get sorted.
it seems massive compared to my old SE so I might go back to that, but nice to try a different phone.

(already questioning my decision to swap to the bigger mobile)
..revelling in supporting a young student (17yrs old) who'd been with us this week for 'work experience' - and just got so engaged.

We have a pretty ambitious& detailed 'brief' for such a week - and a wonderful broad cross-section of our studio staff who engage with it - and this young man, really, really jumped right-in. From a start with free-hand drawing while discussing how 'we' organise & 'scale' spaces, and the relations between /around/ arrival, use, the building visitor experience. Thinking about how to organise such for 'our requirements'; organising the spatial requirements, how to explore & communcate such via sketches, to ... considering how shape & form & finishes are integral to architecture and interior design ... and no less, learning how to explore modelling in 3D and turn -out visuals in our BIM software & a rendering package: all novel learning.

It's been a delight to be part of. He'll go far...
We've another few weeks to run in this programme this summer. It is always rewarding - seeing very young people take a critical view of the world, the built environment: wondering if that's something that they want to be part of the future -of; or - what their contribution, might be.

(Come autumn, we'll be contributing similar to the Bristol #shapemycity initiative - which does similar for yr 8-10 students as an after-school workshop evening, a thing we've been involved in since inception. Also, both fun, and a privilege.)
I spent the morning watching the Towers’ blue tit family from inside the box and out. It looks like there are still seven of the little blighters from the clutch of nine eggs.


Departure from the nest must be imminent - certainly in the next 48 hours. Not a moment too soon for the overworked parents, I’m sure. I managed to get a shot of both of them, along with one of their demanding offspring.


Rather than upset them by my presence this afternoon I tried to keep out of the way making up some hanging baskets. I was rather pleased that all but half-a-dozen or so of the 40-odd begonia corms I overwintered in carrier bags have sprouted again.


Then a five-mile stroll in the evening sunshine, including a visit to Warwickshire’s friendliest ram who always wanders over for a head-scratch…


…and back in time for an alfresco Rochefort before dinner while keeping an eye on the ever-continuing blue tit activity in the background. I can’t help but feel for those knackered parents. Which idiot came up with the phrase ‘free as a bird?’


Morning-after edit: I looked out of the window shortly before 9am just in time to see the last of the fledglings make a heroic two-foot maiden flight from the nestbox into the hedge. At least it avoided the drop into the water-butt beneath. There’s a lot of cheeping going on out there - time to top up the sunflower seeds, I think.
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I helped out a fellow audiophile yesterday. Late afternoon I had a phone call asking if I could repair an amp (Technics SU-X502). I said that I hadn't had the repair company for many years (but the listing is still on the internet somewhere) and don't have the gear any more, but asked what the problem was. He had loaned his amp to a friend but on getting it back there was no real volume. I asked some questions but realised I was talking to someone without much tech knowledge, so as he was local I said he could bring it over and I would take a look at it.

I connected his in place of my amp and whilst there was some volume he said it used to be much louder. I couldn't see anything obvious so he left it with me. I hit the internet and was looking at a youtube vid and noticed that the one onscreen had the pre/power links (which were labelled Ext) which his didn't have. I had looked at the back as my first thought was to separate the pre/power links and cross link to my amp (PioneerSA9800) to isolate where the problem was but didn't see the links so assumed that wasn't an option. Connected the pre/power connections with a RCA lead and there was now volume. So about 30 mins after he had left I phoned him up to tell him that it was fixed. “What do I owe you?” “Don't be daft but if you must a couple of beers would be appreciated”. He came back delivered the beers and took his amp away.

Which got me thinking. As the links were missing how did it work at all? However it was (I'm guessing something to do with the earth voltage) it did explain why there was leakage between the various channels that I could hear as I had three inputs running different songs which I could hear were being mixed together. So that's my good deed for the day/year done and I can go back to being a non social grumpy sod, but with a smile on my face (and some beers in the fridge).
some lego

looking at the trinkets the dealer gave me - a baseball cap, a branded USB C cable, some branded screen cleaning spray and a matching micro fibre cloth. Why anyone would want a Porsche branded USB cable is beyond me?

off to St Albans later, couple of pubs and a walk by the lakes
I spent the morning watching the Towers’ blue tit family from inside the box and out. It looks like there are still seven of the little blighters from the clutch of nine eggs.


Departure from the nest must be imminent - certainly in the next 48 hours. Not a moment too soon for the overworked parents, I’m sure. I managed to get a shot of both of them, along with one of their demanding offspring.


