
Today I have mainly been v3

I had an interesting conversation with my wife when we were walking the dogs at lunchtime in the rain. She's semi retired and has been working 2 days a week for the last few years, but hadn't shown any strong interest in retiring fully for a while yet - but she's now thinking she might pack it in as early as the end of the current school term (she a teacher but works part time as a science tech) which is the end of June.

If she does then I'm not sure what I'll do about that yet as, in addition to potentially retiring myself (I'm 56 and she's 58) I might play hardball with my employers as they seem to want me to stay at least for the next year to 18 months. We've got offices in France and Spain and I've already suggested I might want to work from one of those countries for a while - so I might step up the pressure on that. I've just taken over one of our functions as their leader has gone on maternity, and there is some discussion about me taking on another team - but I'd already said their would need to be something in it for me.
crazy day today . lots of gardening and repairing fences
however very elderly member of the family got a very swollen infected hand so having been to urgent care centre she is now on the way to A&e . i will probably have to sit with her later to take over care . ah what would we do without our wonderful A&e !!
None of my business, but care to say what you do for a living? There was a period when I thought you were some kind of travelling NHS medical guru (can't remember why). Then a multi-property landlord. Then a care worker. Then a kind of property maintenance specialist and "fixer" for elderly people.
As I say, none of my business, and I applaud your compassion and time given to helping others.
My mother had the last of her 17 sessions of radio therapy (following from 2 x surgery) today. Hooray! So a small celebration day. Flowers & chocs and a wee bottle of M&S Port for her.

The radio nuking sessions were all at 8:30am on the other side of town, so a bit tiring for an 85yr-old. She's really looking forward to her usual lie in tomorrow. Getting old ain't for the faint hearted
WFH today. Still trying to sort out my problem with Camden Council & Veolia. I've emailed the relevent guy at Camden Council 4 times, without reply. I emailed again today and got a reply, an out of office until 15 June. Luckily there was a contact number for one of his colleagues, who's proved most helpful. He told me he was new, which made sense, they'll soon have his enthusiasm and empathy knocked out of him!

Cheers BB
None of my business, but care to say what you do for a living? There was a period when I thought you were some kind of travelling NHS medical guru (can't remember why). Then a multi-property landlord. Then a care worker. Then a kind of property maintenance specialist and "fixer" for elderly people.
As I say, none of my business, and I applaud your compassion and time given to helping others.
Yes all of them wulbert although given up the Nhs bit !! And thanks ,it keeps me out of mischief .although i was at A&E till 11pm last night with a very chirpy pensioner being seen by some absolutely first class nurses and Dr's

Then today she was mega grumpy but not surprisingly ,meanwhile another member of family was in department next door having a procedure .somewhat weary but very glad for our wonderful hospital

Ooh and then another member contracted hand foot and mouth overnight and covered in a rash with blisters around the mouth there no end to the stuff these little chappies catch !!!
Had a short walk with Granddaughter #1 yesterday. Took her to a viewpoint were there is a 270° vista and the weather was clear enough to see for many miles. We saw a rabbit. Identified ‘Cleavers’ ‘Goosegrass’ or ’Sticky Willy’ as it is known. Discussed early settlements and the local geography. We poked a stick down a hole in the field. Probably bunnies.
Had a huge homemade prawn cocktail. Still full from that, so minimal supper this evening.

Had an itch to mess about with my Hi-Fi, but have resisted it so far.

Eldest Son is now talking about Hi-Fi after a break. His Wife is not keen, so it will be discreet I guess.
A trip to the Big City to spread the Binface message and stuff myself on Club biscuits. “I couldn’t remember which flavour you wanted, so I brought one of each” said the nurse with a knowing smile. Attagirl! Even better, this took me to 26 donation points, so I’ll get a little silver badge in the post soon. If I can keep giving at my current rate I’ll get the gold one just before my 70th birthday, so that’s the target.

A trip to the Big City to spread the Binface message and stuff myself on Club biscuits. “I couldn’t remember which flavour you wanted, so I brought one of each” said the nurse with a knowing smile. Attagirl! Even better, this took me to 26 donation points, so I’ll get a little silver badge in the post soon. If I can keep giving at my current rate I’ll get the gold one just before my 70th birthday, so that’s the target.

You are a mega star , my bro had hundreds of bags of blood and plasma thanks to wonderful folks like you
spent ages looking for any (more) posts from a new person supposedly from Australia.
took me ages.
couldn’t remember the name.
or the thread.
a letdown as I was up for it.
The thread does seem to have disappeared. The person was from Melbourne, as I recall, because I responded that I had a friend living there. I'm now curious as to why it got hoofed.
The thread does seem to have disappeared. The person was from Melbourne, as I recall, because I responded that I had a friend living there. I'm now curious as to why it got hoofed.

it was ’audiophile music’ bizarrely in the equipment bit.
There was a quote, otherwise I wouldn’t have known.

shame, as there is little humour to be had in election 2024. I have read it - just hurts my head all those words.
A trip to the Big City to spread the Binface message and stuff myself on Club biscuits. “I couldn’t remember which flavour you wanted, so I brought one of each” said the nurse with a knowing smile. Attagirl! Even better, this took me to 26 donation points, so I’ll get a little silver badge in the post soon. If I can keep giving at my current rate I’ll get the gold one just before my 70th birthday, so that’s the target.

That's an armful : )

Good for you. I'm sure everyone has loved ones who've needed topping up after falling off motorbikes or whatever.

Sadly my dodgy diabetic blood is too sweet to be considered any use. You'd think someone in a hospital bed would welcome the sugar rush...

