
Today I have mainly been v3

Boo - Dinner party guests unable to come this evening

Hurray - Daughter/Fiancé and #2 Gee Kid are happy to come over and eat :)

Boo - Fiancé is allergic to something, but I couldn’t remember what.

Hurray - He is allergic to mushrooms, miraculously there is no mushrooms in the dishes we have prepared - although I did dry a load of sliced mushrooms in the oven, but they have gone into a jar with olive oil/garlic/etc as antipasto

Boo - c.d. player on second system worked perfectly yesterday - today > nada. I have probably pressed a wrong button or summat

Hurray - I haven’t shaved for weeks and look like Santa Claus as my beard is mostly white.
Today I saw the doctor for the compulsory driving ability check, because I have MS. My licence will have to be renewed in two years’ time. Basically, I am allowed to drive but not at night and not long distances. Sigh.
Yep. Just potted up 72 annuals wot I got from Suttons as tiny plugs no bigger than a thimble. Put severe strain on my supply of little pots..and my bionic knees. Also cut the back lawn then ran into the now customary 'brick wall' and left the much smaller front lawn for tomorrow... Discretion..better part.. etc...
Yep. Just potted up 72 annuals wot I got from Suttons as tiny plugs no bigger than a thimble. Put severe strain on my supply of little pots..and my bionic knees. Also cut the back lawn then ran into the now customary 'brick wall' and left the much smaller front lawn for tomorrow... Discretion..better part.. etc...
It is the duty of the retired man to employ the services of the artisan.

Do what I do, employ a gardener because you don't need aches and pains in your final years.
Today I saw the doctor for the compulsory driving ability check, because I have MS. My licence will have to be renewed in two years’ time. Basically, I am allowed to drive but not at night and not long distances. Sigh.
Thats a pain but at least its not a total ban !!
Scraping moss and weeds from the block paving on the front with a small pointing trowel. Done the stretch in front of the house, now having coffee break before doing the double and a bit driveway. At least the bits under the cars are pretty clear.
It is the duty of the retired man to employ the services of the artisan.

Do what I do, employ a gardener because you don't need aches and pains in your final years.
Mick, I'll know when cutting a bit of grass becomes too much, and it just happens that a young lady who went to school with my daughter provides a reliable service at reasonable cost.
Meanwhile I have it on good authority from the Heart Failure team that regular activity will prolong my life.
Since my last post a couple hours ago, I have been lounging majestically in the sun.. in minimal attire. I love it.
Shortly, I shall drive the three or four miles to our local Tesco and avail myself of a couple of bottles each of their currently discounted Gin and Brandy. Should see me right until I next visit the boozer.. Then home, shower, dinner and settle down for the night.
Life is good.
Tomorrow, cut the front grass, finish prepping the trench for the Runner Beans and get the poles it were...
Well done Mull.
Much better than sitting on a Lardy fat arse telling others what to do.
I let others do the work but I control my diet so don't have a lardy fat arse that means a new set of hips.

Knowing when to tell others what to do is something everyone should know how and when to do.
Drove way out to a wild (& high) set of spectacular welsh lakes nearby, took a long hike around one lake singing Elliott Smith songs to myself considering how brilliant he was (a very typical thing done whilst hiking, which I do alot out here), nattered to some fly-fishers (chaps, not birds) deciding there & then to dig out my fly gear & do some fishing up there soon. Which I haven't done for 30 years. Wild browns. Then watched the sky change with some spectacular views driving home, & waited for a huge thunderstorm to roll in late pm.

Rather good day. Solitude is SO underrated.


we rewilded ours, no maintenance - so many pollinators, so many birds......

Mine seems quite capable of re-wilding itself.. My activities represent little more than a holding operation...
As for birds. We see assorted Tits, including little mobs of Long Tailed Tits, whizzing through daily. Goldfinches, Blackbirds and Robins, recently Chiffchaffs. Buzzards overhead, frequent Sparrow Hawks. Collared Doves and rather too many Wood Pigeons. There will be others, as I'm no expert on birds. Just watching a Buzzard or possibly a Red Kite, circling some distance away. Can't see which from this distance. Haven't seen a Chaffinch for years..

Yesterday I returned from a brief trip out, to discover that the bloody Woody's had pulled many of my plants, just potted up..out of their pots.
Why, I oughta!!!
Bean trench backfilled with plenty of good stuff Started putting the poles up and it's 'brick wall' time again.
BP. 91/58. No wonder I'm whacked...

