
Today I have mainly been v3

after having full EICR electrical check on our little gaffe they arrived today to upgrade most of the electrics , new metal board and most sockets needed some attention to earth and other matters . pretty big job really and i think they deserve a medal for figuring out my rats nest of cables
Trade show, London Olympia.. Too many people, too much a/c, and expensive water and coffee. Not that enjoyable, but i did say hi to few old colleagues which is why i went.
Sent a sample off for bowel cancer screening. Apparently 2 yearly screening has been extended to those now 54+ years old plus. Was previously 60+. Good news, should catch a lot of cases earlier now.

Cheers BB
family member failed that recently , they were unbelievably quick at reacting and booked a colonoscopy . lets hope its negative . it is a really good thing as long as people do it .
my lovely electricians came back to rectify a small fault . they really are brilliant .. but then i do give them a lot of work !!

baby with us today so thats really fun , throwing balls about and just enjoying them is totally priceless
Wonderful Daughter came over for a cuppa and catch up. She helped me get some speaker stands out of the loft - good to get use of her muscles.
I now have the IMF super compact speakers on small stands angled up to the sweet spot. very nice - they are connected to the second system used for record grading - sounds a lot better than the previous location.
Made french onion soup - maaan I love the stuff and it is soo simple. An amuse-bouche for a dinner party at the weekend, gonna put an inch square of cheese on toast on it to be fancy pants.

The Wife isn’t impressed with the weather - I don’t have expectations that it will do anything but rain, so less of a downer for me.

salmon summat for the main today.
granddaughter day again. she is so adorable, like her mother and sister (twins) whom I house husbanded for and never had enough time to actually play with them, only really when we all cooked the evening meal together, Bodger and badger/sooty and sweep style cooking was the most fun, my wife still remembers the aftermath, luckily the house was not finished was my lame excuse.
roll on next thursday and hopefully any time we may see her beforehand
Going to look at a house for sale on Friday. Not getting my hopes up vs. already planning where the hi-fi is going to be located, just happens to be the biggest room. May involve Wife getting a dog that has been on the cards for a few years.

The Daughter has discovered that she has a folate & Vit. D deficiency. Not diet related, so I am a bit concerned that it is Pernicious Anaemia. shit.

The Wife has been in Birmingham to see some more ballet. Glad she doesn’t insist on dragging me along. I like the music, but that style of dance does nowt for me.

Keep putting rat poison down, and not had a rat in the trap yet Billy. Give it a few days, then I will reposition the trap.
Don’t worry too much
Almost every one in UK could benefit from supplements of Vitamin D. Because of our Latitude we only get enough sun exposure to make Vitamin D for about half the year
Similarly, we are seeing ever more people with low folate levels (including me). Three months of 5mg daily should sort that out. I went on to and still take a small amount daily. I’m not sure if the assays have changed or the normal values have altered but suddenly there are lots more people turning up with this
Perhaps we are just looking harder?
Pernicious anaemia is Vitamin B12 deficiency.
I wish him all the best for the exams and future career.

A friend decided on a career change at 40 and qualified as a commercial pilot. Not quite the stretch you imagine, he was flying in gliders before he was born! Solo at 16 eventually a PPL. He now flies fixed wing air ambulances for the Scottish Ambulance Service. We all wished him luck on the appointment with the proviso that we hoped we wouldn't be his passenger anytime soon.
A young lad I knew was mad keen on flying
I gave him his first copy of MS flight simulator
He’s just taken command of an A 380!

It’s great to see kids we knew doing well
Don’t worry too much
Almost every one in UK could benefit from supplements of Vitamin D. Because of our Latitude we only get enough sun exposure to make Vitamin D for about half the year
Similarly, we are seeing ever more people with low folate levels (including me). Three months of 5mg daily should sort that out. I went on to and still take a small amount daily. I’m not sure if the assays have changed or the normal values have altered but suddenly there are lots more people turning up with this
Perhaps we are just looking harder?
Pernicious anaemia is Vitamin B12 deficiency.

Daughter is definitely symptomatic (depression and unable to work/ as a Staff Nurse) and is now taking the folic supplements and hoping this will reduce her antidepressant medication. She was relieved to find a reason for her mental state. The blood tests were fortunate, but the increased incidence is of interest.
As for my worry - tis the way of the parent! but I don’t let it bring me down. Glass half full and all that.
joy of joys - back in the dentist chair this afternoon for part 2 of root canal. Might get to choose my crown
went for a walk in our incredible local woods that blow me away , they are really magical

had a survey back on a flat which was not brilliant , one aspect was damp in the wall possibly caused by wet insulation . ... If the lady was not so needy who is buying it and its incredibly hard to find downstairs flats with suitable bathrooms for someone disabled , i might be tempted to walk away !! but there you go , must try and overcome these issues as its perfect in many ways
Yesterday a spot of sightseeing in Edinburgh. The castle, it’s up there in the middle


