
Today I have mainly been v3

Doing a refresh on house with ocd occupant and family .they are addicted to hoovering and have scraped off much of the skirting paint .but they keep it so clean one cant moan .done most of the wallls while they are out .during lockdown houses got a real bashing as they were inside a lot
... wondering why everything seems to be so inefficient.

At the beginning of last week, a man from the water company came and cleared the grass off our stopcock out on the verge, and sprayed a bit of blue on the road.

Later in the week, another man came with a listening stick (impressive), and sprayed some more blue on the road and the verge.

Later again, another lot of men came and installed some traffic lights.

Then another lot came and dug a hole.

The next day, a different lot came and looked into it. Nothing happened.

It's Bank Holiday week-end, so no men, but the traffic lights are still there, despite the hole being in the pavement, not the road.

No doubt we can hope for some more men on Tuesday - maybe.

It's all different lots of men, working for different companies. It'll probably get fixed, whatever it is, sometime.
Blue markings are used to show where buried water utilities are, as I'm sure you already guessed. I assume a leak has been identified or perhaps they need to dig for some other reason and need to know where the water mains runs so they don't strike it digging. Two types of listening stick I am aware of: acoustic leak detectors that can hear the leaking, and magnetic locators that can detect a radiated magnetic field from metal pipes/cables to pinpoint where it is buried (I work for a company that designs the later). Hopefully it isn't like North Devon where they routinely install traffic lights then leave them for a year while they get the budget together to do whatever it is that needs doing ...
A woman left a cucumber in her shopping trolley.
I pointed out that she might want that later.
She looked at me funny.
”the cucumber, you will want it…”
still she looked at me gone out.
I point at the cucumber in the shopping trolley that she is trying to recover a £1 coin from.
”the cucumber “
Third time of saying ‘cucumber’ the (elderly) woman finally twigs as to what the fudge I was on about.
I get a tiny smile and a tinier ”thanks.”

and that was the Tale of the Cucumber & The Lady.
(outside Aldi)
Sadly my dodgy diabetic blood is too sweet to be considered any use. You'd think someone in a hospital bed would welcome the sugar rush...
If you have Type 2 you might be OK to give blood. But yes, if you inject insulin your luck’s out. Things might be different for plasma (that’s what I donate) - there’s nothing to specifically rule out diabetes sufferers on the website. You could always call to check. Fortunately for me it doesn’t seem to bother anyone that my plasma probably has a measurable ABV.
If you have Type 2 you might be OK to give blood. But yes, if you inject insulin your luck’s out. Things might be different for plasma (that’s what I donate) - there’s nothing to specifically rule out diabetes sufferers on the website. You could always call to check. Fortunately for me it doesn’t seem to bother anyone that my plasma probably has a measurable ABV.
Yes I have rather a serious insulin habit... I didn't realise rules were different for plasma. I'll investigate - thanks!
If you have Type 2 you might be OK to give blood. But yes, if you inject insulin your luck’s out. Things might be different for plasma (that’s what I donate) - there’s nothing to specifically rule out diabetes sufferers on the website. You could always call to check. Fortunately for me it doesn’t seem to bother anyone that my plasma probably has a measurable ABV.
Given that your plasma is produced in strictly limited quantities and carefully labelled, does that make it Appelation Controlee?
Two types of listening stick I am aware of: acoustic leak detectors that can hear the leaking,
Our old plumber had a turned wooden stick 3-4 ft long that had a flat circular end rather like an upside down mushroom. In use the narrow end was rested on ground and you put your ear to the flat piece to trace leaks. I remember it being used to find a leak in 2in asbestos pipe which was the main water feed to our dairy farm.

I have seen Scottish Water employees walking the streets using them listening at various points checking for leaks.

Recently I spotted what I thought was a leak in the middle of a street I walk along (water was making its way to surface leaving it wet even in dry spells).

I reported it using the Scottish Water website. A week later the street was covered in blue markings. A few days later it was dug up and it appears that the problem was on 300mm main! Little more than 2 weeks from reporting it the road had been reinstated.
Our old plumber had a turned wooden stick 3-4 ft long that had a flat circular end rather like an upside down mushroom. In use the narrow end was rested on ground and you put your ear to the flat piece to trace leaks. I remember it being used to find a leak in 2in asbestos pipe which was the main water feed to our dairy farm.

