
"Theorise less, listen more and learn more"

People must learn that if they don't say what other people want to hear, there is always trouble. Before posting, think carefully about what makes people safe and comfortable and confirms their prejudices. Then say that. Then you will be popular and happy.

Forget theorising: listen more, then repeat.
How about Reset theorising, Pontificate less unless you have an ology in banana ladderising?
Let me examine this: I have an ology in this stuff

I like blue face's pissed off expression, reminds me of a certain person's hypoxia when yet another person comes along and says "I like my [brand of speakers that the certain person does not like]", the one in the front seat would be the rest of whom are here for the ride. But whom is driving? Its almost surreal in its execution and yet has a turn of the century Parisienne feel about the way the bananas are haphazardly strewn with candour suggesting gay abandon and perhaps rude debauchery underneath a surfeit of bananas, the suggestively placed ladder-headed wotsit on top of the bananas is pure Daliesque self referential inadequacy of the artists' dysfunctional weenie. A meditation on impotence and yet I detect a wider social message about the lack of desire to work hard and crawl up the social ladder if the muddled classes could be bothered to get out of their state-supplied benefits chaise? Such seductive placement and erotic overtones of the tail and the leg-over screams "not from Swindon.".

"Draw me, draw me like one of your french banana ladders."
artist unknown, likely to be mid career Ponksy
Collage, iPad: stolen digital art with crayons, glue and dribble (from holding the crayons)
£67,890. I take bitcoins BTW.

If I you make it a round £68k I'll throw some glitter on it. Sure to be an investment at greater than the current rate of interest. You cannot lose
"Draw me, draw me like one of your french banana ladders."
artist unknown, likely to be mid career Ponksy
Collage, iPad: stolen digital art with crayons, glue and dribble (from holding the crayons)
£67,890. I take bitcoins BTW.

If its that valuable, I'll make some prints of it

Will you sign them for me?
Rejoice for I come bearing ladders


Wow, the drugs are good tonight...

Rejoice for I come bearing ladders


Wow, the drugs are good tonight...


Sold to the discerning gentleman with discerning discernment... And money...

The version you have there was intended only for the North American and Canadian market. I will run yours through some filters to give it a sheen of individual authenticity

Look at how Ponksy Is so contemptuous of the art world, he even put his coffee mug down on it.

Matthewr can analyse the diameter of the rings to determine if the coffee cup is the proper diameter and spectrographic analysis will reveal if it was extracted properly.

EDIT: breaking news: the ring in fact smells like cocoa! Who do we have on board for cocoa analytics?
Effective theorising can be productive and lead to changes in ones system that are good moves. Sharing those findings with others MAY be appreciated. Theorising in private is certainly not a problem.

If of course one is not particularly capable at theorising it must be avoided at all costs as it might lead to ridicule when posting ones thoughts.

Theorising leads to innovation and progress. Pontificating about it like I am doing here is of course unacceptable to some.

All progress has involved theorising. OK maybe some people dreamed up an innovation/invention it just came to them like a vision.

A world without theorising would be a strange place. Keep it up

