
"Theorise less, listen more and learn more"

Oddly and rather wonderfully Steve you and Dr Spock are as one. His first principle was 'trust your instincts' the second was 'trust yourself- you know more than you think'.
Max I have conceptual issues with your signature file as well
Fox, I believe he first coined the phrase

Max I have conceptual issues with your signature file as well

I Googled it, to find it's an REM lyric.

Always best to use an HMHB lyric, if you feel the need to use a lyric in a signature file. Here's one for Fox:

I want to perch myself halfway up a metal staircase with the Polydor girls
And talk about meerkats
And come out with statements like:
“Well of course music these days is the slave of mammon and as a result
It has become corrupt and shallow
Its real essence is industry
Its moral purpose is the acquisition of money
Its aesthetic pretext is the entertainment of those who are bored
And yes we’re really excited about going back in to the studio
Hotly tipped, highly anticipated and slated for release”

HMHB: 'Thy Damnation Slumbereth Not'*

* Itself a quotation from 'Jude The Obscure'.
Well this has taken a turn for the better. Isn't it strange how knowledge which was once expensive and difficult get is now easy and cheap to get? It will be interesting to witness the impact of that.

what was Mister Spock's doctorate in
Mister Spock has a doctorate in everything, and he speaks three languages fluently -- English, Vulcan and German.

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Always best to use an HMHB lyric, if you feel the need to use a lyric in a signature file. Here's one for Fox:
How about this?

"We're just knocked out.
We heard about the sell out.
You gotta get an album out,
You owe it to the people. We're so happy we can hardly count."
I think joe hutch needs to have the power to enforce signatures on us

Rem lyrically I gave up on as puerile shallow tosh, sub Morrisey levels of wit and intellect so my reservations stand... I'll deconstruct it and stitch it together later when I have time. I am very pleased to see a complete absence of a any rand-influenced rush signature files
'Raumschiff', seriously, is that the best the Germans can do?

Raum die letzte Grenze

German is a magnificent language and it must have a better polysyllabic word for the vastness of the void than 'Raum'.


Shiny happy people holding hands.

Maybe you need to see it in context, mit die Shat.

Ist guud, ja?

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What makes you think we don't realize that? Some of us, by our very design, just have an allergy to BS, and sleep better in a world that is a tiny weeny bit more advanced than molluscs that just react to sensory input with a primitive emotional response. That, and a good red wine.

Julf, if red wine works for you then go for it but leave the bullshit snide remarks, such as molluscs, that you continually trot out to all who disagree with you out of the forum. It will be a much better place without it. :rolleyes:
its simple , steven is habitually bombarded by people telling him what he hears aint possible outside his sadly wanting instruments of perception and they rely on scientific theory to prove it . Steven is suggesting , there is an explanatory gap between current science and hifi and accordingly one should stop theorising and listen .

it aint a mantra for life it be a pfm recommendation

The problem with this seemingly innocuous recommendation is that the protagonists don't practice what they preach. The 'always trust your ears no matter what the conditions' sect are the very worst when it comes to following gurus and clinging to the ideas of those with a picked, dogmatic view of the audio world. In fact, by not properly linking theory with practice they tend to drift from one potty doctrine to the next. They are bereft of guiding logic and have no real grounding.

I can give examples of course ;)
Julf, if red wine works for you then go for it but leave the bullshit snide remarks, such as molluscs, that you continually trot out to all who disagree with you out of the forum. It will be a much better place without it. :rolleyes:

My mollusc comment was meant as a shortthand for the long trek humanity as a whole has taken since the primordial ooze. Somehow I don't see that as anywhere in the same league of "bullshit snide remarks" as some of the stuff spouted here. I clearly need to practice...
Theorise less, listen less, learn less, live a happy illusory life?

Maybe it was a mistake aiming higher than a mollusc, it comes with a shedload of baggage I am not sure I am equipped to critically assess... My cables have fricking arrows on them, how can I argue with an arrow?


I think I might have a go at gnawing over the bones of Max's signature next but to be honest knowing it's an REM lyric really is a bit of a turn off... Like prodding a bit of poop with a stick for well intentioned but ultimately messy and self-harmful ends.

