
Today I have mainly been v2

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Went for a walk down to the local Coop for stuff.
Passed an awful lot of houses on the way including one solitary soul who had a big queen portrait and bunting outside.

Later drove across town so my better half could drop some stuff off at a colleague's house.
Passed an awful lot of houses on the way including one solitary soul who had a big queen portrait and bunting outside.

Going to be a hectic weekend by the look of it..... :D
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Went for a walk down to the local Coop for stuff.
Passed an awful lot of houses on the way including one solitary soul who had a big queen portrait and bunting outside.

Later drove across town so my better half could drop some stuff off at a colleague's house.
Passed on awful lot of houses on the way including one solitary soul who had a big queen portrait and bunting outside.

Going to be a hectic weekend by the look of it..... :D

On Lake District campsite, I'd say less than 10% of tents are decked out in Union Jacks, mind you those 10% have plenty of spare flags and Stella should the 90% have a change of heart ;-)
Today - went for a romp up the Wye valley & return*, via the quieter side routes; utterly beautiful.

This afternoon-into-evening: cooking nice things to eat as I post; to-do: at least 2 glasses of the decent Rioja (because I can); also perhaps - to prioritise the bookpile into 'those to start in the next 4days.'

Tomorrow - out on the bicycle somewhere, early am.; then repeat re: cooking thoughts. And ..books.

(* lazy version, exercising the 4l v8, not the bicycle. )
Watching the birds on the feeder again. The blue tits are feisty but defer to the great tits. The greenfinch is stoical and just gets on with it but the goldfinches (who always come as a pair) are scaredy-cats. The nuthatch is a psycho and attacks anything that moves. The magpie has realised that it’s no good banging into the feeder to get nuts to drop out, they simply fall into the inaccessible tray below. He’s reduced to wandering around on the grass taking the others’ chuck-outs, which is also the sparrows’ preferred method. The blackbirds are above all this and sit in the trees singing at me.
^^^^^ only ever seen a nuthatch once.
Starting to have a little rummage around my neglected classical vinyl. Bit of Beethoven today.
Cracking walnuts in antipation at my ermine finery doesnt clash with the tiara i have borried off Tallula for this afternoons ceremony , can taste the black pudding off the pie from earlier very rich .
Been buffing my jubilee coins with the dremmel since 2am , God save the Queen and all who sail in her. Rule Brittania , all aboard the skylark. Viscount biscuits fot all.
buying new trainers online. Replacing like with like as they fit me really well. Current pair still have a few months left in them (they will have last 2.5 years), but I had a 25% discount voucher that expires this weekend.

On the way back from Sainsbury's the handle broke on the carrier bag, which was full of bottles of booze. Now I've just noticed that a button has come off my shirt, possibly from when I made a frantic grab to stop the carrier bag from crashing to the ground.
Bit the bullet and started to record my music collection on Discogs, starting with CDs. I know more now about mould and mastering IFPI codes than this time yesterday. With a bit of luck I may get to the end of the 'A' section today.

On the way back from Sainsbury's the handle broke on the carrier bag, which was full of bottles of booze. Now I've just noticed that a button has come off my shirt, possibly from when I made a frantic grab to stop the carrier bag from crashing to the ground.
A bad luck, good luck, bad luck day.
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Driving through the hordes of tourists . 165k are expected this weekend !!!! ...

Popped into the range for some stuff, gosh that place is like an aladdins cave
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