Rather than upset them by my presence this afternoon I tried to keep out of the way making up some hanging baskets. I was rather pleased that all but half-a-dozen or so of the 40-odd begonia corms I overwintered in carrier bags have sprouted again.


Then a five-mile stroll in the evening sunshine, including a visit to Warwickshire’s friendliest ram who always wanders over for a head-scratch…


…and back in time for an alfresco Rochefort before dinner while keeping an eye on the ever-continuing blue tit activity in the background. I can’t help but feel for those knackered parents. Which idiot came up with the phrase ‘free as a bird?’


Morning-after edit: I looked out of the window shortly before 9am just in time to see the last of the fledglings make a heroic two-foot flight from the nestbox into the hedge. At least it avoided the drop into the water-butt beneath. There’s a lot of cheeping going on out there - time to top up the sunflower seeds, I think.
I am really enjoying this thread, one I have not dipped in much until recently, not least your joyous contributions.
I am working through a selection of the lighter Rochefort myself at the moment, having long enjoyed 8/10/12 ... but I have to ask, what the Dickens is it you have clipped on to the edges of your beer glass?
I am really enjoying this thread, one I have not dipped in much until recently, not least your joyous contributions.
I am working through a selection of the lighter Rochefort myself at the moment, having long enjoyed 8/10/12 ... but I have to ask, what the Dickens is it you have clipped on to the edges of your beer glass?
Don't know the name of Marchy's contraption, but I believe it's there to protect the booze from the beard (contamination, spillages). :p

Well, today so far I have had a lovely ride on my gravel bike.

I’ve then got home to see a letter confirming I’m ok, having had the bowel screening test recently.

Daughter has then made a simple but lovely pasta dish, I could have eaten it again!

I’m now chilling on here, pot of tea and a treat of a few chocolate digestives.

And then at 4pm I’m off out for a few pints with a couple of mates to watch Leeds RL v Cas RL.

I’ve feel happy and content :), and that is what it’s all about.
I am working through a selection of the lighter Rochefort myself at the moment, having long enjoyed 8/10/12 ... but I have to ask, what the Dickens is it you have clipped on to the edges of your beer glass?
It’s one of these.

Rochefort 10 is the greatest, for me. Well ahead of Westvleteren or St Bernardus, although I wouldn’t turn either down. Good to know there’s another enthusiast around!
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Well, today so far I have had a lovely ride on my gravel bike.

I’ve then got home to see a letter confirming I’m ok, having had the bowel screening test recently.

Daughter has then made a simple but lovely pasta dish, I could have eaten it again!

I’m now chilling on here, pot of tea and a treat of a few chocolate digestives.

And then at 4pm I’m off out for a few pints with a couple of mates to watch Leeds RL v Cas RL.

I’ve feel happy and content :), and that is what it’s all about.
Good news ...having a colonoscopy is not pleasant !!! A family member just deafened the docs after failing that test and having polyps removed ...despite fentanyl, midazolam and gas and air

On the way to pick them up i passed a big pile of poo on the floor where some poor soul given all the laxatives for the test couldnt hold it in ...dont let it put anyone off doing the poo test though !!
Mowed the front and back lawns, trimmed the bush at the front and cleaned out a refilled the bird bath. While at the front, I noticed the House Martins are nesting again up in the apex of the soffits. Seems a bit late this year. The Robin was following behind the mower to see what he can find, then loaded the dustbin up with a bit more broken down fencing, so more insects for the Robin from where I cleared it.

Pumped up the bike tyres, might wash them later. I've not been out on mine for over a year, wife not used hers for 2 or 3, but now the boy has a girlfriend (!), he thinks they may like to go out some rides in summer, so she can use Mrs Jamie's.
Went to give blood for testing today for BNP after the GP said with my symptoms he wanted to rule out heart failure!

I wasn’t expecting that.
Good news ...having a colonoscopy is not pleasant !!! A family member just deafened the docs after failing that test and having polyps removed ...despite fentanyl, midazolam and gas and air

On the way to pick them up i passed a big pile of poo on the floor where some poor soul given all the laxatives for the test couldnt hold it in ...dont let it put anyone off doing the poo test though !!
Ooof! 💩
It’s one of these.

Rochefort 10 is the greatest, for me. Well ahead of Westvleteren or St Bernardus, although I wouldn’t turn either down. Good to know there’s another enthusiast around!
Ah @palindrome was spot on!
I haven't tried Westvleteren or St Bernardus, more interesting beer for me to sample, thanks
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