
Today I have mainly been v3

getting ready for the plumber, living room HiFi now dismantled. What a disruptive mess.

Talking to pork about end of lease options....
You know what they say about a bad workman! The guy who used to teach me could shoot from the hip with anything!
But then the opposite of this is "you cant climb 10 feet up a 6 ft ladder" aka "buy once cry once". Hence I buy the best, IMHO, trap gun available, and now I know where the weak point is in the system, ( and it might not be a lack of bling!)
A total plonker - whoops!

I've just finished a job interview on Teams, but not long before this had a total disaster. I turned on the bathroom tap to fill the bowl to shave. Walked off to the office, got a bit distracted and flooded the sink, resulting in water running through the floor, via the kitchen spotlights into the kitchen. Oopsie.

On a positive, the interview seemed to go well.

We had a rewire about 18mths ago. So I've put tape over the light switches in the kitchen and they will not be used. I'm hoping we have a few hot days and I'll try the kitchen lights next in a couple of weeks. Hopefully, that will be enough time that it all dries out and I don't have to claim on my insurance.

Edit: just had a great idea. I'll put 2x dehumidifiers on full whack overnight in the kitchen with the doors shut. Doing that a few nights on the trot should also dry out any residual water.
putting my number plate on retention.
So much easier these days, just flipped the wifes plate off her old motor and onto her new one last week, process takes no time and V5’s arrived in a couple days. Have sold the old one through Motorway, guy collecting it today, dealer trade in was 25% lower than MWay.
it is easy - it is good they assign the previous (and original plate) to the car - i still had the plates in the garage. Cheeky insurance company charged a £5.50 admin fee.
But then the opposite of this is "you cant climb 10 feet up a 6 ft ladder" aka "buy once cry once". Hence I buy the best, IMHO, trap gun available, and now I know where the weak point is in the system, ( and it might not be a lack of bling!)

Yep, Perazzi’s are lovely things!
Rifle shooting and then a bit of Olympic trap practice, where I came to the conclusion my relative lack of success is due to the lack of exhibition wood and a deficit of engraving on my shotgun, time to browse the Perazzi website again :)

I've only used a Purdey once, that was the only time i've won a clay shoot.

The winnings bought a very large round.
Accounts day today for a couple of companies, soon be opening time.

A bit of tax to pay to support our glorious leaders so a good day on balance.
Guy just collected the wifes old motor, 2nd time we’ve used Motorway rather than trade in at the dealer. No complaints with the process and a good few extra £’s in our bank account. They don’t leave with the car until the funds hit your bank, he drove it round the block with me in it plus did a cursory visual check, all in took about quarter of an hour.
I’ve been peering through the pouring rain at two poor little blue tits endlessly flying in and out of the nestbox trying to keep seven demanding offspring fed.


…oh, and applying for a postal vote as I‘ll be out of the country for the last fortnight of ever-increasing bogus hysteria, thank God.
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