I have seen Scottish Water employees walking the streets using them listening at various points checking for leaks.

Recently I spotted what I thought was a leak in the middle of a street I walk along (water was making its way to surface leaving it wet even in dry spells).

I reported it using the Scottish Water website. A week later the street was covered in blue markings. A few days later it was dug up and it appears that the problem was on 300mm main! Little more than 2 weeks from reporting it the road had been reinstated.
Good on you for reporting it and good on Scottish Water for getting on with the repair!
Given that your plasma is produced in strictly limited quantities and carefully labelled, does that make it Appelation Controlee?
I’m far from certain I’d comply with all the regs, but I suppose there must be a reason why they take it from me in bottle-sized quantities. And although I say it myself, it does have the colour of a rather good Vendage Tardive. A bit cloudy, though. I suppose that’s all the yeast from the bottles of Rochefort.
Had to have a word with 3 women who thought it was okay to swim 3 abreast and chat during lane swimming, turned into a bit of an argument. Duty manager asked me to switch lanes rather than ask the women to decease.

We need a ‘Bullet’ Baxter type with a whistle, glowering from the side of the pool.

Cheers BB
I’m far from certain I’d comply with all the regs, but I suppose there must be a reason why they take it from me in bottle-sized quantities. And although I say it myself, it does have the colour of a rather good Vendage Tardive. A bit cloudy, though. I suppose that’s all the yeast from the bottles of Rochefort.
Regardless of impurities. Those like me that have repeatedly received gallons of the stuff are grateful.
Had to have a word with 3 women who thought it was okay to swim 3 abreast and chat during lane swimming, turned into a bit of an argument. Duty manager asked me to switch lanes rather than ask the women to decease.

We need a ‘Bullet’ Baxter type with a whistle, glowering from the side of the pool.

Cheers BB
My brother has worked as a lifeguard, and as a swimming teacher. In his experience, management at sports centres is abysmal, and staff are not supported when trying to uphold rules in the pool, even important safety-related ones. He was once disciplined for trying to prevent a child from doing something dangerous - a risk to themselves and other pool users - when the parent complained to management. So I'm not remotely surprised.
... wondering why everything seems to be so inefficient.

At the beginning of last week, a man from the water company came and cleared the grass off our stopcock out on the verge, and sprayed a bit of blue on the road.

Later in the week, another man came with a listening stick (impressive), and sprayed some more blue on the road and the verge.

Later again, another lot of men came and installed some traffic lights.

Then another lot came and dug a hole.

The next day, a different lot came and looked into it. Nothing happened.

It's Bank Holiday week-end, so no men, but the traffic lights are still there, despite the hole being in the pavement, not the road.

No doubt we can hope for some more men on Tuesday - maybe.

It's all different lots of men, working for different companies. It'll probably get fixed, whatever it is, sometime.

Just an update to the whole saga (sorry !).

After nothing else seeming to have happened (maybe we missed it), some men came on Tuesday and filled in the hole. Some other men tarmacked it nicely. Several hours later, some more men came and took down the blue protective barriers and took the cones and the traffic lights away.

Yesterday, two orange men in two Welsh Water vans came and looked at the new tarmac. They sprayed some blue paint on it. I have a feeling this isn't finished yet.
My brother has worked as a lifeguard, and as a swimming teacher. In his experience, management at sports centres is abysmal, and staff are not supported when trying to uphold rules in the pool, even important safety-related ones. He was once disciplined for trying to prevent a child from doing something dangerous - a risk to themselves and other pool users - when the parent complained to management. So I'm not remotely surprised.

in our local pool the complainant is more likely to be banned from the pool.

Just an update to the whole saga (sorry !).

After nothing else seeming to have happened (maybe we missed it), some men came on Tuesday and filled in the hole. Some other men tarmacked it nicely. Several hours later, some more men came and took down the blue protective barriers and took the cones and the traffic lights away.

Yesterday, two orange men in two Welsh Water vans came and looked at the new tarmac. They sprayed some blue paint on it. I have a feeling this isn't finished yet.
Unfortunately the men who were supposed to fix the problem were on holiday so the men who fill the holes up just did their thing and everything is back to normal (but not fixed).
As it's Friday, it must be full lard day ...


