
System Pics 2016 part II

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Really not much changes here - but my hearing has and right now it's like owning a completely new and revelatory system. A shame I can't take these with me when I leave. Best speaker I have owned by a country mile.

What do you use to drive the Iota Alphas and what are your impressions? Show reports are very positive.


What do you use to drive the Iota Alphas and what are your impressions? Show reports are very positive.


These speakers was sent to me for a test purpose by Russian Neat Acoustics distributor. I used my Naim NAC12/NAP160 combo without any problem, although Alphas are not very efficient speakers, and I turned the volume up for about 1 hour comparing to my Spendors SP100R.
Must admit I'm very pleased with these VERY small floorstanders - full-bodied, "joyful" sound, fast attacks, and nice spatial characteristics. The naturalness of vocals and acoustics instruments was surprised me, I've been told that new Neat non-paper cones are not so very good as old paper ones.

The main concerns were to a bass - slightly detached and too rubbery. And there was too much bass for my taste. Various placement hasn't helped, but in other room everything can change.

Thanks for taking the time to comment. You have good taste in equipment by the way.

Thanks again
Nice system Patu. How well does the SNait drive the ATCs? I did consider them before going the Harbeth route, but thought I'd need more power.

Thanks Tim!

I come from PMC 20.23 and wanted something bigger with better low end performance. 20.23 is a great speaker when it comes to speed, rhythm and accuracy. But only after I auditioned SCM40 at home, I knew what I had been missing. There's simply no area where 20.23 could match SCM40's performance. And since the SCM40 is much bigger speaker, the low end performance is from another planet really. But to my surprise, SCM40 performed best on the midrange, thanks to the dedicated midrange driver which is ATC's specialty.

I was first concerned about the power also since ATC's are very power hungry. I live in a small 20m2 apartment and handling bass in this space can be a problem. But what helps here is SCM40's closed design. Bass stays in good control, even when I need to place the speakers only ~20cm from the back wall. Also SN2 does great job here, even if it's only specced for 80W. HiCap DR is essential though. I tried to unplug it once and lost so much control from the low end that the sound came almost unlistenable. But with HCDR the sound stays well controlled with all the Naim goodness in there.

I'm well aware that I wold probably benefit from 250DR or higher end poweramp from Naim lineup but it's a big hit financially to upgrade from SN2. It would need to be 282 + 250DR and that's a lot of €€€.

I recently auditioned Harbeth SHL5+ at my dealers place with SN2 but the source was some lower end Musical Fidelty DAC + transport. Anyway, they sounded very nice, though very different than ATC. My concern with Harbeth would be how they perform with fast paced music with complex passages. They're not as fast as ATC.
A big thanks to Yurivv, Merlin and KiethL for posting incredible photos of speakers all in great surroundings.
Why do people always quote the whole pics instead of a short: @xfhfjg: Nice combo :rolleyes:

Because it's annoying AF to keep clicking on links and having new windows open rather than just view it all in the same thread.

Besides, it's much nicer to browse a series of nice photos on a page rather than having to manually click to view each one. That was my reasoning. Hope it's satisfactory for you :)
@Rallye_punk;2970434: I think you got me wrong. I don't mean the pics itself as the first post.

But you can write a comment/post without quoting the whole post before.
You can do it like me (above). Or Tim in post before.
Because it's annoying AF to keep clicking on links and having new windows open rather than just view it all in the same thread.

To others, it's annoying AF to have pictures repeated when there's no need to repeat them - especially if the original poster has posted 9 or 10 pics, then someone comes along, quoting their post, and only adding a one liner, with the quote including all the pictures again.

I'm not having a go at you in particular, but can you see how your post #309 has done this? There's now two pictures of those Cheviots, where just the first would suffice.

All the quoter need do is edit the quote. Like I've done above to remove the second paragraph of your post. Anyone can remove pictures from the quote this way. Just remove the IMG tags and the stuff between them
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