
Today I have mainly been v2

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A lovely evening stroll through the lanes and across the fields. I made friends with two huge dogs being exercised who looked as if I could have put a saddle on them, an even bigger horse that I most definitely could, and an initially suspicious cat that eventually succumbed to my wheedling, had five minutes of fuss then looked affronted when I moved on.
Second sighting at the same place of a Chough today on our cliff walk Reintroduced to Cornwall about twenty years ago there are now a hundred in the county. Again hassling loudly like there might be family nearby :)

Local garage tried to shaft me a couple of hundred on repairing a clutch release bearing. My usual family firm have up stakes to Greece for three weeks so I went to this guy who I gained a bad feeling for over the short time I used him. Main dealer quote was 20% less and they aren’t known for their largesse….
Had an early meeting in Croydon and I’m in the West End now. It’s very, very quiet. Should be home just after lunch.

Got our best friends from Yorkshire currently on route to our house, hoping the roads are kind to them.

First full month completed in my new role, so far so good, we’ve achieved more than I could have hoped for. I’ll enjoy 4 days off with our friends and may allow myself to over indulge.

Cheers BB
On a bus to hunt for some pork an black pudding pies at a localish marketstall. Just hoping its not just a saturday thing. Then the boozer.
High tides’s at 2 so just pressure washed the winter crud off the clinker dinghy before a sail around the harbour. To paraphrase King George, bugger work.

edit: well that was rather pleasant, good breeze and sunshine. Only way to forget the country’s going to shit
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chairing a board of examiners for our 2nd years and final years. Meeting to discuss a disciplinary matter this afternoon.

Dealing with 2 cases of staff progression........then nothing scheduled
Went to buy some tat to put up outside the house tomorrow at the insistence of SWMBO.
Couldn’t find any anywhere so I put the Sex Pistols “Never Mind the Bollocks” album cover up in the porch window.

our street is slowly being bedecked with bunting and other plastic waste. Someone has actually paid money to get the road shut on Saturday for a street party. We will be elsewhere....
We've thankfully escaped from our street and the imminent bun fight / tacky decorations.

Avoiding all TV for next 4 days!

When will the nation tire of this demeaning Windsor cult?
We've thankfully escaped from our street and the imminent bun fight / tacky decorations.

Avoiding all TV for next 4 days!

When will the nation tire of this demeaning Windsor cult?

A lot of people seem to be trying to avoid the country for the next few’s a novel idea; celebrating your country by leaving it :)
It's a celebration of a monarchs time on the throne, not the country.
Still odd to do it abroad. Unless they are going to support some of the many countries we robbed way back when. If I recall the whole empire thing started with the monarch turning a blind eye to our pirates attacking Spanish bullion ships for a cut of the spoils. Yer can’t blame our liz for that of course!
We've thankfully escaped from our street and the imminent bun fight / tacky decorations.

Avoiding all TV for next 4 days!

When will the nation tire of this demeaning Windsor cult?

Pretty bonkers here with seats covered with stuff ...on local news tonight ( southwest )
To be fair, I doubt many people were celebrating Whitsun when the Late May Bank Holiday was on the usual date. Anyway, airports look like places to avoid at present.
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