
Today I have mainly been v2

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Sitting back with the LP12 back in the system, having been trialling an alternative for a couple of weeks. Why did I think I could improve on it?
Plan something rewarding for when you have opportunity and motivation

Had planned a trip to the Highland Show but can't see myself being fit now as I will probably lose 2 weeks of rehab and the schedule was tight any way. I will plan some kind of "treat" or at least some time away from the house. I've only been away from home 1 night since Heather passed away.
Today I have been mending the front doorstep, it'll be fine if no-one actually treads on it. And digging up the old lavender bush which had grown too 'leggy', and planting a couple of replacements. Oh and mending the garden wall. I think I'll go back to work; it's less tiring and the pay's better.
Just took £120 donation to Headway brain injury charity for records I have sold.
Cheered up the manager quite a bit.
Got that nice glow from doing something positive.

Got home and found that I have sold another record on Discogs, and will be able to donate about £120 again once the postage is paid and the Buyer is satisfied with their purchase :)
Excellent news.
The monies will be gift-aided as well, so a nice bonus.

Good news.

Picked up new ‘executive’ lens for my spectacles - they seem okay! A minor miracle as normally there is a problem with them.

Warning light ‘Coil’ came up on the dashboard… phoned garage, advised to take car on a decent spin (diesel engine) - this has hopefully sorted it. I have had a DPF light on the dash before, but this was different… Car had a full service last week, so maybe needed a good run ?

warning light out for now, so I reckon that is 3 goodies in a row today.
Not bad.

Grandson over in 5 minutes, so can amuse us both by saying ‘juicy’ on repeat all afternoon :)
out looking at more retirement housing . cancelled a viewing today after checking out the area , that was a real shame as it was a few feet from a lovely hi fi shop !!! the area has gone down and the complex had peeling paint , nettles in the hedge etc etc. considering it had one of the highest service charges in the area its very dissapointing

looked at another in a posher part , originally sold for about 250k ... been on market for about 2 years and now 165 k !!!!:eek::eek: crazy to see property going down when everything is rising so fast . we think it is because of the small lounge and small bathroom but we rather liked it . slight disadvantage in being quite a trek to laundry room on top floor ....
I avoided paying £26 for a battery for my SO’s watch , walking 20 yards and paying £8.99 elsewhere. Bought a new strap for my own watch. Other than that today has been a lazy one after our holiday last week.
A day in London, again. It was almost like lockdown again this morning, it was incredibly quiet in Central London and the drive in was easy. I guess everyone is taking advantage of the 3 day week to have some time off.

Having a coffee in the West End currently, it’s very busy with shoppers and tourists.

Got a late one tonight, despite saying I wouldn’t get involved in daily office cleaning, in my new role, an old client had given me an offer I couldn’t refuse. Starting the first of 8 new contracts tonight, this one in Holborn.

Cheers BB
This morning I cut my hair using my beard trimmer. No.2 all over. Pretty straightforward. Cavity from a tooth extraction 5 days ago is still sore, calling for paracetamol. Just hoping it doesn't go all 'dry socket' on me.

This p.m. went for a swim, except I forgot the kids are off school so the normally quiet 3-4 p.m. spot had loads of kids and parents queueing for admission so I gave up. There's an Adults Only spot at 9:00 pm.

Red letter day tomorrow. Have decided to squeeze in a trip to the Cavern for the afternoon, before my knee surgery looms too close. Meeting an old friend from Nottm. Haven't seen him, or been in Cav since before the Pandemic. Not been on a train or bus either. So, it's a bus and train to Lime Street, but I reckon I'll need a taxi the rest of the way.
Good grief, blue tits are aggressive little buggers. I saw a pair chase a magpie off this morning. Now I’m sitting about 5m from the bird feeders, and the only time they break off stuffing themselves at one of them is to chase the great tits away from the other. And they don’t seem to give a toss about me sitting there with a Rochefort listening to the radio. Perhaps they like jazz.
chairing a board of examiners this morning. Completing the paperwork from the interviews yesterday.
went and collected a new silver faceplate for my bel canto pre . pretty expensive but hey !! requested a pre 5 on demo as no reviews at all on this machine !!

Took the mrs to train station.... my word i have never seen so many BTP dog units .. there was at least 6 vans there with the place very high security . i guess as folks get away for jubilee
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