
Today I have mainly been v2

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Went on a lovely long walk with a friend who's just dumped her BF of two years & is recovering from a brief PTSD-borne psychosis. This evening I've been reflecting on some things she said today & over recent weeks, & am starting to wonder if she has feelings for me.
The Ride London cycling festival has closed the A414 - and most of Essex - today. Everyone, apart I guess from cycling fanatics, is furious. It has effectively closed down my business for two days, with 40% of normal revenue yesterday, and zilch today, as we can't even access the site. Likewise the farm shop and woodyard next to me, our busiest days of the week.

No financial compensation from the council, despite it netting £1m a year for 5 years. However, spiritual compensation in the form of almost complete silence, broken only by birdsong, the occasional aircraft - one just passed over at 40,000ft en-route to Warsaw from Miami - and for some reason a spate of big, roaring V8 engined vehicles on the lane outside earlier.

I've just counted 90 cyclists in one minute on the 414, and it's been constant since 6am or earlier. That's a lot of lycra.

TAXI drivers and men on bikes are almost at the point where they will stop disguising their lust as loathing.

Researchers at the Institute for Studies said that the two outwardly-hostile groups are almost ready to start frantically pawing at each others’ bodies while kissing.

Taxi driver Tom Booker said: “Obviously when I’m shouting ‘get a ****ing move on you goggle-eyed twat’ what I actually mean is ‘you have great thighs and I want to take you to a fish restaurant’.”

Cyclist Wayne Hayes said: “Last week I called a taxi driver a ‘bald bastard’ after he cut me up.

“But I love shaven-headed working class men, it’s the Jason Statham thing. Especially so if they’re in a big, powerful car just ready to dominate me on my little bike.

“My fantasy is lying on my bed with a generic taxi driver, we’re in our pants embracing and we listen to Sam Smith’s album in its entirety without moving.

“Yes, he’s married to a woman and has three kids all called Terry, but that just excites me even more.”
Well 5 vaccinations haven't been enough to prevent me getting Covid. Had a bit of cough last night and got the two lines on the LFD this morning.

Can't for the life of me work out where I caught it. I was at Eden Court theatre on Thursday to see Scottish Opera's excellent Don Giovanni. To get symptoms in 48 hrs after exposure is unusual. 5-6 days the norm.

Lying on top of the bed watching TV. Nodded off and had to rewind the program. Going upstairs is a bit of an effort, good job I don't need to do it often.

Have to collect an antiviral prescription tomorrow.
On the white lightning and gettin peckish , made batter for puddins first time ive tried usually frozen for me. Dads puttin the jinx on them sayin im mixin batter wrong direction.
Watching the football, having a beer, got a miserable cold, no line on a Covid test. Will check in a day or two if it doesn’t go away. The joys of working with little people.

Enjoying some peace and quiet as Mrs L and children gone to Nottingham to see Grandma. Pondering why it’s so bloody cold. Have got one of my winter jumpers on.

Jambalaya and Eton Mess for tea. Irritatingly the salad looks too tired to eat.

Tie triage! It looks like I’ll get about 70 silk bow ties out of my 100-neckties-for-£25 eBay buy. Excellent! I’m particularly taken with the one in bio-hazard colours. And it would be perfect for me to wear, I’m told.

I also watched this little chap take his first bewildered look at the world beyond the rickety nest box. Good luck!

I got off my arse and decided to try and repair the old Skoda’s fuel sender unit. It’s been sat on one of my workbenches for nigh on two years whilst I tried to fathom out a way of fixing it. Today I think I’ve found the answer and I’m halfway there:)
Well 5 vaccinations haven't been enough to prevent me getting Covid. Had a bit of cough last night and got the two lines on the LFD this morning.

Can't for the life of me work out where I caught it. I was at Eden Court theatre on Thursday to see Scottish Opera's excellent Don Giovanni. To get symptoms in 48 hrs after exposure is unusual. 5-6 days the norm.

Lying on top of the bed watching TV. Nodded off and had to rewind the program. Going upstairs is a bit of an effort, good job I don't need to do it often.

Have to collect an antiviral prescription tomorrow.

You are having a rough year.

Plan something rewarding for when you have opportunity and motivation
Well 5 vaccinations haven't been enough to prevent me getting Covid. Had a bit of cough last night and got the two lines on the LFD this morning.

Can't for the life of me work out where I caught it. I was at Eden Court theatre on Thursday to see Scottish Opera's excellent Don Giovanni. To get symptoms in 48 hrs after exposure is unusual. 5-6 days the norm.

Lying on top of the bed watching TV. Nodded off and had to rewind the program. Going upstairs is a bit of an effort, good job I don't need to do it often.

Have to collect an antiviral prescription tomorrow.
Hope the meds do the business - get better soon.
Well 5 vaccinations haven't been enough to prevent me getting Covid. Had a bit of cough last night and got the two lines on the LFD this morning.

Can't for the life of me work out where I caught it. I was at Eden Court theatre on Thursday to see Scottish Opera's excellent Don Giovanni. To get symptoms in 48 hrs after exposure is unusual. 5-6 days the norm.

Lying on top of the bed watching TV. Nodded off and had to rewind the program. Going upstairs is a bit of an effort, good job I don't need to do it often.

Have to collect an antiviral prescription tomorrow.

I hope your vaccinations will take the edge off Covid as they did for me. I had taught classes for two years during the pandemic and somehow I got Covid at the same time I was laid off due to lower number of students next year. But having been vaccinated three times helped lessen the impact. Get well soon.
A tearoom in Arundel, yesterday a tearoom in Eastbourne, well Bills was all we could find, not too shabby. Both after a decent walk of course. Chicken roasted on a bed of Italian fennel now, with a bottle of Chardonnay I'm not supposed to be drinking, but wine once/twice a week, from 4/5/6 nights a week is quite an improvement!
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